A neighborhood church with a heart for the world

This Week at St. Andrew's


  • 8:00 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (spoken service)
  • 10:00 a.m.: Nursery Open
  • 10:15 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (with hymns) (livestreamed via our YouTube Channel)
  • 10:15 a.m.: Children's Chapel in the Auditorium
  • 11:30 a.m.: Coffee Hour


We’re celebrating the Feast of St. Andrew and having our Parish Potluck on Sunday, September 8th after the 10:15 service. Join us for festive music and worship with lessons about our patron saint, then join us in White Hall and in the courtyard for lunch. The church will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, and veggie burgers, and we’re asking you to bring a side dish or dessert to share. Please bring cold dishes that are ok to sit out, and it’s a good idea to bring a serving utensil. We’re expecting a crowd (please RSVP online or outside White Hall), so if you’d like to sit outside, bring a chair. Most of all, bring your self and your family! We’re ready to kick off a new program year with a celebration of the Eucharist and a celebration of our community!

Summer Choir continues through Labor Day. If you are interested in choir, but unsure of the commitment, Summer Choir is for you!. All that is needed is to show up on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. to run through the service. For more information, contact Stephen Leist.


You are invited to join the St. Andrew’s team for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Community Walk on Saturday, September 28 at 10 am at Mount Trashmore, Virginia Beach. Walk in solidarity with those who have lost loved ones to suicide or have struggled themselves. You can register to join as a member of our St. Andrew’s team in person or as a virtual supporter here: https://supporting.afsp.org/team/336473


For Your Calendar

September 26 - Celebration of New Ministry


Ways to Help the WSA with their upcoming Holiday Market Bazaar. Do you like to make things with your hands? For years we have had a booth that sells items crafted by parishioners in this church. Whether you sew, paint, do needlework, craft, we would love for you to donate a hand-crafted gift to our booth. You can bring in your donations on Sunday and drop them off at the Church Mouse or leave them in the admin office during the week. Just make sure that you identify the gift as an item for the craft booth so that it won't get misplaced. And thank you in advance for your consideration.


Another way to help: If you have any gift cards that you know you will not use and which are not dated, consider donating them to the WSA to be used in our bazaar Mystery Bags this year. Or, as an alternative, purchase and donate a $5 gift card to places like Starbucks, Chick-fil-a, Dollar Tree - anywhere $5 will buy an item. Help make our raffle an even bigger success than it was last year! Donated cards may be put in an envelope with WSA written on the front. Place the envelope in the WSA mailbox or leave it with the admin office. Thank you. (P.S. The bazaar is on October 19, so mark your calendars.)

Our Cook-In Team is looking for more helpers! Do you have a penchant for pie crust? Are you great at stirring a pot (the cooking variety)? A wizard at washing dishes? There will be a lot of work going on in the kitchen in the next couple of months as we gear up for the holiday bazaar and replenish meals for the LGBTQ Life Center.  Volunteers usually meet on a weekday morning to make soup and baked goods for the bazaar, and packaged meals for the LGBTQ Life Center. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the parish office or Llew Roberts at 252-943-8614.


Our Flower Guild is looking for volunteers to assist with flowers for Charles’ Celebration of New Ministry coming up in September. The volunteer schedule is as follows:

· Sunday, September 22nd – wash and prep buckets for flower conditioning (2 volunteers needed)

· Monday, September 23rd – Flower conditioning set up, separating flower by arrangement (2 volunteers needed)

· Wednesday, September 25th – Arranging


No previous experience is needed on Sunday and Monday. Please contact Debbie Goode-Jones, 757-407-5806, if you are interested in helping with prep work or arranging!



Rising 5th-12th graders are invited to an Acolyte Party (and training) on Sunday, August 25 from noon – 2 p.m. in the Auditorium. Come and learn what it means to be an acolyte and the ways to serve in this role! Join us for lunch, connecting with your peers, and an interactive training session as we begin a new year. RSVP here or text Harper Bathel if you wish to be an acolyte this year and if you plan to attend the acolyte party. Pizza will be provided. Some side dishes and drinks are needed. Let Harper know if your family can bring an item. Two parents are needed to assist with set up and clean up.  

Children’s Chapel at 10:15 a.m. in Auditorium: (ages 4- 10) Kids are invited to gather for a simple kid friendly offering which will explore our worship service. This week our kids will focus on the story of Jesus goes to Jerusalem with his Parents (Luke 2). When you arrive, come to the Auditorium. Children will be brought back to their families in church after the Peace. 

Our Nursery is open from 10 a.m. until after our 10:15 a.m. worship in our Children’s Center. Children (infants to age 4) are invited to participate. Your child’s time will include play inside and out, a bible story, prayer, coloring, and a simple snack.


Readers/Chalicers: JJ Jacobson (8:00), Mavis Benz and Karen Mitchell (10:15)

Ushers: Hunter Costas (8:00), Hunter Costas and Caswell Richardson (10:15)

Acolytes: Doug Tillberg's Team

Altar Guild: Hunter Costas and Bev Bullock

Children's Chapel: Ryan Reese, Amber Pickrell and Lilly Rippel

NurseryCaroline Dayton, Maddie Ballard and Meredith Larsen

Coffee Hour: Leslie Hipps and Laurie Caughell

Eucharistic Visitor: Eddie Brown

Flower Delivery: Mike Minner

Thank you to all of our volunteers!


It is important to know who to call when...

  • You are going to the hospital
  • You are faced with a death in the family
  • You desire a home visit or a clergy call

Contact the Rev. Charles Lane Cowen (254) 760-0434. the Rev. Connie Jones (757) 288-4515 or the Parish Office (757) 622-5530.


Please keep this information handy at home or stored in your cell phone!


Sharon Smith, Kat Viccellio, Marguerite Grace Bellman, Mavis and Lee Benz, Jerry Butler, Ginny and Bill Love, Delanty Family, Christine Hebert, Chauncey Klingensmith, Susan and Dean Rogis, Temple Perrotta, Beverly Pope, Joshua Bowers, Meredith Stokes Connor, Elena Pickel, Andy Thornhill, Bettie Kane, Mary Kate Peene, Steve Antonucci, John Upton, Edward Oast, Essie Woods, Darlene Rawls, John Chenault, Robert Blancett, Mary Rish, Janet Billenstein, Adam Lauer, Tom Washburn, Blaire, Wyatt and Erin, Elisabeth Yar Jok, Connor Marr, Anne and Rey Luna, Neil Vining, Jerry Kuykendall, Sarah-Ann Mccallum, Leandra Burke Hull, Anne Ward Platt, Caroline Ballard, Anne Coyner, Charles McGinnis, Paul Creighton, Clark Firgeson, Marselas Family, Joan De Coster, Wendy Passman, Anne Grunden, Jenn Murff, Tom Mitchell, Barbara Hale, Wrenn Norrell family, Steve Gordon, Carrie Boxer, TJ Lynch and family, Lily Phillips, Cathy and Josh Cook, Michael Ruen, Clay Schreiber, Claire Leugers, Cutter Family, Barbara Causey, Matthew Benz, Miriam Reid Drummonds, Elise Chard, Matthew Harper, Sarah Bangs

*Please note: The online list can differ slightly from the names printed in the Sunday bulletin depending on when information is received by the office.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is a vibrant, inclusive parish, formed in the fellowship of Christ. We strive to be a place of hope for all people, to reach beyond ourselves, and to manifest God’s love in the world.

Our Contact Information:
1004 Graydon Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
Mail to: 1009 W. Princess Anne Road, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
 Phone: 757-622-5530 | Fax: 757-622-0812 |
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