Oct. 6, 2017

Assalamu Alaikum

Dear Family & Friends of ICSC, 

This weekend's theme is all about family. Pack up the kids and head toward the fun for one of our exciting weekend programs!

The action starts tonight with both Family Night (at New Horizon School Pasadena) and Family Movie Night at the Islamic Center. Dive into a conversation about "Teenage and Family Issues" with Dr. Saleh Kholaki at 6 p.m. in Pasadena while we entertain the kids with a screening of Kung Fu Panda in our ICSC Lecture Hall at 6:30 p.m.

And don't forget - our highly anticipated End of Summer Picnic will take place tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 7, at Griffith Park (Picnic Area "D"). This is a family event with food and fun for all ages. We will be grilling halal burgers and hot dogs - children under 7 will receive a FREE kids meal. Bring your blankets and backyard games. Over 400 people attended this event last year and we're only expecting it to grow this year! 

Also, please join us for this weekend's Sunday Program. At 12:15 p.m., we will welcome Hassan Zeenni for a presentation titled, "Medina: An Example of Harmony & Peace," as he leads us in an enlightening discussion on the historical merits of post-Hijrah Medina. 

We look forward to seeing you and your loved ones at an Islamic Center event this weekend!

In peace,
Islamic Center of Southern California

P.S. STAY INFORMED.  Please forward this newsletter to your friends so they can join our mailing list.

In this Issue
  • Community Corner: Catch up on last weekend's events - Ashura Iftar & Rise Against Hunger with First United Methodist Church
  • Friday Khutba: Listen to last week's khutba by Ahmed Gabalawy, "Life Lessons from those Facing Death"
  • Coming Up at ICSC: Our End of Summer Picnic is TOMORROW!
  • Donate: Thank you for your generosity
A Message from our Chairperson

The preliminary hearing for Mark  Feigin was held Monday October 2nd. Mr.  Feigin was held to answer on all counts so the case will continue to move forward through the criminal justice system with jury trial expected in the coming months.
As you may recall, Mr.  Feigin was charged with calling the Center on September 20, 2016 and made a threat against the Center. He was also charged with annoying communications for hate filled Facebook posts on the Center's Facebook page.  (Hedab Tarifi, Chairperson)

Community Corner commcorn
"Ashura: Lessons from the Exodus and Community Iftar "

After a long day of fasting on Saturday, Sep. 29, approximately 250 people gathered for a special program surrounding the Day of Ashura. The event lit up the spirits of those in attendance - as congregants left with their hearts warmed and their bellies full following an hour-long reflection led by Dr. Saleh Kholaki and a community iftar.

Dr. Kholaki addressed the growing crowd in the Prayer Hall that night with a message filled with history and inspiration.

We took a stand with Rise Against Hunger to Feed 17,000 children

Last Sunday, Oct. 1, volunteers from the Islamic Center of Southern California and First United Methodist Church in Pasadena teamed up for a "Rise Against Hunger" event. 

 Over the course of only two hours, those in attendance were able to prepare and package 17,000 meals for children in Cambodia. These meals are sent to children to help keep them in school and ultimately break the cycle of poverty.

Friday Khutbas khutba
Tarek Shawky
OCT 13
Hassan Zeenni
Listen to Last Week's Friday Khutba (Sep. 29)

Ahmed Gabalway - "Life Lessons from those Facing Death"
Coming up at ICSC COMINGUP
This Weekend

FRIDAY (10/6)
1 p.m.  -  Jum'a Khutba & Prayer
Tarek Shawky
@ ICSC Prayer Hall
6 p.m.  - Family Night @ NH Pasadena
Dr. Saleh Kholaki
@ New Horizon School Pasadena
TopicAfter a dinner catered by Dinah's Chicken (available for purchase), Dr. Saleh will lead a session titled, "Teen & Family Issues".
RSVP  here