WEEKLY BULLETIN | April 28, 2023 | |
Thanks to All No Mow Participants
We hope our native pollinators had a great month!
No Mow April ends on Sunday, April 30. Please cut your yard next week so grass and weeds do not exceed 12” high. City staff may issue violation notices (with time to correct prior to a fine) for properties not in compliance. The City and your neighbors greatly appreciate your cooperation.
Residents are reminded that they are responsible for maintaining grass in the City right of way to the curb adjacent to their property. Soft yard waste such as grass clippings (if not composted), may be placed in City beige yard waste containers, reusable containers with a City yard waste decal, or paper yard waste bags, and left at the curb on your regular refuse/recycling collection day. For more information, please visit https://collegeparkmd.gov/specialcollections.
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Arbor Day Event Notice
Due to the forecasted rain continuing throughout this evening, today’s (4/28/23) Arbor Day event has been postponed.
Please stay tuned for a future event date announcement by following the City on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) or by signing up for City emails at www.collegeparkmd.gov/cpconnect.
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Special Election for Office of the Mayor
On May 6, 2023, the City of College Park will hold a Special Election for the Office of Mayor. The candidates are:
- Bryan Haddad
- S.M. Fazlul Kabir
- Catherine Hope Kennedy
- Denise C. Mitchell
For additional candidacy information, visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/elections.
Cast your vote for mayor by:
Early Voting: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 | 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Davis Hall, 9217 51st Avenue, College Park, MD 20740
Election Day: Saturday, May 6, 2023 | 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, 7401 Baltimore Avenue, Community Room 1st Floor, College Park, MD 20740
You may apply in person for a ballot at 7401 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 201, between 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
For more information about the Special Election or candidates, please visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/elections.
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Better Bag Ordinance
The City of College Park is pleased to announce the new Better Bag Ordinance to reduce single-use plastic bag waste and litter in our local waterways and tributary system. Passed during the February 14, 2023 Council meeting and effective September 1, 2023, the Better Bag Ordinance will restrict the use of non-reusable plastic bags given or received at the point of purchase by City retailers and restaurants.
This new Ordinance encourages shoppers and patrons to use reusable bags for their groceries and other purchases. As part of the Ordinance, alternative bags like paper bags or reusable bags can be provided, but retailers must charge a minimum of $.10 per bag and may retain the entirety of the fee to cover costs. Restaurant carry-out bags are included in the Ordinance.
There are exemptions to this law, like bulk food, meat, ice, or produce packaging; for a full list of exemptions and more information, please visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/betterbag.
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Celebrating College Park Parade
May 6, 2023 | 10:00 am | Rhode Island Avenue
Join the City of College Park on May 6, 2023 at 10:00am to celebrate our community! Spectators can line up along Rhode Island Avenue to see local groups, organizations, entertainers, performers, and more!
We need you! Register your band, group, club, school, organization, business, classic car, equestrian club, or performer today. The deadline to participate is April 28, 2023. To register (and for rules and regulations), please visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/paradeentries2023.
Want to volunteer? Sign up today to be notified when volunteer positions become available (including those for SSL hours) at www.collegeparkmd.gov/volunteers.
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Metrorail Green Line Shutdown
WMATA has announced travel alternatives for the July 22 – September 4 Green Line shutdown between Fort Totten and Greenbelt. Click here for more information.
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WSSC Sewer Work
The week of May 1, WSSC Contractors will be working in the 9800-Block of 52nd Place, the 7300-Block of Rhode Island Avenue, the 4500-Block of Guilford Road, and the 7100-Block of Baltimore Avenue. Please use caution in the work zones.
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WSSC Street Repairs
Due to inclement weather, WSSC Contractors will be finishing street repairs in the 7600-Block of Sweetbriar Drive the week of May 1.
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Pepco Work on Metzerott Road
FYI from Pepco:
Beginning in late May, Pepco will begin replacing wood poles, crossarms and associated equipment in and around the 2700 block of Metzerott Road. Crews will conduct work during normal business hours of operations from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No work is anticipated to occur over the weekend, and there are currently no planned road closures. The work is expected to last three months after the start date.
Safety is our top priority for the community and our workers. Please use caution when driving near the work zone. Project signage and flaggers will be used to direct traffic during the construction. We understand this reliability enhancement work may impact you at times, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to improve your energy service.
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Livability Action plan
We heard you!
Recently, we asked for feedback on our draft Age-Friendly Livability Action Plan based on AARP’s five domains of livability. We appreciate all of your responses.
Currently, we are reviewing your feedback, and feedback from City staff and stakeholders. The College Park Senior Advisory Committee will then finalize a priority action list and present the plan and the priorities to the Mayor and City Council for their approval. Once it is approved, the plan will be forwarded to AARP.
Look for an update from us soon as we continue working through this process.
If you’d like to see the original plan, visit
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Maryland Day
April 29 | 10AM - 4PM | University of Maryland
Established in 1999, Maryland Day is the University of Maryland's largest community outreach event.
Stop by the City of College Park table for giveaways and resources on City services!
Learn more at marylandday.umd.edu.
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Celebrating College Park Parade
May 6, 2023 | 10:00 am | Rhode Island Avenue
Join the City of College Park on May 6, 2023 at 10:00am to celebrate our community! Spectators can line up along Rhode Island Avenue to see local groups, organizations, entertainers, performers, and more!
We need you! Register your band, group, club, school, organization, business, classic car, equestrian club, or performer today. The deadline to participate is April 28, 2023. To register (and for rules and regulations), please visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/paradeentries2023.
Want to volunteer? Sign up today to be notified when volunteer positions become available (including those for SSL hours) at www.collegeparkmd.gov/volunteers.
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Playground Renovation Conversation
May 11, 2023 | 7:30 PM | Davis Hall
Join the City of College Park and the North College Park Civic Association for a meeting on Thursday, May 11 at 7:30 pm to discuss upcoming renovations to your local playgrounds!
Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on design concepts made by Playground Specialists, Inc.
For more details, please contact the Community Development Planner via email at planning@collegeparkmd.gov.
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Friday Night LIVE!
May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8
6:30 - 8:30PM | City Hall Plaza
The City of College Park is hosting a series of concerts over the summer and you are invited!
Join us on the plaza at the City Hall building on select Fridays for Friday Night LIVE! The events will feature a variety of musical genres and performers and will include something for everyone, music, food, beer, and entertainment. There will be children’s performers, a bounce house, kids activities and arts and crafts.
All concerts will be held at City Hall Plaza (7401 Baltimore Avenue) between May -September from 6:30 to 8:30PM. Parking will be offered for free at the Downtown College Park parking garage at the corner of Yale and Knox. Local food and beer will be available for purchase during the event!
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Clean Up Saturdays
May 13 | 7:30AM - 12:00PM | Public Works
The City of College Park Public Works facility will be open for City residents to drop off bulky trash, white goods, electronics recycling, brush, and yard trim.
Document shredding services will be available to City residents on Saturday, April 15th from 8:00AM to 12:00PM. Bring your old tax records, medical paperwork, or any other confidential information to be shredded.
You must be a resident of the City of College Park and bring proof of City residency to participate, although anyone can buy compost or wood mulch during this event. Bulk trash broughtt on cleanup days does not count toward bulk trash limits, nor are there any fees applied for appliances, televisions, or monitors.
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Department of Public Works | |
Items available to purchase from the Department:
Call 240-487-3590 for more information, or visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/products.
For any information related to refuse, recycling, or other Public Works related items, contact the Department at: 240-487-3590 or publicworks@collegeparkmd.gov.
For a list of changes to Special Collection Pickups, including Yard Waste and for information about the Bulk Trash Changes, please visit: www.collegeparkmd.gov/specialcollections.
The Department is located at 9217 51st Ave. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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Soft & Woody Yard Waste
Soft yard waste and woody brush are processed independently into two different end products; therefore, these materials should be prepared separately for collection and further processing. Learn more here.
Urban Tree Protection: Ordinance 21-O-09
This Ordinance requires an application to be submitted for approval to obtain a permit to remove or prune a tree on residential land. You can find the permit application at www.collegeparkmd.gov/TreeRemovalApp. For more information, click here.
Styrofoam Recycling
A drop-off container is available 24/7 at the entrance to Public Works for block Styrofoam recycling. Only block Styrofoam is accepted in the white cart. No peanuts, cups, plates, or egg cartons are allowed.
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Curbside Food Scrap Collection
Recycle your food scraps to reduce harmful greenhouse gases!
City residents can join the new Curbside Food Scrap Collection program by signing up and purchasing containers at www.collegeparkmd.gov/curbsidecollectionapp.
Once you pick up your containers, your collection service will start the following Tuesday.
Join the program at www.collegeparkmd.gov/foodscraps.
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Department of Public Services | |
Weekly Highlights of Contract Police Activity | |
April 14 - April 20
Contract officer conducted stop sign enforcement at Saint Andrews Place and Duke Street. 6 warnings issued.
4/14 Contract officer conducted a traffic stop for loud exhaust at Baltimore Avenue/Campus Drive. The driver was issued 12 citations and placed under arrest for an outstanding warrant and possession of marijuana and cocaine.
4/15 Contract officer conducted a traffic stop for loud exhaust at Baltimore Avenue/Knox Road. The driver was issued 7 citations and 2 SERO’s.
4/15 Contract officer conducted a traffic stop for loud exhaust at Lakeland Road/Rhode Island Avenue. The driver was issued 12 citations and 2 SERO’s. The driver did not possess a license and his vehicle was impounded.
4/16 Contract officer conducted a traffic stop for loud exhaust at 5000 block of Lakeland Road. The driver was issued 5 warnings.
4/16 Contract officer conducted a traffic stop for loud exhaust at MD Rt. 193/Rhode Island Avenue. The driver was issued 3 warnings.
4/16 Contract officer was flagged down regarding an elderly woman walking in traffic in the 8900 block of Rhode Island Avenue. The officer located the female as she was unable to provide any information about herself. The officer was able to locate a family member who responded and took custody of her.
4/16 Contract officer conducted stop sign enforcement at Saint Andrews Place and Duke Street. 9 warnings issued.
4/19 Contract officer conducted a traffic stop for loud exhaust at Baltimore Avenue/Cherry Hill Road. The driver was issued 4 warnings.
4/20 Contract officer conducted stop sign enforcement at Saint Andrews Place and Duke Street. 8 warnings issued.
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Statistical Data and issued
MD State Citations: 47
Warnings: 91
Equipment Repair Orders: 12
Distracted Driving Citations: 0
Parking Citations: 0
Field Observation Report: 0
Youth Field Observation Report: 0
Citations in Lieu of Arrest: 0
Civil Citation: 0
Criminal Arrests: 1
DWS Arrest: 0
DWI Arrest: 0
Warrant Arrest: 1
Premise Checks: 9
Referral Student Code of Conduct: 0
Zone 1/Downtown Area Pedestrian Warnings: 41
Zone 1/Downtown Area Pedestrian Citations: 0
Zone 2/Berwyn-Lakeland Pedestrian Warnings: 0
Zone 2/ Berwyn-Lakeland Pedestrian Citations: 0
Zone 3/North College Park Pedestrian Warnings: 0
Zone 3/North College Park Pedestrian Citations: 0
Loud Exhaust Enforcement Stats:
Citations: 31
Warnings: 29
SERO's: 44
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Monthly Public Safety Maps
For monthly Prince George's County Police public safety maps and statistical data for the City of College Park, visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/publicsafety.
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Community Meetings
Note: These are not City meetings but have City staff or Contract Police as a host.
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PGPD District 1 Coffee Club:
Webinar (every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.)
Join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83396094990?pwd=WjJVYXZlL2ZxZWFiMTYwYVdqL3hnQT09
Join by phone: 978- 990-5399, Meeting ID: 833 9609 4990, Password: 720306
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