This Week at St. Gregory's
Friday, March 29
Stations of the Crosswalk (from St. Thomas to St. Gregory's): 12:00 Noon.
Good Friday service: 7:00 PM in-person and ONLINE: 10:15 AM
Bulletin is available HERE.
Saturday, March 30
Liturgy of the Word: 9:30 AM
Great Vigil of Easter: 7:00 PM in-person and ONLINE: 10:15 AM
Bulletin is available HERE.
Sunday, March 31
"Sunrise Service" at St. Thomas: 7:00 AM
Choral Easter Day Eucharist (sung) in-person and ONLINE: 10:15 AM.
Bulletin is available HERE.
**Easter Egg Hunt to follow
Tuesday, April 2
Centering Prayer on Zoom: 6:30 PM.
Ordo is available HERE.
Thursday, April 4
Mid-Week Eucharist and Healing Service
in the Chapel: 10:00 AM.
Bible Study in Fireside Room
and on Zoom: 11:00 AM.
Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room:
7:30 PM.
Daily Offices
Morning Prayer: Tuesday through Thursday at 9:00 AM with Mother Sharon Sheffield of St. Thomas of Canterbury ONLINE. Documents for Morning Prayer are:
Morning Prayer Text (BCP)
Psalms for Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer: Tuesday through Thursday at 5:00 PM with Fr. Michael Fincher ONLINE. Documents for Evening Prayer are:
Evening Prayer Text (BCP)
Psalms for Evening Prayer