Prince of Peace builds disciples of Jesus who know God, grow together, and serve the world.


Sunday Worship

8:00 am – Traditional

10:30 am – Contemporary

(9:15 AM Sunday School

for Children and Adults)

Spanish Worship

9:00 AM

Amharic Worship

3:00 PM


Sunday at 10:30 AM

Live Stream Worship at 10:30
Worship On Demand
Prayer List

Holy Communion is served at the 8:00 on the 1st & 3rd Sundays and at the 10:30 on the 2nd & 4th Sundays. 5th Sundays have communion at both the 8:00 & 10:30.

Whether you're a recent visitor or have been attending for some time we extend a warm invitation to join us for the Meet Prince of Peace event on Sunday, August 18, starting at 11:30AM in Room 21. Pastor Michael Hayes will provide an informative presentation, offering insights into our church family and its history. We're equally excited to learn more about you - our staff will also be present to introduce themselves and interact with you.  

Let us know if you plan to attend because we will be serving lunch and we want to make sure we have enough. Please RSVP to Thank you!

Important Dates

July 31 - Youth Group Pool Party

Aug 5-9 - VBS - Sign up today to volunteer!

Coming Soon!

Aug 18 - Meet Prince of Peace Luncheon

Aug 18 - Back to School Blessing

Aug 25 - POP School Blessing of Teachers and Students

Save the date!

Oct 5 - 2024 Oktoberfest

Nov 3 - CROP WALK (more info)

Dec 29 - Jan 4 - Hypothermia

For more details on all events read below, visit our website, or email

VBS Volunteers Needed

We are still in need of volunteers for VBS! Having more volunteers will allow us to accept additional participants from the waitlist. Please consider volunteering for this important event! 

Volunteers are needed August 5th-9th from 8am to Noon. Adults and Youth entering Grades 7 and above are invited to serve with us during VBS week. Childcare is available for infants and young children of volunteers. We are currently at 72% of our goal for volunteers registered. Sign up today at

Communications Team Needs Volunteers!

The Communications Team is seeking people who are familiar with marketing and social media. If you have these skills and are interested, we need your ideas! Most of the volunteering can be done from home. Help us get Jesus out to our community! If you are interested please contact Tiffany Sears.

Prince of Peace School

Employment Opportunity

Our School Ministry is looking for Part-Time Teaching Assistants for the new school year in the half-day preschool program, in the extended day morning- and after-care program, or as substitute assistants. Additional information, including job descriptions and information on how to apply, is available here Questions? Please contact Lisa or Debbie in the school office at or 703-451-6177.


Did someone say Pool Party? Youth in Grades 7-12, join us at the Rolling Hills Swim Club on Wednesday, July 31st from 5pm to 8pm. Pizza and soda will be provided. Please bring $5 per person and don't forget a towel!

Unfortunately, all VBS participant spots are full and we are currently on a waitlist. Register a participant for the waitlist and we will contact you if a spot opens up!

August 5th-9th, 2024, 9am-12:00pm

VBS Start the Party - Register TODAY! 

Let's Start the Party! Join us at VBS this summer as we celebrate the Good News of Jesus! Preschool Age 4 through rising 6th Graders are invited to participate in VBS. Adults and students entering 7th Grade and above are invited to volunteer at VBS. Register today!


You can also bring your ECHO donations to the church and put them in the big white bin in the hallway near the office.


Rising 7th through 12th grade

Contact DCE, Alex Lillis to get involved!


Small Group Ministry

Hello, Prince of Peace! Welcome to the GROW TOGETHER community! I am Sara Wilson, your dedicated Coordinator, thrilled to share some exciting news with you. Get ready for an incredible journey as we unveil new studies that will enrich your life. Take a moment to explore these opportunities and imagine the growth and connections that await you. Feel free to reach out to me for any assistance in getting involved. Let's embark on this transformative experience together!

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