St. John

Armenian Church

of Greater Detroit

Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian, pastor

Weekly Church e-Bulletin

Sunday, February 18, 2024



Sunrise Service - 9:30am

Divine Liturgy - 10:00am

Click HERE to read the Sunday Bulletin



Sunday, February 18th

Sunrise Service - 9:30am

Divine Liturgy - 10:00am

Sunday Lenten Soups

Meet the Candidates

After Divine Liturgy

Monday, February 19th

Bible Study - 7:00pm

Tuesday, February 20th

Tuesday Lunch Club - Noon

Tuesday, February 20th

Western Armenian Language Classes - 4:30pm & 6:00pm

Wendesday, February 21st

Lenten Vesper Services - 5:30pm

ACYOA Jr. Lenten Dinner - 6:00pm

Friday, February 23rd

Women's Guild & Men's Society Game Night - 6:00pm

Sunday, February 25th

Annual Parish Assembly Meeting

In the Cultural Hall After Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, February 27th

Women's Guild Baking: Nazoog - 9:00am

Wednesday, March 6th

Saintly Women's Day - 11:00am

Thursday, March 7th

Hye Doon Monthly Social - 7:00pm

Saturday, March 9th

Men's Society Spiritual Retreat - 9:00am

Saturday, March 16th

Little Saints Program - 10:00am

Saturday, March 16th

Annual Rev. Fr. Diran and Yn. Rosalie Papazian Parish Retreat

More Details to Follow

Church School Calendar For This Sunday

Grades PK4 - 1

Classroom: 10:15am - 11:15am

Assembly/Choir: 11:15am - 11:45am

Grades 2 - 6

Worship: 10:15am - 10:45am

Classroom: 10:45am - Noon

Grades 7/8

Attend Divine Liturgy: 10:15am - 11:00am

Assigned Curriculum: 11:00am - Noon

Grades 9 - 12

Attend Divine Liturgy: 10:15am - 11:00am

Armenian History: 11:00am - Noon

Church School Calendar
Church School Registration


2024 Annual Parish Assembly Meeting

Sunday, February 25, 2024, 12:30pm

Church Cultural Hall

We invite all parishioners to attend the St. John Armenian Church Annual Parish Assembly Meeting on February 25, 2024 at 12:30pm in the Church Cultural Hall. 

During the meeting, we will be holding church leadership elections for Parish Council, Auditing Committee, and Nominating Committee. All parishioners are invited to attend the meeting, but only Church Stewards are eligible to vote.

All Church Stewards who paid their 2023 stewardship pledge were emailed instructions for registration and voting. If you did not receive this email or you have any question about your stewardship status, please contact the church office at 248-569-3405.

A lunch will be provided prior to the meeting with proceeds supporting the St. John Fuller House Project in Armenia. Donation for the lunch is $15 - please RSVP for lunch to Jackie El Chemmas at or call the church office at (248) 569-3405.

Meet the Candidates

This Sunday, February 18, 2024, after Divine Liturgy, the candidates for church leadership positions will be gathering in the Cultural Hall to meet parishioners. Please come, buy a bowl of soup from the Men's Society, and meet the candidates.

Click HERE to View Cadidates Running for Church Leadership Positions

2023 Stewardship pledge payments were due on December 31. If you did not pay your 2023 Stewardship, please contact the church office.

2024 Stewardship pledge cards have been mailed -- please complete and return to the church office. If you were not a steward in 2023, please contact the church office and we will mail you a pledge card.

Why Should We Become Stewards?

To have a church for prayer and educational, cultural, and spiritual growth

To meet our parishioners' needs

To maintain our facilities

To ensure our church for generations

To support all of the wonderful programs and ministries listed in this bulletin

To have a voice in electing our church leaders

Your annual stewardship commitment will help sustain our parish and contribute towards its growth. If you like what St. John's does in our commmunity, and want to ensure that future generations of our families will always have a place of worship to call their home in the years ahead, please support us by becoming a Steward.

If you have questions or are unsure of your stewardship status, please call the church office - 248-569-3405. Thank you!

Stewardship Pledge Card
   Stewarship Payment   

Did you know you can support St. John Armenian Church every time you shop at Kroger?

If you use a Kroger Shopper's Card, just follow these simple instructions to link your card to the Kroger Community Rewards program. Kroger will give back a percentage of the total you spend on groceries each week to the church.

  • Go to and log into your online account (or create an online account with your Shopper's Card number)
  • Click Account and then My Account at the top right of the screen
  • Click Community Rewards
  • Search and select St. John's Armenian Church; or search for our Organization Number QY207

That's all you have to do to help support your church

every time you shop at Kroger.

St. John Armenian Church

22001 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, MI 48075

(248) 569-3405 |

Pastor: Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian

Support our programs and ministries by making a donation:

Click here for online giving
Join Us - Become a Steward of the Church

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