MAY 17, 2024

Bernini Holy Spirit, St. Peter's Basilica, The Vatican


Come, Holy Spirit!

Dear Friends,

It is Pentecost, a special feast day for those of us at the Paulist Center and our Holy Spirit Chapel. It is also the end of another year of our Family Religious Education Program (FREP). In this week's bulletin, Norm shares a pastoral reflection on the Pentecost Sequence that will be proclaimed at each of our Masses this weekend. And Susan shares some end of the FREP year thoughts just below.

See below for bulletin contents, potential opportunities to serve our community, our extended Memorial Day Weekend office closing, the community pot-luck hosted by the Young Adult ministry next Sun, May 26, after the 6pm mass, Fr. Rich's Farewell on Sun, Jun 2 after the 10am Mass, the Summer Bulletin Schedule, other upcoming events and more.

A Reflection from Susan:

And, just like that, another end-of-the-year FREP party is upon us! How did it go from kick-off in September to last class in May in what seemed to be such a short time of time? Time flies when you're having fun? Maybe, but I think it's more the pace we keep up during the school year that keeps the weeks, weekends, and months flying by at breakneck speed.  

To date, we've had 36 FREP classes/events that included four intergenerational events, two socials, the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion, and three group service projects (Helping Hands, Wednesday Night Supper Club and Walk For Hunger). Great job families and children for showing up and doing the work! I know how hard it is to get up early on a Sunday, get the kids ready, drive into Boston, battle with parking (or the dreaded T!), and participate in Mass and religious education programs. It's a lot. I see you.

As Norm and I work on next year's FREP and liturgy calendar, we are so excited to minister to you and with you starting in the fall (FREP kick-off liturgy is September 15th to be exact!). Careful and thoughtful planning with our families in mind is a priority for our 10am Mass time and religious education activities. We hope you are as excited to get involved and spend time with us here at the Paulist Center. Last, but certainly not least, THANK YOU to our amazing teachers (most of whom are Moms!) who sacrifice the most during the FREP season being present and sharing their faith with our children! 

Have a wonderful summer spent with family and friends (and don't forget God!).


In This Week's Bulletin

  • Fr. Rich's Farewell party, Sunday, 6/2 @ 11:15am
  • Final FREP Sunday this Sunday
  • 2025 Teen Confirmation Parent Mtg - Zoom, Tuesday, 5/28 @ 7pm
  • Flower acknowledgements
  • Young Adult hosted community-wide Pot Luck, 5/26 after the 6pm Mass
  • Young Adult One-on-One Welcomes
  • All are Welcome Mass and Reception, Pride Friday,

6/7 @ 6:30pm

  • 50th Anniversary Hecker Award Nominations Wanted!
  • Immigration Advocacy Group Welcomes Ukrainian Families
  • Rest in Peace, Eddie McCarthy, Supper Club Volunteer Extraordinaire
  • Pastoral Reflection by Norm. The Sequence for Pentecost: An Ancient Hymn to the Holy Spirit
  • Stewardship/Community Gift
  • Call for Pastoral Council Candidates, due 5/24
  • Creation Care Zoom Meeting Monday, 6/10 @ 5pm

An Extended Memorial Day Holiday for Support Staff Appreciation - Offices Closed Fri, May 24 through Tues, May 28

Our offices will be closed and there will be no weekday Masses or confessions on Fri, May 24, Mon, May 27 or Tues, May 28. We will re-open on Wed, May 29. Weekend Masses continue as usual. See the bulletin for more details. Thank you to our loyal and dedicated team!

Young Adult Ministry Hosts Community Potluck - Next Sun, May 26

Next Sun, May 26, the Young Adult Ministry (YAM) will be hosting the monthly Community-wide dinner in the 3rd Fl Library after the 6pm Mass. Open to all who bring a dish (not just young adults). Don't forget to RSVP by visiting by Friday, May 24!

Fr. Rich's Farewell Party Sun, Jun 2 after the 10am Mass

Fr. Rich Andre's last weekend with us will be June 1 & 2. We'll have a farewell celebration for Rich after the 10 am Mass on Sun, June 2. Join us for good food, final thoughts, and laughs while we wish Fr. Rich well. More details on p. 1 of the bulletin!


Our Summer Bulletin Schedule

June 2/9: due to extended holiday, text due 

               NO LATER THAN 9AM Thurs, 5/23

June 16/23: text due 6/11

June 30/July 7: text due 6/25

July 14/21: text due 7/9

July 28/Aug 4: text due 7/23

Aug 11/18: text due 8/6

Aug 25/Sept 1: text due 8/20

Back to a weekly schedule starting with the Sept 7/8 bulletin.

Opportunities to Serve Our Community

As we continue transitioning to having only one priest on staff, we are in need of volunteer help in a variety of ways that are essential to the function of the Paulist Center Community. Is the Holy Spirit calling you to serve at this time?

We are looking for help with Communications. We are flexible to how this can be done, but ideally, we are looking for someone who has familiarity with Constant Contact, the liturgical calendar, and the activities of the Paulist Center, with time to help on Wednesdays and Thursdays. More details are on p. 2 of this previous bulletin. Contact Patty if you have questions or suggestions.

We are seeking nominations for people to run in the elections for Pastoral Council. More information is available on p. 4 of the bulletin. Those who are interested in running need to turn in candidate statements, along with the signatures of 25 Paulist Center Community members, to Deb by Fri, May 24. Elections of three people to serve 2-year terms will be held June 8-16.

Come Celebrate Pentecost with Us!

The Solemnity of Pentecost is here! We hope to see you at Mass in person, but if you can't make it through the big red doors, we welcome you to join us online:

Pentecost Sunday

10 am Sun, May 19

Trinity Sunday

10 am Sun, May 26

Remember: all of our live streams are available in real time on our YouTube channel & available there afterwards as recordings.

Upcoming Events & Notes

The most comprehensive listing of what's going on at the Paulist Center is in the bulletin. Check it out!

  • Info on this weekend's Community Gift recipient, New Ways Ministry.

  • Remember to dress in layers over the next few weeks, as we have switched our HVAC system over to air conditioning.

  • Young adults (ages 18-39), whether or not they are Catholic, are welcome to schedule a one-on-one conversation with our Young Adult Minister, Gus Kellerman. How can the Paulist Center Community accompany you on your faith journey?

  • We really need your help with our Marriage Preparation program! It is a great spiritual gift to 400-600 couples throughout the Archdiocese of Boston each year. Paulist Center couples who volunteer for this ministry find it very rewarding. It's also a major source of new members and outside income for our community. We can only sustain this important ministry if 10-15 couples can each help for 3 hours on 3 weekends per year. Are you and your partner interested in learning more about what would be involved? If so, contact Fr. Rick. Thanks!

  • We are hosting this year's All are Welcome Mass and Reception on Pride Friday. Join our Paulist Center LGBTQIA Ministry as we welcome others from the Greater Boston LGBTQIA Catholic Collaborative, of which we are a member. Mass is Fri, June 7 at 6:30pm, followed by a reception. All are welcome (allies, too!) and we hope you will join us to welcome others to the Paulist Center.

"Jesus said to them again, 'Peace be with you.

As the Father has sent me, so I send you.'

And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'"

— John 20:21-22

Alvaro, Barbara, Dorothy, Gus, Norm, Patty, Rich, Rick, Rob, Sal, Susan, & Timmy

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