“Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds.”
Dear Friends,
Confronted with our very, often violently, divided world that highlights our desperate need for racial equality, peace, and justice, this weekend's scripture invites us—indeed, challenges us—to operate from the same place of generous response that Christ did. Our roles as disciples demand a response to today's human issues as Jesus responded to the human issues in front of him. Jesus reminds us that the work of the Spirit requires radical compassion AND human cooperation ("Give them some food yourselves!"). Jesus models for us that God is in control and that God is about multiplication.
We know God needs humans to participate in bringing the reign of God to bear within our various spheres of life and culture. In our Paulist Center family, each member contributes to the success of the whole. WE NEED YOU! The health and life of the community depend on the resources of church community members put forth for God to use for multiplying and many times this starts with an act of trust and sacrifice. If you feel you have little, look to the boy with two fish and five loaves. Trust God with your resources, and let God multiply those resources in ways you could have never imagined. Let us act on our faith and place ourselves in a vulnerable position before God trusting that God will multiply our efforts times ten!
As you prayerfully consider participating either for the first time or in a new way, please see our request in this week's bulletin about Religious Education teachers and leaders. We are also seeking help with graphic design (Canva or Canva-similar skills) to help us occasionally with event posters and flyers.
Please check out the bulletin and see below for the latest news and updates, including a reminder that next week is the last week to submit a nomination for our 50th Anniversary Hecker Award celebration (by 7/31, please!).
As always, thank you journeying with us!
Susan, on behalf of the Paulist Center Staff
Rick, Patty, Susan, Norm, Gus, Alvaro, Dorothy, Sal, Barbara, Timmy and Rob