


Regular Sunday Worship Times:

Traditional Praise Worship 8:00 a.m.

Contemporary Praise Worship 9:45 a.m.,

also livestreamed on Facebook Live

7564 Cottage Grove Rd. Madison WI 53718

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday

Contact us at or (608) 223-9337




Sunday, February 18, 2024

This Week's Message is

The Commands of Jesus: Repent & Believe

Mark 1: 9-15


Join us for our regular worship Sundays at 8:00 a.m. (Traditional) and at 9:45 a.m. (Praise Band Worship) which is also always livestreamed on our Facebook page and available on our YouTube page any time after, not just when we're live. Our most recent worship services are also posted to our website and are featured in the weekly newsletters on Wednesdays.

To view the service from February 11 2024 click here.


TODAY February 14, 2024

at 6:15pm

Is There a Limit to Love?

"The sky's the limit!" We live in a culture that says we're only limited by our imagination or our ability to believe in ourselves, right? Well, we do have other limits - we are mortal. But in the midst of that limit, God's love is limitless! Come for this time of worship as we begin our Lenten journey together!

Holy Communion and ashes will be available for all!


This year as we journey to the cross and empty tomb, we will be centered on Sundays around “The Commands of Christ.” These are not like the Commandments of the old covenant – these are Jesus’ invitations to a deeper life with Him. These commands aren’t optional but can encourage us into a full and fulfilling life with Christ. "Follow me." "Pray like this." "Love one another." “Take this bread.” Come and join us on Sundays for this sermon series in our Lenten season.


We always encourage and appreciate volunteers for the Welcome Team to help out with parts of the worship service, such as greeter, welcome table, usher, tellers, coffee server and Communion helpers.

Here is a link to February Welcome Team

The sheet is on the welcome table to write your name in while you're here if you'd like or enter in your name from a computer or laptop or contact the office to sign up.

Here is a link to a sign-up genius form for Communion/Altar Care shifts too. Please sign up - we need helpers for this! If you would like to set up, serve or clean up Communion, please contact Ann Krebs Byrne.

Anyone is invited to join the Welcome Team at any time!


Thank you so much for your gifts toward the completion of our Landscape Project thus far - especially those year-end gifts that brought us almost to completion! We still have a few things for this project to be completed, but hope to celebrate that this spring. Please prayerfully consider your giving to this Project, but also continued increased giving to our General Fund. Thank you also to those who were able to increase their giving last year as well. Your gifts (much appreciated) can be accomplished through electronic giving - THERE IS A FIELD TO CLICK IN VANCO, by check, or transfers. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Heather or Ken Wundrow

VANCO(Give Online)


St. Matthew's New Life has a new way for you to give! Venmo is an easy to use and safe way to give directly to your church home! Please click the link or use the QR code in order to link to our new Venmo page. Give for a special occasion or give your regular offering in this way.

Thank you always for your donation


Adult Ministry


Next week we would like to begin offering dinners at 5:30pm before the Peacemaker class, but that means we need volunteers to provide it. If you - and feel free to share this with others - are able to help out, please call the church office or sign up outside the kitchen window. Thank you!


Don't miss this great class that begins this week on Sunday February 18 and Wednesday February 21. Elton Tylenda will take us on a journey to discover our inner peacemaker. He says, “Real peace, both within and without, requires a transformation of consciousness beyond sorrow and despair. This course helps you navigate toward inner peace by exploring the perspective of great peacemakers across many spiritual wisdom traditions.” Come join us in person on Sundays at 11am or Wednesdays at 6:15pm for this engaging conversation! Thank you Elton and Josie for offering this gift! Check out for more information!


The Men's Group will meet this coming Saturday, February 17  at the church from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Please plan to join us! All are welcome!


Thank you for your support during the SOUPer Bowl last Sunday! We raised $1,053 which is one third of our goal! It was a wonderful morning spent as a community.


Might you be interested in playing golf this summer with other new life and community members on Thursday evenings? We golf at Door Creek Golf Course every Thursday from May 23rd through August 22nd, with two regularly scheduled tee times at 5:20 and 5:28 PM. Six golfers have currently committed every week, leaving room for three golfers willing to commit full time, and as many subs as interested. In the past we have scheduled two weeks out in advance, so we can rotate folks in and out, because most people will not be able to play every single week due to family, work, or other obligations. You do not have to be a great golfer. We are a community of faith and play for enjoyment; the game of golf can be fun no matter what our skill levels are. Anyone is welcome to join in. If you're interested, please respond by February 20th

Email the church office ( and

Verne Scholl ( or

David Hayward( , and you will receive timely communication on golfing opportunities. We use no formalized selection other than send out a group email request, and the first one to respond with a “yes” is in for that week. 

 This year, the golfing fees per player are: Walking $20.00, Riding $31.00 (based on a double occupancy cart). 


Every Saturday from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. members of the prayer team meet at the church to spend some personal time with God (reading, quiet time in a relaxed state, listening to music, moving around in a peaceful state, etc.- however you personally connect with God). And at 7:30 a.m. come together to pray for churches, pastors, community partners, and for the needs and special purpose God has for each person in the church both present and future. Please come any other Saturday this may work for you!


We are offering the opportunity for you to order flowers for Easter to help decorate the altar stage for the Easter Services! We'll be placing one master order with Felly's Flowers, to be delivered to the church a few days before Easter.

For $14 you can choose a bulb plant such as Tulips, Daffodils or Hyacinth or for $18 you can choose an Easter Lily (Single).

The deadline for you to submit your order and for payment to be processed will be Thursday March 14th.

There are a few ways for you to order:

(1) Click here to go to the Google.doc sign-up form;

(2) Contact the church office;

or (3) Sign up on the hard copy sheet on the Welcome Table.

You can either write a check to New Life Church or go to the VANCO page here and complete the form or pay on Venmo with the link in above article.

BRAT FEST 2024!! 

Start looking at your Memorial Weekend calendars. (May 21-27) The volunteer sign up goes live March 15th at 10am, and the earlier we sign up the more choices we have for days, shifts, and job choices. Last year we got in late and only had a few volunteers but still made $400! Imagine if we had more. Over the last 30 years Brat Fest has donated over $2.3 million to support local charities. If you do not want to sign up online, watch for signup sheets on the Welcome table. If you’d like more information, please contact Judy Goke ( Our proceeds this year will be going to two building projects – resurfacing the parking lot and painting portions of the outside of the church.

Children & Youth Ministry

NEW LIFE KIDS - 9am ReCreation Room

Join us as we continue to learn about The Disciples. All ages will be learning through Music!


Thank you to all of the families and community partners that donated their time, soup and bread last Sunday during the SOUPer Bowl fundraiser! The event would not have been the same without you!

Explorers: 9am Youth Room

Join us as we continue Alpha! Just a few weeks left in this series!

eMerge:11am ReCreation

This Sunday we will finish our study on what mission means to us in our faith journey.


During this Lenten season we would like to offer opportunities for families to learn more about The Communion Sacrament. 

Pastor Heather invites families to join her in talking about Communion on Sunday, March 3rd after 2nd service at 11am or Wednesday, March 6th after dinner at 6:15pm. Children are also encouraged to join us during Maundy Thursday's dinner worship service that is Communion focused on Thursday, March 28th at 6:30pm.


Want to help out with New Life Kids? We have a variety of activities each week and could use volunteers! See the schedule here and below or email Jessica.


Who: Youth currently in grades 8-12

What: Partnering with Praying Pelican Missions

Where: Chicago, IL

When: Saturday, July 13 - Friday, July 19

The total trip cost per person is $300. a $150 deposit is due at sign up and the final payment of $150 is due on May 12. Let Jessica know if you are interested!


Monday, August 5 - Thursday, August 8 9am - 12pm

4K– 5th grade kids are invited to join us as we Swim into God's Word.

If you are interested or want more information on any of the activities, feel free to reach out to Jessica Korrison.



In honor of Black History Month, we are collecting children's diapers for The Nehemiah Center. They prefer smaller packages of any child size diapers. (No adult diapers, please.) Please bring them to church throughout the month of February - there is a table in the entry way for the collections! Thank you!


Several weeks ago, Tamra Oman spoke in worship about her work with women coming out of incarceration. EXPO (Ex Incarcerated People Organizing) has a house available now in Madison to five women and is in need of some items and services. We will let you know more as time goes one, but right now they need: a coffee maker, games, new wellness books, and gift cards. There is also a dream wish of transportation help - offering rides or even a donated vehicle would be ideal! Pastor Heather has a more detailed list and we will be asking for clothing and other items soon as well. Most of all, keep this ministry and these women in your prayers! If you'd like to see the house, please check out this video!


New Life continues to distribute much-needed gift cards to those in need - totally on average about $3,000 every month! Because of the increased need, if you would be able to give to this fund, please submit checks with "Social Purpose Fund" in the memo or give online to that fund. Thank you! Also, please know that if you are experiencing any financial need (rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, medical, unemployment/furlough, etc.) you only need to let Pastor Heather know. This information will be keep confidential to her and our financial officers (treasurer and bookkeeper).

Another way you and your family can help in the community is to support black-owned businesses (click here for a list and other ways you can help). Again, thank you for caring and sharing!

Prayers needed for

Hospitalized, Injured, Ill or Medical Prayers :

Noreen Beck (recent stroke)

Every Day Prayers

Wayne Meyer


Jean and Vickie Hoover on the passing on Jean's mother

Fred Thalacker in the death of his father, Bill

Shawn Peters in the death of his cousin, Eric

If you would like to be included on our prayer list, please contact the church office. Permission is required from the individual for us to print their name. Individuals will be on the list for one month unless requested.

Please click on the calendar to take you to our Google calendar.


Office hours are Monday through Thursday. Please feel free to contact staff members of New Life by email at or by calling the office at 608-223-937. Contacts are listed here.

New Life Staff:

Rev. Heather Hayward, Pastor

Jessica Korrison, Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator

Liz Rusch, Office Manager/Newsletter

Jim Manos, Bookkeeper

Shakia “Queen” Turner, Property Manager

ELCA South-Central Wisconsin Synod website:

New Life Church Council:

Janice Newell, President

Brian Coel, Vice-President

Tom Olson, Secretary

Ken Wundrow, Treasurer

Iris Christenson

Shannon Erb

Jillene Fisch

Deb Kohlwey

Louise Miller

Shawn Peters

Linda Sime

Russel Theel