Weekly News Roundup

July 12, 2024

Visit our website

It is likely that those of you reading this have been affected by the recent storm and we want you to know that we are here to assist you and your municipalities in the coming days / weeks and beyond. Please contact Emergency Planner Keith Cubbon – cubbon@cvregion.com for assistance. While a FEMA declaration has not been made as of this news preparation, please see the attached document for FEMA public assistance tips shared by VLCT during last year’s flood event.

Upcoming Events

Town of Worcester Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Meeting

Worcester Town officials are completing the process to identify and plan for natural hazards that put the community’s investments at risk. As part of the process the City would like to collect your input. Worcester’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan will identify risks to the City and then create mitigation actions to lower the overall risk to the community. Hazard mitigation means making long-term investments to protect people, property, infrastructure, natural resources and the economy from harsh weather and other natural disaster events.


A public meeting to discuss hazard risks and mitigation actions to lower the overall risk of natural disasters to the town will be held on July 18, 2024 at the Town Hall and via zoom at 5:30pm, (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85980749845?pwd=aLvsz4HJ3Woh09iTBCbbEDbxo9a5wZ.1)


You can also complete an online survey to make sure that your voice is being heard. The survey link is https://tinyurl.com/4nazstxy.

Community Leadership Summit

Registration has opened for the 2024 Vermont Community Leadership Summit: Forge Forward, Thrive Together! The event will take place on Tuesday, August 6th at Vermont State University in Randolph, Vermont, and is hosted by the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD).

Join hundreds of community builders from across the state to build skills, capacity, and connections - and forge forward towards a thriving and resilient future for all. This year’s event offers a range of topics tailored to support people working on all aspects of local vitality and resilience - capacity, economic vitality, emergency preparedness, youth engagement, inclusion, and more. Attendees can participate in any session, or follow optional “Participation Pathways” of Climate Resilience and Long-term Recovery; Youth Leadership and Engagement; or Understanding and Solving Our Persistent Challenges. 

See the full agenda and sliding-scale registration (including signing up for lunch and accessibility accommodations) at vtrural.org/summit. All who are interested in supporting their community and the future of the state are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Community News

Report Storm Damage *Info from Agency of Commerce & Community Development*

If your home, business, or nonprofit organization has suffered damage, please report it to 211. You can do that by calling 211 or reporting it online. Here are links to the business damage form and the residential damage form.

To be clear, this is a data collection effort that provides the state with important intelligence to be able to respond to non-emergency. storm-related damages and allow us to keep track of cumulative damages needed when applying for federal disaster relief.

When documenting your damage, please write it down what you find and take photos of it. This will not only be helpful for reporting to 211, but it will also be helpful to you if you decide to make an insurance claim.

No damage is too small to report. It will all help the state of Vermont paint a picture of the devastation that will be used to apply for federal disaster relief.

Please note: 211 is not for reporting emergencies. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

Flood Response Resource Sharing

In working with the Town of Cabot recently in preparation for their scheduled "After the Flood" event this weekend, we want to share couple of the response resources that they are distributing at this in person event.

Property Owner's Guide For Rebuilding with Resiliency

Homeowner's and Renter's Guide to Cleaning Up after Disaster

Municipal Enhanced Energy Planning

If you were unable to attend our recent Municipal Enhanced Energy Planning Training, the video is available on our website at https://centralvtplanning.org/cvrpc-training-and-workshop-recordings/

Capstone seeks Director of the Weatherization and Climate Impact Department

Capstone Community Action is hiring a Director of the Weatherization and Climate Impact Department. This position is a key member of the organization’s leadership team and will oversee multiple programs within the department, operations, and initiatives. The position will help formulate, implement, and execute the Department’s vision and strategy; Collaborate, build partnerships, and represent Capstone in public and community weatherization and climate forums. To learn more details about this position, qualifications, and benefits, please view the position on our website www.capstonevt.org/careers

RFPs & Grant Information

EECBG (Energy Efficiency And Conservation Block Grant) Sub Grants

This funding opportunity, made possible by the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program, aims to assist local governments in enhancing energy efficiency and reducing fossil fuel emissions, particularly in the transportation and building sectors. The initiative focuses on creating a sustainable and equitable energy economy, prioritizing disadvantaged communities, and promoting inclusive workforce opportunities. Municipalities are invited to propose projects that align with these goals, selecting from a range of eligible activities designed to improve local and regional energy strategies. It can be used for EVs, EV chargers, and bikes (electric &conventional), building energy assessments & audits, transportation (bike, pedestrian, traffic signal synchronization, satellite work facilities) planning, building code related work, zoning updates re efficiency and conservation, etc.  Please feel free to contact CVRPC's Climate & Energy Planner Sam Lash lash@cvregion.com or CVRPC Senior Transportation Planner Reuben MacMartin macmartin@cvregion.com for assistance. Additional Program detail here.

Hazard Mitigation Buyouts - Update from VLCT

The State has made it easier and less burdensome for municipalities to participate in Hazard Mitigation Program grants for property buyouts submitted by 8/16. More details here.

Upcoming Meetings

In addition to a physical location, CVRPC will provide a video or call-in option for all meetings (see agendas on our website for details).


July 18 1 pm Winooski Basin Water Quality Council

July 18 5:30 pm Worcester Local Hazard Mitigation Public Meeting

July 23 6:30 pm Transportation Advisory Committee

July 25 4 pm Project Review Committee
