Our Theme for March: Letting Go
Service at 10:30 am Sundays in the Miller Sanctuary
How can we let go of the things we carry? Is carrying something around so bad? How can we lighten the loads of others? Experiential exploration through movement, song, story, reflection and meditation.
Please save the date of Sunday, March 25th. Following the service, we will have our Annual Congregational Meeting in the Sanctuary, and a lunch will follow in Hobart Hall.
Community Sharing in March
Our Community Sharing partner this month is the South Fort Myers Food Pantry Coalition. The South Fort Myers Food Pantry works in partnership with the Harry Chapin Food Bank and Midwest Food Bank. The organization is also supported by local religious organizations in South Fort Myers who offer many volunteer hours and generous financial donations. In 2017, the pantry fed more than 22,000 individuals. They are hosting a volunteer appreciation luncheon on March 10th, following their annual meeting which begins at 11:30 am at the Cypress Lake Presbyterian Church, which is the home of the South Fort Myers Food Pantry, and is located at 8260 Cypress Lake Drive in Fort Myers. UUCFM has been a long-time supporting organization and a member of the Pantry Coalition.
The Humanist Forum
The Humanist Forum regularly meets every Sunday at 9:15 am in Hobart Hall. All are welcome to attend. The Humanist Forum this week will consider threats to American Democracy through the influence of big money in determining the candidates for office, and the insidious effects of gerrymandering.
Youth Group Memorial & Demonstration
On Sunday, March 11th in the Sanctuary from 12-1 pm, there will be a youth led memorial followed by a demonstration in honor of those lost to shootings of all kinds, like the recent one at Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida. If you wish to speak out about how this has affected you and what actions you want to be taken please contact Jersey Blosser at  jjersey16@yahoo.com  or find me in coffee hour after service. Thank you for your support!
Burn! Youth Group Youth age 14-18 are invited to join us in Room 4 on Sundays from noon to 1:00 pm each week for an inclusive and kick-butt-awesome good time.
Coffee Hour
Sunday's Coffee Hour happens after church every week and is provided by volunteers from the Women's Circle on the first Sunday, CUUPS on the second Sunday, Humanist Forum on the third Sunday, Men's Group on the fourth Sunday and if there is a fifth Sunday, it is All Church.  Any donations of food, snacks or cash are welcome. 
Staff and Board News
UUCFM Budget 2018-2019 Meetings

  1. Wednesday, March 14 6-8 pm Conference Room Questions from Members
  2. Thursday, March 15 10-12 am Conference Room Questions from Members
  3. Sunday, March 18 12:00 noon Sanctuary Meeting on the 18-19 Operating Budget
  4. Sunday March 25 12:00 noon Sanctuary Annual Congregational Meeting

Deb Lewis, VP Finance
Religious Education News
This year, our Mystery Friends theme will be Florida Waters! Sign-up for this exciting pen pal program which will begin on Sunday, March 18th after the service in Hobart Hall. Parents, stop by to sign your kids up to be pen pals with a mystery congregant. Adults, come register to be one of those mystery congregants! Letters will be exchanged in a special mailbox on Sundays and over the course of the month of April, you'll get to learn a lot about each other. At the end of the program, we'll throw a Mystery Friend party and reveal who everyone's pen pals were. Last year, we had amazing participation in this program and I look forward to seeing the same this year. 

Have you heard about UUCFM Burn? It's our newly formed youth group and happens to be filled with some pretty passionate people. This Sunday, the Burn youth will be leading a memorial for victims of gun violence, a call to action, and a demonstration following service. The memorial and call to action will take place in the Sanctuary from 12-1 pm with a demonstration along Daniels Parkway to follow. You are invited to attend and support our youth as they speak their truth. Please be aware that there will be content unsuitable for young children as this event does directly address gun violence. 

Jenn Blosser, Director of Religious Education
Music Notes
December-March:  Please welcome Suellen Kipp as Director of Music during Amy Laursen's maternity leave. 

The UUCFM Choir  rehearses most Wednesday nights from 6:45-8:15 pm, and on Sunday mornings from 9-10 am in the Sanctuary. It's free and there are no auditions. Please email me in advance so that a music folder can be prepared for you. Come join us in singing! 

The UUCFM Band  rehearses most Wednesday nights from 6:00-6:45 pm, and on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00a in the Sanctuary. If you would like to play your instrument during a Sunday service, please email me to coordinate the details. Come join us in making music together! 

Suellen Kipp
Special Events

Purely Social Potluck and Games
All are invited to Suzanne Ziemer's Clubhouse on Ft. Myers Beach for a Purely Social Celebration of Life Potluck with Table Games. Friday, March 23rd, 5:30-9:00 pm,

Where: Suzanne Ziemer's Condo Clubhouse on Fort Myers Beach.
What: Bring your own Beverage and a Dish to Share and if you have one,
a favorite table game.

RSVP to Suzanne for directions, parking, entry gate code, and food choice.
239-463-9020 suzanneziemer@gmail.com . Come early to walk the Beach or swim.
Classes & Groups
Ready to Become a Member of UUCFM?
If this is your community and if you feel at home here, join us! A new member ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, March 11th. We ask for your participation in our Pathways Class prior to signing the Membership Book. For further information contact Christine Rosa,  239-245-8147 crosa3757@gmail.com
Book Study
  A renowned expert on the subject of dreams, Jeremy Taylor studied dreams and worked with thousands of people both individually and in dream groups for more than forty years. His discoveries show us how dreams can be the keys to gaining insight into our past and our conflicts, as well as excursions into the fantastic realm of creative inspiration. Jeremy Taylor, the late Unitarian Universalist minister, blends the values of spirituality with an active social conscience and a Jungian perspective.
March 14, Chapters 7 & 8
March 21, Chapters 9 &10
Women's Circle
The Women's Circle potluck luncheon is Monday March 12th at Noon. The meeting starts at 1:00 pm. Since March is Women's History Month our topic will be famous UU Women who made great contributions to society. We will also discuss UU Women of today. In 1980, the National Women's History Project was founded in Santa Rosa, California by Molly Murphy MacGregor, Mary Ruthsdotter, Maria Cuevas, Paula Hammett and Betty Morgan to broadcast Women's historical achievements. What else do you know about Women's History Month? Let's hear from you! Here is a picture of the delectable foods we shared at our Valentines Celebration last month. Many beautiful stories of family were shared.
Dreamwork Group
Mondays, March 19 - April 23
3:00 - 5:15 pm
Room 7

Debra Leigh, certified Projective Dreamwork facilitator will lead this session of six weekly meetings. Please plan to attend the entire series when you sign up. No prior experience necessary. You will learn tips for how to remember and record your dreams, and how to interpret your own dream symbols and dream language in the safety of a supportive and caring group. Group size limited to eight participants. To register, email Debra at  debleigh51@gmail.com  or call  (831) 818-1418 . No fee.
Mindfulness Meditation
Join us on Monday evenings to explore the very simple and satisfying practices of mindfulness and meditation. You don’t need experience with meditation, nor do you have to be a Buddhist. Do please bring an intention to quiet the mind and the body in a supportive group of UU members and friends with a similar intention - people who want to carry mindfulness into their daily lives. We meet Mondays from 6:30-8:00p in the Sanctuary. If you have any questions, please contact Gary Robbins at  pachamamaelder@gmail.com
Optimal Living Group
The Optimal Living Group is open to all and does not require attending every session. We meet in the Sanctuary on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 4:00-5:30 pm. We discuss how to live optimally, including practical ways to cope with life's challenges and issues. Helping others and developing maturity in ourselves is part of our quest. We explore many paths and techniques for enriching our lives and making a difference for others. For more information, fill out a blue card found in the pews or email Neil Yesu:   dbny79@aol.com .  
UUCFM Historical Martial Arts Club
The UUCFM Historical Martial Arts Club is dedicated to preserving and practicing a variety of historical martial arts for entertainment and fitness purposes. We meet at various times (determined by interest) most often at 12:00 pm after the service on Sunday to practice archery and tomahawk/axe throwing. Other activities and times can be found on our facebook page of the same name. All are welcome to join us.
UUCFM Gaming Group
The UUCFM Game Group is the club for you. We do our best to meet in Room 7 on Sundays after church from 1:00-4:00 pm. Those of us with children can't always make it so please check the Facebook group page (UUCFM Gaming Group) to see if games are scheduled.
Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist Group
The Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist group meets Sundays at 1:45p in Room 1. All are welcome to join us.
Weekly Activities
Community Wednesday  
Community Wednesday is held in Hobart Hall. All are invited. Bring friends and neighbors, too. Join us each Wednesday for a delicious meal prepared by Chef Joy for a small donation. After the fellowship and fine fare from 6:00- 6:45p, join your favorite programming event, committee meeting, or social activity. Child care is provided until 8:30p.
Community Wednesday Activities for March:

4:00-5:30        Optimal Living Group (1st & 3rd Wed)
6:00-6:45        Community Meal
6:00-6:45        Band Rehearsal in Sanctuary
6:45-8:00        Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary
Social Justice
LIFE Update: Building Tension
Thanks to all of you who filled out postcards to deliver to the County Commissioners Office. All of you are invited next Tuesday March 13th from 12 to 12:30 pm to attend a faith witness vigil outside of the county courthouse, after which the postcards will be delivered to County Commissioners in the spirit of love and in hopes for justice for Lee County Children. We want 
Commissioners to attend the Nehemiah Action March 20th and say yes to getting children's services council on the ballot for vote in 2018.
South Fort Myers Food Pantry
 You all deserve a big thank-you for the generous donations of food over the summer months and around the holidays. There is an increased need around these times. I estimate that in November & December we have averaged donations that amount from fifty to eighty dollars a week. Great job, Pantry supporters! I will post the fourth quarter newsletter this Sunday. That has the total number of people we fed for the fourth quarter as well as for all of 2017. francrose@centurylink.net .
It’s Online – The brand new UUCFM Photo Directory!  
To access the directory, click login on the UUCFM Website and log in with your member password. Go to Member Services and click on Photo Directory. The new Photo Directory is an 11 page PDF that you can scroll through, enlarge and print out if you wish, but remember that use of the Photo Directory is limited to UUCFM members only. If you missed the many opportunities to have your photo taken for the Directory, we will schedule a final photo taking session in March---date to be announced.  Coming In the near future, Lesley Peterson will load all of the photographs taken for the new Photo Directory into the Member Search section of Member Services.  Special thanks to project originator Suzanne Ziemer and to Mel Cooper, John Swank, Linda Jensen, Bruce Marble and the Membership Committee for their help in moving this forward.
Denis Jensen
Help Watering Plants
I'm looking for someone to help me with the care and watering of the plants in the Sanctuary, as there may be times when I am away and need assistance. Thank you,

Kimberly Littleton, Decor Committee
Inquiries: email:  jadenight@embarqmail.com
Bed & Breakfast Volunteer Opportunity
We are preparing for another year of UUCFM’s Bed and Breakfast program. Through the generosity of host families within our congregation, we have raised $3000 to $5000 a year for the church operating budget for many years. We provide this service to UUs and/or their friends from around the country. This
program cannot happen without volunteers and we need your help!

What’s needed to be a host?  The host provides one bedroom and bathroom and a basic breakfast each morning of the guests’ stay. The guests are usually one or two people. The breakfast can even be a “do it yourself” if your guests are early risers or you have to go to work and they want to sleep.

Do I have to entertain the guests or take them places?  No!  They will have their own transportation. If you have favorite restaurants to recommend, or other local travel tips, they are always appreciated. You are not expected to provide entertainment, transportation or extra food. For the most part, guests are off
doing their own thing most of the day and evening.

When and for how long?  Guests stay from one to seven nights during the months of January through April. (Most stay only two or three nights.) You choose when and for how long you can host and then your requirements are matched with those of the guests. Even if you can only host for two nights in March, for example, that is a big help. February and March tend to have the biggest demand.

All money received from the guests as they stay in your home goes directly to the UUCFM operating budget. I haven’t even mentioned how interesting and fun this experience can be for the hosts. We have met so many great UUs through this experience! Please consider being a host! Before you say no, talk to me. Just try it once…

Mary Nies, Program Coordinator
Sydney Stewart
Shop at  smile.amazon.com/ch/59-1160337  and Amazon donates to
Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Myers.
Member to Member
Do you have something to offer, trade, or sell? Are you looking for something? Free ad space here for personal items only. Will run ad for 4 weeks. Email  uuchurch@uucfm.org

Items for sale :
•IKEA Poang Chair w/ footstool, black leather. $20 OBO.
•Futon w/ 6.5“ deep, double-size mattress, removable red cover, 2 drawers. $50 OBO.
•Indoor/outdoor wicker-look, glass-topped dining table w/ 4 chairs, 49“ diameter. Dark brown. $50 OBO.
•Two outdoor mesh chairs, light brown. $10 OBO.
•Storage piece, 6 cube-shaped spaces, w/4 fabric-lined storage baskets, dark brown. $15 OBO.
•Entertainment center, 8 shelves, 6 drawers, dark brown $40 OBO.
Pictures upon request.
Kathy  239-770-7986

Tenant Seeking Rental:  Seeking Rental or Purchase of guest cottage or home. I'm one person with no pets,vegan, non-smoker, non-drinker and yoga teacher. Contact Patrick at  239-267-3699  or nalontp@aol.com
Our Greater Community
If you are a UUCFM Community Sharing Partner, a regular Facility User, or have UU related news to share, you are welcome to submit announcements for publication in our Greater Community section of the newsletter. Please send announcements in by Wednesday for publication in the Thursday E-news.
Lee OFA Indivisible Invites You
There will be panel discussions on the following dates: 


Meetings will be held at the Sanctuary at 7 pm. Come early at 6:15 to socialize with like-minded friends.
DACA and Beyond, a panel on IMMIGRATION    March 8, 2018
Lee OFA Indivisible invites you to bring your questions and concerns about this timely and important issue to be addressed by these community leaders: Indera Demine, co-chair of Lee OFA Indivisible’s immigration rights team, who will give an overview of where we are on the issue and the local   situation.
Sister Maureen Kelleher, who is with Collier County Legal Aid and specializes in helping Immokalee workers. She will discuss what is happening there as well as new initiatives here in Lee County.
Yemissi Oloruntola-Coates, System Director of Diversity and Patient Care Civil Rights at Lee Health who will be speaking about the economic impact that immigrants have on Lee County. Please join us and bring concerned friends, relatives and neighbors. 
 Email:   leeofaindivisible@gmail.com
Legends Choraliers
As Time Goes B y is the annual show of the Legends’ Choraliers presented in the Miller Sanctuary, and your congregation is invited. The group of 30 men and women of the chorus are based in the Legends Community and draw singers from surrounding communities without a chorus of their own. The show is a musical journey from 1940 thru 2000. These are the songs we all know and love—the music of our life! Saturday evening, March 10th at 7:30 pm. The $10 tickets are available as a  will call  option. If interested, contact director Carolyn Ballou for details at  239-337-1929 .
From Member Glenn Siebert
I am the assistant musical director of the Naples/Ft. Myers Paradise Coastmen barbershop chorus. We are presenting our annual spring concert. The theme is  "From Ireland to Nashville and Broadway"  and will include some of your favorite songs from each. In addition to the chorus, our principal guest artist is  "Signature",  the 2nd place International Silver Medalist Quartet. If you choose to attend, you will enjoy the best of barbershop harmony. Contact me for tickets, $18.00. I have negotiated a $6.00 group discount as tickets are $25 at the door. Let me know which performance you prefer and how many tickets you need. I look forward to seeing your smiling faces in the audience.
·       Fri. March 16 at 7:00 pm
·       Sat. March 17 at 2:00 pm
·       Sat. March 17 at 7:00 pm
Yours in Harmony,
Glenn Siebert
MCC Anniversary Barbecue
St. John the Apostle MCC located at 3049 McGregor Blvd will be celebrating its 30th anniversary! We would like to invite you to a public BBQ on Saturday, March 17th from 11 to 3, outside on the church grounds. The price for the BBQ is $10.00
The Southwest Florida Gay and Lesbian Chorus 2018 Comedy Show & Fundraiser: 
Join us and Laugh Out Loud with Comedian Vickie Shaw-the funniest comedian ever, she said so herself!!! Food, Fun and Laughter...Tickets are available online  www.gaychorus.org , and Sundays in Holbart Hall after service.
2018 GRACE Project Work-Study Trip
La Antigua and Lago Atitlán, Panajachel, Guatemala.
April 29 to May 9, 2018
11 days for $1,250
 Women’s Health Workshops in Univ. of San Carlos Medical School, Belén Teachers’ College for Indigenous Women, Mixco High School, and in Santiago Atitlán.
 Deliver and teach about Days For Girls menstrual
management Kits and the Fertility Bracelets,
 Land transportation in private vans,
 Breakfast provided daily,
 Shopping in La Antigua and Panajachel.
Transportation includes: travel to and from airport, hotels,
academic and workshop sites in private vehicles and boats.
Airfares from USA to Guatemala City and El Petén are not included.
$150 additional fee for single room.

To save your space, please send $100 deposit in a check, by March 15 2018, to: The GRACE Project,
UUCFM, 13411 Shire Lane, Ft. Myers, FL 33912

Contact Helen Dixon at  helendixon9@gmail.com 239.543.2959 .

Dec. 1 – 9, 2018 GRACE will go to El Petén and Tikal and deliver workshops for
Maya womens’ cooperatives and the Guatemalan Ministry of Education.
9 days for $1,000. Reservations being accepted now! Limited to 8 participants.
Award-winning playwright Eve Ensler to farmworkers preparing to fast: “Keep going, brave, beautiful women. I am with you, and all of us at V-Day and One Billion Rising – countless activists around the world – stand with you today, rising in the name of justice for all women workers.
For the past six weeks, our advance organizing team has been taking New York City by storm in preparation for next week’s Freedom Fast. Thanks to the tireless crew of CIW farmworker leaders and Alliance for Fair Food staff members assembled in the city, a palpable buzz is building by the day among faith communities, students, worker groups and labor unions, women’s rights organizations, and celebrities ahead of next week’s Freedom Fast and Time’s Up Wendy’s March! In addition to the excitement about the big march through Manhattan on the 15th, scores of allies from around New York and the country — from Massachusetts to Wyoming — will be joining nearly two dozen farmworkers in their five-day fast outside of the offices of Nelson Peltz. Now just a week out, the Freedom Fast and march are shaping up to be the largest and most significant actions in the Wendy’s Boycott to date.
March 8  Mary Tracy Sigman
March 9 Frank Schooley  
March 10 Gary Robbins
March 11  Jonathon Sauer 
March 13   Andy Crossen  
March 13     Krista Hutson
March 15   Mike Carville
March 25   Lily Hoffman is 10!
Please send all news articles for the Weekly E-news to  weeklynews@uucfm.org
All Communicator articles may be emailed to  newsletter@uucfm.org

Newsletter Editor: Jill Carville 
Board of Trustees

President               Steve Eisenberg         239-634-7367     golfconcepts@gmail.com
President Elect      Matt Hoffman           239-222-4836     mwaters106@yahoo.com
Secretary  Theresa Bahre  843-472-0386   strawbahre_fields@yahoo.com
Treasurer               Jen Smith              630-881-0000     jenw930@gmail.com
VP Finance              Deb Lewis             239-313-5618     debL5784@hotmail.com
VP Programming  Julie Ireland  786-348-5544   vpprogramming@uucfm.org
VP Ministerial Services  Harvey Heckes           hheckes95@gmail.com
VP Operations            Bill Petrarca            239-454-2438     bill@petrarca.net
Member at Large  Bruce Marble  239-596-2703   bamarble44@gmail.com
Youth Representative  Madeline Wellman  madelinewellman@gmail.com

Minister             Rev. Allison Farnum   239-561-2700x204     minister@uucfm.org
Director of Music    Amy Laursen         941-932-2353         directorofmusic@uucfm.org
Director of RE        Jenn Blosser        239-561-2700x208     dre@uucfm.org
Office Manager       Jill Carville           239-561-2700x202     officemanager@uucfm.org
Building Supervisor   Mickey Kellam        239-738-3473         buildingsupervisor@uucfm.org
Nursery Supervisor   Liza Kellam           239-314-6316          lhiz_sierra@yahoo.com