
Weekly E-News

Sunday, February 25, 2024

11 a.m.

Becoming a Biblical Blessing

 ~ Dr. Kris Aaron

Come worship in-person or you will be able to watch services on the church website, the church Facebook page, and the church YouTube channel. A livestream of the worship service will begin at 11 a.m. on our YouTube site, here, or by the link provided on our Facebook page, or on FBC Website page.

Wednesday Night Activities

*Prayer Meeting 5:30 p.m.

*Dinner 5:45-6:15

*Bible Study 6:15-7:00

*Children's Time 6:15-7:00

*Youth Fellowship 6:15-7:30

*Choir Practice 7:00 p.m.


February 28 - Steak & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Buttered Broccoli, Rolls and Dessert

March 6 - Lasagna, Roasted Corn, Garlic Bread, and Dessert

March 13 - Corned beef, Sautéed cabbage, Scalloped potatoes, Rolls, and Dessert

March 20 - Jambalaya, Cornbread, and Dessert

Leigh's book study, “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” by: Joanna Weaver 

Kris's Bible Study - The Ten Commandments


Reservations are needed in the church office no later than noon on Tuesdays. Adults-$7, Children 11 and under-$3, and Family-$20 max 

Pajama Project

First Baptist Bristol collected fifty-five (55) sets of pajamas, to be distributed by 4 local agencies that work primarily with children in foster care, and in children's homes.


Sunday, February 25, March 3 & 10

 3:00-4:30 p.m.

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman  

Marriage Enrichment Study led by Kris and Clary

Childcare is Provided.          

We are Back!

Starting Sunday, March 3, Family Breakfasts return to the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. There will be a full or partial breakfast available at no charge. So come and enjoy a meal and some fellowship before heading off to Sunday School.


This breakfast will be offered the first Sunday of the month going forward.

Untitled Design

Easter Hydrangeas...

If you would like to place an hydrangea in the sanctuary during the Easter season, the deadline is Monday, March 11, 2024. To order one or more plants, complete the form on the tear out section of the order of service on Sunday morning and place in the offering plate or email terri@fbcbristol.org. Cost: $15 per hydrangea.

Mission Trip to Folly Beach, South Carolina

June 7-14

Leigh Clark will lead a group of adult volunteers on a mission trip to Folly Beach, South Carolina in June 2024. Consider spending a week this summer serving on various projects and fellowship with others. A $50 deposit is due by Sunday, March 17, 2024. Please contact Leigh if you have additional questions.

Decorate the Tree with Caps & Gloves


The caps, gloves, and socks are very much appreciated by the ones in our area trying to keep warm. Please bring warm items to church office. Gently used or new ….which ever you have to donate. Thank you for your thoughtfulness to our community.

Prayer Time...

Please come and join us for prayer time each Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in the prayer room starting November 7, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Banks - 252.649.4706.

Congregational Care...

If you know of a church member who has been admitted to the hospital, please call the church office (preferably a family member) to let us know.  Don’t assume that we’ve already heard about it.  Because if you don’t call, there’s a good chance we haven’t.  We want to ensure that our hospitalized church members or at home members receive regular visits while they are ill, and your calls are the only way we can make that happen.  Please help us in the office as we all try to better look out and care for one another.

Church News...

The church office is happy to publish, advertise, and promote events happening at FBB. Niki and Terri are not always informed about happenings. So, please help us out. First Word is published every month. If you need information published send it to Niki by the 2nd week of the month prior to publication. Bulletins and Weekly E-News are published weekly. Information for these publications are needed into the church office by Tuesday at noon. Niki's email is niki@fbcbristol.org and Terri's is terri@fbcbristol.org. We appreciate your help in getting the news out!

You can give online by going to our website and clicking on "Donate" in the upper right-hand corner. You can send your pledge, offering, or special gift by texting (all one word) fbcbristol to 73256. You can also mail your checks directly to the church. Our address is 125 Sedgefield Street, Bristol, VA 24201. Thank you, as always, for your generosity.

Weekly Offering - February 18, 2024


Weekly Calendar

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sunday School - 10 a.m.

Worship - 11 a.m.

Marriage Enrichment Study - 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.