Weekly Features presented by Larry Dietz, CCIM

May 8, 2024

Feature Article: How Online Shopping Is Saving the Bricks-and-Mortar Store

Interesting anomaly in this story. Not too many years ago, the thought process was that on-line shopping was going to be the demise of many brick & mortar stores and shopping in general. That did indeed happen in some cases. Witness the closure of Bed, Bath & Beyond. Sears, once a dominant U. S. retailer, entered bankruptcy in 2018 and has now gone from about 700 stores to less than 25. Other major retailers are closing many of their stores, ie: Macy’s, Best Buy etc.

What is apparently happening now is that some retailers are taking advantage of the on-line shopping experience; not only functioning as fulfillment centers but participating actively in on-line marketing and shipping. These retailers have (and are) adapting to the ever-changing shopping habits of the consumer. 

To read more (The Wall Street Journal)

To read more (PDF)

Feature Property:

10510 Joor Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70818

Office for Lease

Located in Central, Louisiana, this property is ideal for any large office use. The office space has high visibility and access, and is within close proximity to an Amazon fulfillment facility. The property contains 15 individual offices, and 2 conference rooms. Click the link to learn more about this property located on Joor Road, with 15,500 square feet available!

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Larry Dietz, CCIM

Commercial Sales & Leasing, Associate Broker

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