promoting health for AYA males
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Weekly News Roundup
January 11, 2016
Dennis J. Barbour, JD, Editor
Study: Autistic girls better with social relationships than autistic boys

Autistic girls are more socially motivated and have more intimate friendships than autistic boys, says a study. 'One of the most striking findings of our study was that that the friendships of autistic girls were more like those of non-autistic girls than they were like the friendships of autistic boys,' said Felicity Sedgewick from University College London.
The Health Site, January 10, 2016
Journal Article: The neuropsychological profile of adolescent males with anorexia nervosa - a case series

The aim of the current case series was to explore the neuropsychological profile of adolescent males with a diagnosis of AN. The participants were selected from a database of patients with eating disorders - out of which ten were males with an AN diagnosis, mean age 15 years and 9 months. 
Taylor and Francis Group, January 8, 2016
Why getting the HPV vaccine for my sons was a no-brainer

It's now been five years since I had my sons vaccinated against HPV and they've remained symptom-free. In that time my oldest son became sexually active, and has not (to date) contracted a sexually transmitted disease or infection. I am thankful that along with knowledge about safe-sex practices, he also has the added immunity to certain strains of HPV that can lead to far worse diseases., January 8, 2016
Meningitis B vaccine: What college students need to know

Most colleges already require a meningitis vaccine for students that covers the A, C, W135 and Y strains, because the disease spreads when many people live in proximity, such as in a dormitory. Over the past two years, the FDA approved two optional, additional vaccines to guard against a fifth...
Newsday, January 8, 2016

A huge part of parenting is talking to your kids about tough topics, even if it's a bit uncomfortable. Here are some ways to start that conversation., January 8, 2016
New Dietary Guidelines Urge Less Sugar for All and Less Protein for Boys and Men

New federal dietary guidelines announced on Thursday urge Americans to drastically cut back on sugar, and for the first time have singled out teenage boys and men for eating too much meat, chicken and eggs.
New York Times, January 7, 2016
5 Common HPV Myths, Busted

Here is a closer look at five of the most common HPV myths, dissected and busted by a medical expert who sees more than 100 HPV cases annually., January 7, 2016

It's unclear whether or not sound science and basic logic can overcome long-lasting misconceptions about what happens when you teach kids about sexual health (hint: It  doesn't make them have sex sooner , and actually might contribute to  delayed sexual activity ). Medical professionals aren't immune from internalizing stigma about sex: Physicians and pharmacists alike have been known not only to buy into myths about young people's sexuality, but to  perpetuate   them as well. Not bringing up the HPV vaccine because it might mean having an uncomfortable conversation - or confronting the reality of teen sexuality - isn't just bad medicine. It contributes to a culture of shame and silence about sex and sexual health. It could also be putting their lives at risk.  
Connections.mic, January 7, 2016

Suicide is a leading cause of death among kids under 12. But while the trend is improving for white children, it is getting  far worse , according to a study appearing in JAMA Pediatrics for black kids. Between 1993 and 1997 and 2008 to 2012 the suicide rate among black boys, aged 5 to 11, nearly doubled. During the same period, the rate among white children fell dramatically. 
Quartz, January 6, 2016

This suggests that much greater progress could be achieved, if only more support for this immunization was shown by the medical community, and provided that "knowledge gaps" were replaced with comprehensive information regarding the hazardous nature of the human papillomavirus.
Wall Street Hedge, January 6, 2016
The Weekly News Roundup is produced by The Partnership for Male Youth and is released every Monday. 
For more information contact Dennis J. Barbour, JD. News Roundup editor and President/CEO of the Partnership, at

Get the Partnership's AYA Male Health Toolkit app!

The  Partnership for Male Youth is a collaboration among 23 national organizations and representation from six federal agencies. It is led by a multidisciplinary and multispecialty steering committee and advisory council. The Partnerships's flagship effort, released in January 2014, is  The Health Provider Toolkit for Adolescent and Young Adult Males.
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