promoting health for AYA males

Weekly News Roundup
January 7, 2014

Beyond the Stereotypical Image of Young Men of Color


Minority youth are often portrayed through a distorted lens. But many live counternarratives every day.


But young men of color posses a range of complexities-insights, emotions, and aesthetics-that the public neither sees nor accepts because American culture often defines these males negatively and far too narrowly. In simple terms, there is much more to young men of color beyond the stereotypical image.

The Atlantic, January 5, 2015

Teens with mental health problems often have access to guns, study finds

A new study finds teens with mental health problems in the United States report having easy access to guns. Just under 41 percent of teens noted in the study reported having easy access to a firearm at home, and the researchers found no change in that percentage for teens who have a history of mental health problems and suicidal tendencies.

UPI, January 3, 2015  

Steering boys away from the allure of violence


When I see a young male in therapy who is obviously frail, obese or otherwise out of shape and he tells me he possesses the ability to level any opponent or break bones with one swift kick, I do not challenge what he is saying. Instead the comment is, "I believe it would feel great to fear no one and have few ever challenge you."

Orange County Register, December 30, 2014

Teens Smoked Less, Drank Less Alcohol And Abused Opiods Less In 2014


Recent results released by the National Institute on Drug Abuse finds that use of cigarettes, alcohol, and abuse of prescription pain relievers among teens declined from 2013 while marijuana use rates were stable. 

Scientific Blogging, December 31, 2014

Adolescent Boys Roam Farther To Find Mates

From myths to cartoons, our stories are full of teenage boys going off on roaming, romantic adventures. These stories may have a basis in fact, according to a new study: Men in a South American society travel more than women, but only during adolescence, when they are most actively seeking romantic partners.

Inside Science, December 30, 2014

Oral cancer on rise in young people


"Most of the cancers we saw were smoking, alcohol related," Friedlander said. "Right now we've seen an increase in a number of people who have not been exposed to cigarettes and alcohol that have these cancers." And he said that's because of the human papilloma virus, or HPV. It's an orally transmitted virus that he says is easy to get. "These can be transmitted through oral sexual contact or something as innocuous as an open-mouth kiss," Friedlander said., December 30, 2014

Texted Reminders Help Parents Get Kids In For Flu Shots


Young children are especially susceptible to the seasonal flu, and annual flu immunizations are the best way to protect them.But many children under 9 require two doses of the vaccine to be fully protected, and only about half of those who need two doses get both. That's in addition to the one-third of children in the United States who don't get flu immunizations at all.What'll it take to drive those numbers up? Simply texting parents a few reminders may help.

NPR, December 29, 2014


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Get the Partnership's AYA Male Health Toolkit app!


The Partnership for Male Youth is a collaboration among 23 national organizations and representation from six federal agencies. It is led by a multidisciplinary and multispecialty steering committee and advisory council. The Partnerships's flagship effort, released in January 2014, is The Health Provider Toolkit for Adolescent and Young Adult Males.
Dennis J. Barbour, Esq.
Executive Director

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