Oct. 20, 2017

Assalamu Alaikum

Dear Family & Friends of ICSC, 

We're just over a week away from our upcoming Open Mosque Day Festival on Sunday, Oct. 29 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This year, we will have storytelling, face painting, calligraphy, arts & crafts, clothing vendors, food vendors, cultural booths and more! We encourage all of you to bring your families and invite your neighbors for an afternoon of fun and learning. Sponsors, volunteers, and vendors are still needed! Please see  below for more information.  

This weekend, we hope you'll kick off your Friday night with another Family Night program at New Horizon School in Pasadena from 6 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. This week, the program has been restructured to include a 5-week Quran study with Dr. Gasser Hathout ($50 for 5 weeks). In addition, tonight, Dr. Gasser will lead our adults and high school youth in a discussion about our current marriage crisis while our junior high kids review the story of Prophet Adam. Dinah's chicken will be available for purchase. Please RSVP here

Also, after a yearlong break, our Get to Know Each Other program returns to the ICSC this Sunday, Oct. 22 from 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. This is  a joint intrafaith initiative that was established in 2016 between the ICSC and Masjid BilalDon't miss out on an important discussion surrounding the culture of gun violence in America and how Islam works to prevent it. Salam Al-Marayati and Talib Abdullah will lead the conversation.

We look forward to seeing you and your loved ones at an Islamic Center event this weekend!

In peace,
Islamic Center of Southern California

P.S. STAY INFORMED.  Please forward this newsletter to your friends so they can join our mailing list.

2017 Open Mosque Day Festivalomd

We're just a couple weeks away from our 2017 Open Mosque Day Festival. This year, in addition to our regular tours and a short information session about Islam, we will be planning more fun activities for everyone to enjoy. There will be face painting, henna, arts & crafts, clothing/accessory vendors, promotional booths for local businesses, food, and more! It should be a fun day for the whole family. Share the event on Facebook and invite your friends and neighbors who might be interested in joining the fun! 

Sponsors, Volunteers, & Vendors
Sponsor a Booth/Activity
Candle Decoration ($300), Masabeh Creation ($300), Photo Booth ($385), Face Painting ($400), Kid's Train ($500), Rock Climbing Wall ($500), Trampoline ($675)

Register as a
Sign-up to Volunteer at a Booth/Activity
We need volunteers to help with storytelling, henna painting, face painting, arabic calligraphy, food sales, greeters, cultural booths and more!

Register as a
Reserve a Vendor Booth for your Business
Promote your local business by reserving a professional vendor booth. Sell food and drinks, clothing and accessories or hand out promotional materials.

Register as a
In this Issue
  • Community Corner: Take a quick survey and tell us how to serve you
  • Friday Khutba: Listen to last week's khutba by Hassan Zeenni, "Medina: An Example of Embracing Diversity"
  • Coming Up at ICSC: Join us for an interfaith program with Masjid Bilal to learn about the culture of gun violence in America and how Islam works to prevent it.
  • Donate: Thank you for your generosity
Community Corner commcorn
Help us Kick off our End of Year Campaign!
As an honored member of Islamic Center of Southern California we appreciate your input. While we prepare for our End of Year Campaign, we need community members, like yourself, to tell us what you are invested in.  Please fill out this quick 5 question survey. It should take you 2 minutes. 

Friday Khutbas khutba
OCT 20
Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl
OCT 27
Salam Al-Marayati
Listen to Last Week's Friday Khutba (Oct. 13)

Coming up at ICSC COMINGUP
This Weekend

FRIDAY (10/20)
1 p.m. -  Jum'a Khutba & Prayer
Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl
@ ICSC Prayer Hall
6 p.m. - Family Night @ NH Pasadena
Dr. Gasser Hathout
@ New Horizon School Pasadena
Topic: Marriage Crisis in our Community (Adults & High School), Story of Prophet Adam (Middle School), & Quran Class w/Dr. Gasser ($50 for 5 sessions). Dinah's chicken is available for purchase. 
RSVP here

SATURDAY (10/21)
10:30 a.m.  ICSC Food Pantry
Dr. Karima Hirani & Al Mamdani
@ ICSC Social Hall
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.

SUNDAY (10/22)
10 a.m.  Sunday School
Register here!
11 a.m.  Muslim Youth Group (MYG)
Nia Malika Dixon
@ Shatto Lanes
Topic You are invited to an MYG Bowling Party! We're getting together for some good, clean fun. Bring your A-game, and be prepared to bowl! The cost is $13 for games, and $3 for your shoes
11 a.m.  Parents Circle
Edina Lekovic & Tarek Shawky
@ ICSC Lecture Hall
11:45 a.m.  -  Highlights of the Quran
Mahmood Waseeq
@ ICSC Lecture Hall
12:15 p.m.  -  "Get to Know Each Other"
Salam Al-Marayati & Talib Abdullah
@ ICSC Lecture Hall
TopicTackling the Culture of Gun Violence in Our Country.

Next Week

FRIDAY (10/27)
1 p.m. -  Jum'a Khutba & Prayer
Salam Al-Marayati
@ ICSC Prayer Hall

SATURDAY (10/28)
10:30 a.m. -  ICSC Food Pantry
Dr. Karima Hirani & Al Mamdani
@ ICSC Social Hall
Volunteers arrive @ 9:45 a.m.
12 p.m. -  #MeToo Sisterhood Circle
@ ICSC Lecture Hall
Topic: In response to the #MeToo posts that have been flooding social media, the ICSC has decided to create a safe place for women to come and share their experiences with sexual harassment & sexual assault amongst a sisterhood of healing + support. A professional will be present to facilitate. Safe and confidential.
5 p.m. - Hidden Trails Sunset Hike
Abdalla Senussi
@ Santa Monica Mountains
Info: Intermediate level hikes that take place every other Saturday in the Santa Monica Mountains. Contact Abdalla directly for trail information and meeting location.
Contact  ( )
6 p.m. -  Singles Social Club Mixer
@ West Los Angeles
This month, the mixer is being held for men and women ages (45 - 60 yrs). We serve a family style dinner, place ice breakers, and encourage conversation. This is NOT a matchmaking event.
Register here !

SUNDAY (10/29)
10 a.m. - Sunday School
Register here!
11 a.m. - Open Mosque Day Festival
ICSC Interfaith Council
@ ICSC Parking Lot
Topic: Every year, mosques across Los Angeles open their doors to people of all faiths to deepen their understanding of Islam and Muslims in America. Join us for an afternoon of fun and learning for everyone. Register to sponsor an activity/booth, sign-up as a volunteer, or reserve a vendor booth for your local business today!
Register Vendor/Volunteer:  HERE
Become a Sponsor:  HERE

Prayer Times prayers
We are open for prayers five times a day, every day. The iqama (announcement for prayer) is ten minutes after the Call to Prayer (athan). You can find prayer times on our  website .

"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He will multiply it for him and he will have a noble reward?
(Qur'an 57:11)


Kristen Stangas, Communication Coordinator

ICSC | 213.382.9200 | |