A neighborhood church with a heart for the world

This Week at St. Andrew's


  • 8:00 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (spoken service)
  • 10:00 a.m.: Nursery Open
  • 10:15 a.m.: Holy Eucharist Rite II (with choir and hymns) (livestreamed via our YouTube Channel)
  • 10:15 a.m.: Children's Chapel
  • 11:30 a.m.: Coffee Hour


Farewell Evensong, Sunday July 28 at 5 p.m. Please join our Parish Choir and guests as we sing our Farewell Evensong service prior to our departure for England on August 3 to begin our residency at Bristol Cathedral. All of the music will be music that we are singing during our residency. Because Bristol Cathedral does not livestream services, this will be the last opportunity to experience the music we are taking with us and the services that we will be singing. A "farewell" reception will follow in White Hall.

Summer Choir is underway! If you are interested in choir, but unsure of the commitment, Summer Choir is a great way to try it out! All that is needed is to show up on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. to run through the service. For more information, contact Stephen Leist

For Your Calendar

August 18 - Back to School Sunday and Blessing of the Backpacks

September 8 - St. Andrew's Sunday and Kickoff Parish Potluck

September 26 - Celebration of New Ministry


ForKids Back to School Supply Drive

School starts early so shop early!

We are collecting school supplies to support families served by ForKids. Items needed this year include: backpacks, lunchbags, scissors, binders, paper, dry erase markers, crayons, tissues and loose leaf paper. A complete list is available on the table in the Narthex and in White Hall. You can also use their Amazon wishlist and have items sent directly to ForKids. We’ll be collecting items through Tuesday, Aug 6. Place donations in the red wagon in the Narthex, or outside the parish office.


Come visit our gift shop, The Church Mouse. In addition to St. Andrew's Tee Shirts being on sale (for only $1), we have lots of items which you may find of interest. We have our great Leanin' Tree Greeting Cards plus stylish handbags that go with the season. We have some beautiful serving dishes/trays, planters for inside/out, books galore, and inexpensive items for 'thinking of you' gifts. Because we recycle, we have few expenses which means that most of what you spend goes directly to our Outreach grants. Shopping with us is about as guilt-free as you can get. Come visit us before or after church and have a cup of coffee and a nosh!

We need vendors for our Holiday Market Bazaar. The Women of St. Andrew's are looking for individuals who might want to be a vendor of products or exhibitor of crafts at the Holiday Market Bazaar being held on October 19th from 9:00 to 2:00. We have a couple of spaces still available. If you are interested, contact Deane Sobol or the church office.


Children’s Chapel at 10:15 a.m. in Auditorium: (ages 4- 10) Kids are invited to gather for a simple kid friendly offering which will explore our worship service. This week our kids will focus on the story of Joseph is Sold into Slavery (Genesis 37).  When you arrive, come to the Auditorium. Children will be brought back to their families in church after the Peace. 

Our Nursery is open from 10 a.m. until after our 10:15 a.m. worship in our Children’s Center. Children (infants to age 4) are invited to participate. Your child’s time will include play inside and out, a bible story, prayer, coloring, and a simple snack.


Readers/Chalicers: JJ Jacobson (8:00), Tim Bellman, Jennifer Martin and Joe Mayes (10:15)

Ushers: Hunter Costas (8:00), Tayloe Gwathmey and Bruce Martin (10:15)

Acolytes: Dave Branch's Team

Altar Guild: Kacky Bryant, Becky Ruffin and Jenny Brown

NurseryCaroline Dayton, Abby Larkin, Meredith Larsen and Leslie Hipps

Children's Chapel: Jackie Scott, Charlie Hinsch and Lilly Rippel

Coffee Hour: The Dougherty Family

Flower Arrangements: Kacky Bryant

Eucharistic Visitor: Sarah Frauenzimmer

Flower Delivery: 1 volunteer needed (please contact Allison if you can help!)

Thank you to all of our volunteers!


It is important to know who to call when...

  • You are going to the hospital
  • You are faced with a death in the family
  • You desire a home visit or a clergy call

Contact the Rev. Charles Lane Cowen (254) 760-0434. the Rev. Connie Jones (757) 288-4515 or the Parish Office (757) 622-5530.


Please keep this information handy at home or stored in your cell phone!


Beverly Pope, Joshua Bowers, Kat Viccellio, Meredith Stokes Connor, Elena Pickel, Marguerite Grace Bellman, Mavis and Lee Benz, Jamie Kanell Barry, Gonzalo Barros, Andy Thornhill, Jerry Butler, Bettie Kane, Mary Kate Peene, Steve Antonucci, John Upton, Ginny and Bill Love, Edward Oast, Delanty Family, Essie Woods, Darlene Rawls, John Chenault, Robert Blancett, Mary Rish, Janet Billenstein, Adam Lauer, Tom Washburn, Blaire, Wyatt and Erin, Elisabeth Yar Jok, Connor Marr, Anne and Rey Luna, Neil Vining, Jerry Kuykendall, Sarah-Ann Mccallum, Leandra Burke Hull, Anne Ward Platt, Caroline Ballard, Anne Coyner, Charles McGinnis, Paul Creighton, Clark Firgeson, Marselas Family, Susan and Dean Rogis, Joan De Coster, Christine Hebert, Wendy Passman, Anne Grunden, Jenn Murff, Tom Mitchell, Barbara Hale, Wrenn Norrell family, Steve Gordon, Carrie Boxer, Chauncey Klingensmith, TJ Lynch and the Lynch family, Lily Phillips, Cathy and Josh Cook, Michael Ruen, Clay Schreiber, Claire Leugers, Cutter Family, Barbara Causey, Matthew Benz, Miriam Reid Drummonds, Elise Chard, Matthew Harper, Sarah Bangs

*Please note: The online list can differ slightly from the names printed in the Sunday bulletin depending on when information is received by the office.

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church is a vibrant, inclusive parish, formed in the fellowship of Christ. We strive to be a place of hope for all people, to reach beyond ourselves, and to manifest God’s love in the world.

Our Contact Information:
1004 Graydon Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
Mail to: 1009 W. Princess Anne Road, Norfolk, VA 23507 |
 Phone: 757-622-5530 | Fax: 757-622-0812 |
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