promoting health for AYA males
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Weekly News Roundup
January 4, 2016
Dennis J. Barbour, JD, Editor
Many doctors don't urge HPV shots for preteens, survey suggests

Many pediatricians and family doctors are not strongly recommending the cancer-preventing HPV vaccine to preteens and their parents, contributing to low vaccination rates, a survey of nearly 600 doctors suggests. The study was published online Monday in Pediatrics. While nearly all doctors surveyed discuss the vaccine with at least some patients that young, more than one-third don't strongly recommend it for those ages. The most common reasons doctors cited for delaying HPV discussions and vaccinations included a belief that patients hadn't had sex and that parents would object.  Noting that about one-third of all youth have had sex by age 16, the researchers said some doctors need a clearer understanding of reasons to vaccinate preteens.
AP, January 3, 2015

It's been a busy year for a small team of university-based health researchers who focus almost entirely on health issues affecting gay and bisexual men in this country.
GayNZ, January 4, 2016

Higher income, White population, and private school type significantly predicted greater increases in exemptions from mandatory child vaccinations from 2007 to 2013, whereas higher educational attainment was associated with smaller increases.
American Journal of Public Health, January 2016
Being Bullied During Teen Years May Lead to Later Health Problems

Over the course of the study, between 29% to 52% of the boys and 20% to 29% of girls reported being physical bullying at least sometimes. Between 28% and 67% of boys and 37% to 54% of girls said they were victims of emotional taunts at least some of the time. Up to 2 percent of participants reported they were bullied all of the time, the study found.
Youth Health, December 30, 2016
Proposed recommendation dovetails with surge in U.S. cases of the sexually transmitted disease

All adults and teens at increased risk for syphilis should be screened for the sexually transmitted disease, a U.S. Preventive Services Task Force draft recommendation says.The recommendation complements a 2009 task force recommendation that all pregnant women be screened for syphilis.
Medline Plus, December 14, 2015
The Weekly News Roundup is produced by The Partnership for Male Youth and is released every Monday. 
For more information contact Dennis J. Barbour, JD. News Roundup editor and President/CEO of the Partnership, at

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The  Partnership for Male Youth is a collaboration among 23 national organizations and representation from six federal agencies. It is led by a multidisciplinary and multispecialty steering committee and advisory council. The Partnerships's flagship effort, released in January 2014, is  The Health Provider Toolkit for Adolescent and Young Adult Males.
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