Prayers Lifted on Sunday, December 18, 2022

During the last Sunday's worship service, we received the following requests for prayers...

  • For Marion and Bill W. who celebrate their 57th anniversary next week.
  • For Healing for Arthur N. as he continues to improve and is at home now and Audrey as she cares for him.
  • Of Healing for Tom-recent health issues.
  • Of Travel-safe travel for college students returning home.
  • For all who find Christmas time a difficult time.
  • Of Concern for Randy, Laura, and Katie-first Christmas without wife & mother.
  • Of Healing for friends who are missing loved ones during this time of Advent and Christmas. (RY)
  • For all who are traveling this week.
  • Of Concern for Ryan, who is hurting. Prayers he may realize his worth.
  • For Jeff M. as he recovers from Covid.

Thank You for your Support

As we come to the end of 2022, we would like to thank all of those who have supported our efforts to ease the food insecurity that affects our local neighbors. We are grateful for all of our volunteers that come every week to the Food Distribution, those volunteers that come daily to restock our sheds, and we truly appreciate every one of you that has supported us through donation and prayer. Please enjoy a lovely note we received this past Wednesday from a guest as well as some pictures. You might recognize some faces! The original letter is located on our bulletin board.


From The Office Staff

Office Closure: The Church Office will be closed from Monday, December 26th through Sunday, January 1st. The office will reopen on Monday, January 2nd at 10:00 AM.

ENews: There will be no newsletter on Thursday, December 29th. The next ENews will be on January 5, 2022

Thank you and have a very Merry Christmas

and Happy New Year!

 Meghan, Eileen, and Zrinka

Our Christmas Gifts 

Thank you for your support of our Christmas Poinsettia Mission Gifts. We are blessed to receive your gifts, given to the glory of God, which have been used to beautify our sanctuary and to benefit the following: 

CUMC Community Food Pantry, UMCOR Disaster Relief, and Hospital #5 in Kharkiv, Ukraine

The list of dedications will be available on Christmas Eve. If you are unable to join us on Christmas, you may Click Here to see see the keepsake. 

A Note from your Co–lay leaders,

Chris Fillimon and Hal Burlingame

Thank you for supporting and donating so generously to CUMC’s Staff Holiday Gift Giving. It’s a thoughtful way to express our thanks and appreciation to our staff, as we continued our ministries for the Church and her congregation. Those who will receive your gift are very grateful, and thank each and every one of you for thinking of them during this busy time of year.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

Dear Friends in the Chatham UMC,

On behalf of a grateful staff, thank you for your generous Christmas gifts to each of us. We are grateful for you, for the gifts and for this wonderful church.

Merry Christmas,

Rev. Jeff Markay

Calling all Knitters! Next meeting January 11th

Beginners to Experts can participate in this exciting Congregational Care Ministry. We will show you the skills needed to make a simple Prayer Shawl that will bring Comfort, Love, and Joy.

“With your love and prayers knitted/crocheted into every stich, your Prayer Shawl will become a treasured gift for a specific person.” We will meet again on Wednesday, January 11th and will take place from 7:00-8:30 p.m., in Room 6. For more details and questions, contact Chris at:

Epiphany White Gift Sunday will be

celebrated on January 8th

This year we will celebrate our Epiphany Service on Sunday, January 8th. We have decided to give the Magi a few extra days to make their long journey! Our White Gifts this year will once again benefit Our PromiseOur Promise is a day center for those facing homelessness in Morristown; it is under the umbrella of the Family Promise organization. The suggested list for White Gift donations will be provided at the Christmas Eve worship services and by Clicking Here.

This Week and Next Week

Sunday, December 25th

Christmas Day

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:00 AM in our Sanctuary. Following worship, all are welcome to come to our Fellowship Coffee in Rodda Hall. 

Join us for Chatham UMC’s December 24th, Christmas Eve services! During our 5:00 p.m. service our musical friend, Merynda Adams will perform harp and our Choral Scholars will sing. For our 8:00 p.m. service the Covenant Choir will lead the congregation in music and perform Michael Smith’s All Is Well. Come and join CUMC for the Christmas story and beautiful music!

The next recital that will take place in our sanctuary will be the Suburban Music Study Club’s offering on Thursday morning of January 12th at 10:30 a.m. Classical music of Chopin, Brahms, Mompou, Prokofiev, and Walker will be performed by guests Melissa Juska, voice, Kelsey Lee, piano and our own music director, Peter Hill, performing piano. All are welcome to this free recital! Please see the flier below for more details.

Thank you to our music groups for providing captivating music during the season of Advent and Christmas! All of our music groups will take a Christmas break, then start again in the new year. If you are interested in the Covenant Choir, Ukulele Orchestra, Praise Band, Wesley Ringers, or Instrumental Ensemble contact, music director, Peter Hill at Join us in 2023!

Sunday, January 1st

New Year's Day

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:00 AM in our Sanctuary. Following worship, all are welcome to come to our Fellowship Coffee in Rodda Hall. 

Sunday School classes will not meet on Sundays 12/25 and 1/1

 Questions? Email Sharon Yarger at

or David Gaitán at

Current Masking Status & Frequently Used Links

The CUMC Church Council has voted unanimously to follow the CDC Covid Data tracker for Morris County to evaluate weekly Covid levels. This tracker is used to guide us in determining our indoor mask usage for all CUMC functions. Covid levels and recommendations are updated weekly on Thursday nights by the CDC. These updates will be used at CUMC from Friday-Friday and will state if masks required (high level) or optional (medium/low). You may check to see what the current Morris County Covid levels are prior to coming by clicking below.

Check Covid Level Here

CUMC Rides for David


We are scheduling rides for our seminarian, David Gaitan, to get to and from church from his home in Madison. Please follow this link to sign up. Thank you for your help!

Online Worship Liturgists Needed!

Please sign up to read and record yourself reading scriptures, this will be a blessing to our online worshiping community. 

Sign Up

Bread Ministry

The bread ministry is looking for more volunteers to assist in collecting bread from Panera. Please contact the church office for more information.


Communities of Care

If you wish to receive a call, a text or an email from someone at the Chatham UMC community.  Please contact the church office.



Community Food Pantry

 Help keep our food pantry and weekly distribution sustained.

Want to know more about our Pop Up pantry and how to help? Check out our webpage.

Donate Here

Community Happenings

Latest Newsletter is Out!

The Senior Center of the Chathams is an independent, 31-year old non-profit organization located here in town and offer a wide range of programs, activities, and services to older adults in Chatham and the surrounding areas. Click Here to read the latest newsletter and learn about their fantastic programs. 

Chatham United Methodist Church

460 Main Street Chatham, NJ 07928

(973) 635-7740

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