Volume 5 Issue 16 April 19, 2024

Weekly E-News

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Dear HUMC Family,

This week, our scripture will come from 1 John 3:16-24:

 16We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us—and we ought to lay down our lives for one another. 17How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help?

18 Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. 19And by this we will know that we are from the truth and will reassure our hearts before him 20whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 21Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have boldness before God; 22and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commandments and do what pleases him.

23 And this is his commandment, that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us. 24All who obey his commandments abide in him, and he abides in them. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit that he has given us.

The title of the sermon is “Love is a Verb.”  In this scripture, John is reminding us that Christian Love is not only something we say, but more importantly, it’s something we do!

As I reflect on the state of HUMC, I see a lot of Love in Action!  Here is just a quick list of some things that I see on a daily and weekly basis.  What more could you add to this list? I know I will come back to this list and say, “I forgot to mention _____” But here is a start!

  • We gather every Sunday and not only worship together, but there is a genuine sense of community and love for God and each other! This is love!
  • Our Band of Brothers has met faithfully for many years (and we are open to more men who would like to join us on Tuesdays at 10 AM).  We talk about important Christian issues, and we do that with seriousness, humor, but most importantly, love! This is love!
  • Our Women’s Circles meet on a regular basis. Each circle is involved in putting their Love of God and Neighbor into concrete action! (Plus they never forget to share a dessert with their pastor!!!). This is love!
  • We have members who visit our shut-ins to remind them they are still a valuable part of our church.  This is love!
  • Members volunteer their time and talents to care for the maintenance of the church. So much of this work is “behind the scenes,” and unless you see them doing it, you don’t realize how much work they do.  This is love!
  • Our Stephen Ministry Team is training new Stephen Ministers to show God’s love to people who are experiencing a difficult time in life.  With such a great group of people, please take advantage of this ministry - Just as we are called to give help, we are also called to receive help!  This is love!
  • Our Choir meets weekly to practice and sing praise to God.  It’s said, “when you sing, you pray twice.” This is love!
  • Our staff (office and custodial) do so much work behind the scenes to make the business of the church run smoothly. They are the first faces you see when you come to the church during the week.  This is love!
  • When someone is going through a difficult time - grief, surgery, illness, and so forth, the members of our church step up and provide a listening ear, a card, a call…This is love!
  • We collect food for the Open Door Pantry and for Hunger Heroes in the schools. People who would go without are able to eat because of the love of God that others show. This is love!
  • Our committees and officers work to carry out the ministries of the church and they always look forward to finding new ways to serve. This is love!
  • There are people who volunteer to stream our services, manage the sound system, serve as ushers, and serve as liturgists in order to make sure our Worship is streamlined and able to reach more than just those who can physically attend.  This is love!

What have I forgotten? This is certainly not an exhaustive list! We have people who remember the birthdays and anniversaries of others and send cards…We have people who pray for our church…We have people who make cakes and cookies for others…We have people who donate money or supplies…The list goes on and on.  This is love!

I hope this inspires you to realize that what we do in the name of Jesus always plants a seed. You were created to love and to be loved.


Pastor Tom

Rev. Tom Hallberg – Pastor

Contact Number: 252-414-8737


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Please Remember these in your prayers

Andrea Boone

Ray Sawyer

Karen Fallon

Brenda White

Tim Brinn

John Larson

Chicago Eure

River Trace Nursing Home

Jean Ashley

Chowan River

Tom Gard

Edenton Primetime 

Wayne Ashley

The Landings

Thelma Skinner

Bobbie Boynton

Margaret Denison

Winslows- Elizabeth City

Jane Jordan

Extended Church Family  

J.D. Abshire (friend of Todd & Candy Tilley) Tiffany Roberts (Ronnie & Donna Baker's Daughter)

Patrice Dardenne (Friend of Kathy Sherrill)

Larry Johnson (brother-in-law of Nancy Lodge)

David Malcom (Requested by Mark Sherrill)

Dwayne Priest (Requested by Mark Sherrill)

Family of Lyndon White (Brother of Thelma Skinner)

Laurie & Don Winz (Friends of Trip & Melissa Cofield)

Carole Donaghy (Ruth Lacefield's Niece)

Sandy Scaff Ryan

Tiffany Roberts (Ronnie & Donna Baker's Daughter)

Stan Wilkerson (Requested by Mark Sherrill)

Amy Cullipher (Ed Nixon & Kay Winslow’s sister)

Nick Nixon (Ed & Barbara Nixon's Son)

Jackie Hobbs (Friend of John & Susan Christensen)

Allie Pucchio (Jeff & Barb Paige's Niece)

Joseph Ambrose (Patty Bittner's Neighbor) 

Beth Colson (Marta Colson’s Daughter-in-Law)

Diane Selleck (Katheleen Selleck's Daughter)

Edward & Judy Taylor (Friends of Raymond Sawyer)

Carolyn Meads (Ida Saunder's Sister)

Gail Smith


*Bold text indicates recent additions/updates to the prayer list*

We need liturgists to volunteer to open our worship service so that Pastor Tom is able to continue playing piano. 

Please call the office if you're able to serve in this vital role, and we will put you on the schedule!

Prayer Shawl

Monday 10 AM

Band of Brothers

(Men's Small Group)

Tuesdays - 10:00 AM

Stephen Leaders

Wednesday – 10AM

Choir Practice

Wednesdays – 7 PM

Trustees Meeting

Thursday 10 AM


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Misty Hallberg Apr 1

Tom Hallberg Apr 1

Lee Ann Van Pelt Apr 1

Esther Hall Apr 2

Becky Dobson Apr 3

Ruth Lacefield Apr 4

Donald Hurst Apr 6

Mark Sherrill Apr 7

Susan Winslow Apr 8

Kaye Long-Fussell Apr 9

Kathleen Selleck Apr 9

Richard Parr Apr 16

Ashley Stoop Apr 23

Sam McNaught Apr 24

Dina Hurdle Apr 27

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Chris and Amy Hall

April 6

Ruth and Sam McNaught

April 7

Ronnie and Donna Baker

April 10

Mark & Lee Ann Van Pelt

April 14

Please let the church office know if we have missed your birthday or anniversary. Thank you!

Joe and Stephanie Fuller

Please join the Hertford UMC family for a church potluck on Sunday, April 28, immediately following the worship service to celebrate Stephanie and Joe Fuller and thank them for their many years of service to HUMC.   Stephanie has been so active during her time here and has served on just about every committee that exists. She and Joe led the youth activities when Mariah and Luke were younger, as well as being leaders with the Scout troops for many years. More recently, Stephanie was a staff member and was instrumental in many upgrades in our communications processes during her short tenure.  Joe has been a prominent leader in our sound and streaming ministry, troubleshooting issues, and keeping those systems up and running, which is a never-ending task. Joe is presently serving on the Board of Trustees and has taken the lead on many projects involving upgrades in the church.

Hertford UMC is very fortunate to have had the Fuller family for almost 27 years, but they are now ready to move into the next phase of their retirement. Stephanie and Joe are in the process of selling their house and will be moving to western Virginia to be nearer their families.

Staff Parish Relations Committee will be supplying the fried chicken for the potluck, so bring your special side dish or dessert as we wish Stephanie and Joe happiness in this next stage of their lives. We will be taking up a love offering for Stephanie over the next three weeks, so if you would like to contribute, please make your check payable to Hertford UMC and write “Stephanie” in the memo line.

Loaves and Dishes FAQ

What is “Loaves and Dishes?”

Beginning April 29, 2024, we will host monthly meals on the last Monday of each month (with some exceptions) from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM. These meals are a way to break bread and share God’s love with our congregation and the larger community.

Who can come to “Loaves and Dishes?”

Everyone is welcome! We want members of Hertford UMC and people from the community to join us.

What do I have to bring?

You don’t need to bring anything! The meals will be prepared for you. Come as you are - and invite a friend!

How much do the meals cost?

The meals are FREE, though we accept donations to help with the cost.

Who will be preparing the meals?

Any group from the church can prepare one of the meals - A Women’s Circle, A Men’s Group, and so forth. If you would like to help prepare a meal, gather some of your friends and sign up for a date and complete the meal application so that we have the details.

What kind of food will be served?

Our Outreach Team (led by Lynne Raymond) created a list of possible meals that a group can choose to prepare. Each month the team who will prepare the meals can choose a “hot” or “cold” option. The menu choices are available in print form for you to use in meal planning.

Who will pay for the cost of the meals?

Any team that chooses to prepare a meal can be reimbursed up to $50 from the Outreach Team by filling out a reimbursement form. 

Do I have to reserve a spot in order to come?

We ask that church members let the office know if they will attend, but we also understand that plans can change at the last minute. You are not required to reserve, but we ask that you try to reserve so that we know how many people to expect.

I have more questions…Who can I contact?

Contact Lynne Raymond (Outreach Chair) or Pastor Tom. You may also contact the church office.

Out Reach Opportunities! Choose your favorite one or two!

HUMC will partner with The Open Door Food Pantry each month to collect needed items for the pantry. We will have several specific items that our church can help re-supply.

Items can be dropped off in the black OPEN DOOR tub found at the Covent Garden entrance to the church.

We hope you will consider being a part of The Open Door Food Lion Cash Card Program each month. You can purchase a cash card for any even dollar denomination from $5 to $500 per card. Five percent (5%) of your purchase goes to The Open Door Food Pantry. 

Please make your check made payable to ODFLCCP and deliver to the church office no later than the 2nd Monday of each month. 

Hertford Grammar School Book Vending Machine

Children can earn books with your help! Students showing good behavior, helping others, or staff recommendations will earn tokens to use the vending machine. The librarian has put together an Amazon wish list with age-appropriate books, and any books purchased from the list will be sent directly to the school. Think about how their reading skills can be developed from access to more books and the pride that will come from earning books to keep.

Amazon Book List for HGS


Click Here for the  Beacon District Newsletter  
Click Here for the Beacon District Facebook Page

United Methodist News answers frequently asked questions about General Conference in A Beginner’s Guide to General Conference.

Here is a LINK with delegates from the North Carolina Conference discussing General Conference


Pray As You Go

Daily Prayer Practice

(Click the picture)

Bishop's Office


 Connie Shelton

The People of the

United Methodist Church

What We Believe 

How We Serve

Ways to Grow


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The Outreach Ministries group needs your help. In order to help grow the membership of HUMC, we would like to send a card to all newcomers who move into Perquimans County.

In order to send this "Come meet new friends this Sunday at Hertford United Methodist Church . . . ., " we need the names and addresses for any folks who are new to the area.

Please provide this information to:

Nancy Lodge:

nancylodge62@gmail.com or 252-333-9208

Lynne Raymond

63lynner@gmail.com or 426-5102 and we will do the rest.

As always, thanks for helping us grow!


Are you missing HUMC E-NEWS or know someone who is not getting it?

Please feel free to share the HUMC E-News with your friends or family who are not receiving it.

We are in the process of updating addresses, emails and phone numbers and other contacts. Please let the church office know of any changes to your information!

Call: 426-5467 or Email: humcoffice@hertfordumc.org

If you have any news you would like in the

weekly e-news? Please email it to Stephanie in the office at humcoffice@hertfordumc.org

by Wednesday each week.

Hertford United Methodist Church
200 Dobbs Street
Hertford, NC 27944
Office Hours: 9-4 Monday thru Thursday
Phone: 252-426-5467
Website: hertfordumc.org
Facebook  Youtube