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August 20, 2023



Romans 12:3-8   


  “Called to Lead and Build Up”


This Week

Prayer Requests

and Calendar

Sunday School News

Children's Ministry Schedule

Upcoming Events

COB News

Online Giving

Thank you

Last Week

Contacting the Pastor 

Happening This Week

Leadership and Encouragement: Gifts from God

This week in worship we will conclude our serial on the "motivational" Spiritual Gifts as listed in Romans 1, considering leadership and encouragement. Those of us gifted in such ways are very important o the overall function and vitality of a church, each congregation to be a visible and living example of Christ's body at work on earth.

Our message enlighten us to the meaning and particular usefulness of these gifts, and offer encouragement for us to examine ourselves and consider what God may have given us. In case you missed it last week, we'll again have the opportunity to take home a "Spiritual Gifts Inventory" and complete it during the week.

There will also be a special time for blessing our children and teachers who are heading "back to school" this week. Bring your backpacks, and please join us!

Next Week: "Welcome Back" Sunday!

Be sure to join us in worship next Sunday August 27, as we seek to return to fullness of attendance and participation following a summer season of many travels and exciting experiences for our families. School will be back in session and we invite a strong commitment to study and worship together this season that is before us.

The chancel choir will be returning to fullness, a new preaching series is beginning, we will be receiving new members within worship, and we are excited about how God will lead us going forward. Please dare to invite a friend or neighbor to join us, perhaps encourage any reluctant attendees, and see that we reunite with a spirit of openness and commitment to the way of Jesus together.

Live Stream Worship

Our worship services are available via YouTube for those who wish to join that way. Click the link above to join us before 10:30 AM Sunday or anytime afterward. DVD copies of the services are also available.

Click here to view the bulletin for this Sunday.

This Sunday's Bulletin



Sunday, August 20

9:00 am  Sunday School

10:30 am  Worship Service – Sanctuary

12:00 pm  Deacons Meeting – Room 154


Monday, August 21

6:00 pm CDC Board Anna Mow Room


Wednesday, August 23

1:00 pm Master Planning Team - Multi-purpose Room

6:45 pm  Worship Team (by Zoom)

Thursday, August 24

6:30 pm  Choir Practice – Sanctuary

Saturday, August 26

10:00 am  Food Pantry Open 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Sunday, August 27

9:00 am  Sunday School

10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary

Church Calendar

Click on this button to view the full calendar

Click for Friends to Remember in Prayer

Prayer Requests

Additions and updates for prayer list or calendar of events are welcome by contacting the church office.

Special note for all Ministry Teams: Please notify the church office with any upcoming meetings or events for your team so we can add these dates to the calendar.

Sunday School News

Children's Sunday School Classes

9:00 AM in Rooms 151, 152, and 155. Children grades PreK (age 4) and up will have class lessons, with singing included as well. Children ages 3-4 and younger are welcome to attend nursery care.

Youth Sunday School Class

9:00 AM in Room 149. Teacher Joel Gibbel. This class is for youth in grades 7-12.

Vine and Branches Sunday School Class

9:00 AM in Room 154. Teacher Justin Tomevi. The class is studying the Current curriculum, this summer's series entitled "Seeking Peace Together." This week's focus is on caring for the earth, considering how we are to celebrate good provision of resources such as food and drink as gift, studying Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16


Lamplighters Sunday School Class

9:00 AM in Room 145. Teacher Patricia Carey. The class is studying the Current curriculum, this summer's series entitled "Seeking Peace Together."

Homebuilders Class

Mondays - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM by conference call. To join, contact Mike Martin at

717-840-4184 or and leave a phone number. The class studies lessons from the "Guide for Biblical Studies" curriculum.  

Children's Ministry Schedule
Upcoming Events


August 20 - Blessing of the Backpacks

August 27 - "Welcome Back" Sunday, Receiving New Members

September 4-8 - National Older Adult Conference (NOAC)

September 13 - Camp Eder Senior Day

September 15-16 - District Conference, Chambersburg CoB

September 22-23 - Brethren Disaster Relief Auction, Lebanon Expo

September 24 - Brethren Disaster Ministries Benefit Concert



All children, teachers, school staff, bus drivers, etc. bring your backpack, lunchbox, laptop or other "school bag" to worship on Sunday, August 20th for a special time of blessing as we head into the new school year. 

National Older Adult Conference (NOAC)

September 4-8, 2023 - Lake Junaluska, NC



NOAC is a Spirit-filled gathering of adults 50 and older who love learning and discerning together, exploring God’s call for their lives and living out that call by sharing their energy, insight, and legacy with their families, communities, and the world.

 “God is Doing A New Thing”

 “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

 I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” — Isaiah 43:19

 Click on the button below to register and for complete details of this event, including bus trip information.

NOAC Event Registration

OUR DAILY BREAD/SOUP KITCHEN - Friday, September 8, 2023 Sign up by calling

Sandi Bowser at 717-825-7203 to make a casserole for Our Daily Bread/Soup Kitchen on Friday, September 8, 2023 (10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) PLEASE contact Sandi to add your name and number of casseroles, so we can let Our Daily Bread/Soup Kitchen know how many casseroles to expect. The pans are located in the church lounge. Thank you!



Orders are due by

Wednesday, August 23rd

Pickup your mums on Friday, September 8 from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 pm in the Ensemble Room.

Please click on the button for the order form and details of this sale. (The order form will also be available on our bulletin board.)

Order Form


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

9:30 am Check in/Breakfast

10:00 am Morning Program Join us for a wonderful musical performance from the Steel String Storytellers. Monte Leister and Adam Kruzic will be playing original americana compositions about life in small town America. It is going to be a blast!

12:00 pm Lunch BBQ Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Broccoli, Garlic Bread, Salad, and Peach Cobbler

1:00 pm Afternoon Program Hayride around Camp Eder (We will only be taking groups of 25 people at a time)

Only $20. per person

RSVP by calling (717) 642-8256




Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023

New Fairview Church of the Brethren,

1873 New Fairview Church Rd., York, PA 17403

Silent Auction, Full-course dinner,

featuring Heaven 4 Shore,

Ministry update and Door Prizes

Tickets are $ 17.00 and are available until

September 15, 2023. No ticket sales at the door.

You can also purchase tickets

from Glenn & Anna Miller

Fall Banquet Flyer 
Church of the Brethren Denominational News

Denominational news and information is always available by visiting

Current Church of Brethren News

COB Newsline

Annual Conference Wrap-Up

Annual Conference Wrap-Up
Online Giving

Online Giving is safe, easy, and convenient. Sign up by going to our church website at: and click on the Online Giving Link or go directly to the Online Giving website at:

For assistance setting up your account,

call Donor Support at:  800-348-2886 – Option 2 – Online Giving Questions? Contact Sheryl Leaman - Thank you for your support!

NOTE: Online giving can be used for regular weekly or monthly offerings, special offerings, and capital campaign contributions, as well as many other specific outreach ministries that we sponsor.

Church Website
Online Giving

Thank you for all of my birthday cards. I really appreciated them!

~ Peg Eck

I would like to thank my church family for the cards, phone calls, and

visits during my brief illness. It was very much appreciated! You are a great church family. Thank you ~ Judy Yingling



Dear Church Members,


We are in need of Volunteers, who are willing to prepare baked spaghetti casseroles for the soup kitchen in York city.

Presently, we have some very generous people who prepare 1, 2, or 3 casseroles once a

month. I, for example, prepare 2 casseroles each month. You know if I can do it, it’s not that difficult.


The recipe is easy, and the foil baking pans are provided for you, the schedule is not difficult. Contact Sandra Bowser for more details, and scheduling (contact information below).


It is a very rewarding experience. I have to say that 95% of the people are very appreciative. It would be greatly appreciated if you could volunteer your time.


Thank you. Contact information: Sandra Bowser 717-825-7203

Since 2011 our Witness Team has sponsored the Cash for Causes program by selling Giant & Weis gift cards. The church receives 5% of sales to support various ministries. For 2023 the gift card sales will support The Lehman Center (Children’s Aid Society), New Community Project, and Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry. You may purchase the cards in amounts of $100, $50, $25, or $10. The cards make great gifts, especially at holidays. Consider donating cards to the Food Pantry or using them yourself any time you shop at Giant or Weis.

If you’d like to support this program, please see Becky Wenger before/after worship service OR mail your check (paid to York First Church) to 3011 Bedford Pl, York, PA 17408 and your cards will be mailed to you.


August 13, 2023



Romans 12:3-8


“Called to Care and Give”


Pastor Joel Gibbel can be reached in the church office most weekdays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Some afternoons and evenings may be set aside for visiting those in need, for meetings, and for other pastoral duties. Pastor Joel is also available for pastoral counseling by appointment.

If you need to reach the pastor outside of office hours, his home phone number is

(717) 318-5442, and his mobile number is (717) 271-4888. You can also email him at Note that laws prevent hospitals from contacting a pastor without your permission when you are admitted, so you will need to contact the church if you desire a visit or to request prayer.

Our Mission Statement:
“People dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Loving Relationship, and Sacrificial Service”
Our Vision Statement:
“To become a community of committed Christians who Love God, Share Christ, and Serve the World”