Christ Episcopal Church
Weekly Bulletin
July 28, 2023
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9 am - 3 pm
Closed on Friday
Worship Services
July 30: Pentecost 9 / Proper 12
8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Morning Prayer
Christ Church will begin a Morning Prayer service at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday mornings during the summer months. Morning Prayer will be held on Wednesdays through September 27th. Please add Morning Prayer to your summer schedules.
Media Services
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Live-Streaming this week of the 10 a.m. worship service on July 30, 2023 will begin at 9:55 a.m. If for any reason we experience Technical difficulties with the Live-streaming, a recording of the service will be uploaded and a link sent to the congregation at a later time.
Feature for in-person worship - Our hearing assistance feature is available as part of our sound system. This feature uses your smartphone, earbuds, or hearing aids to bring the sound directly into your ears. An information sheet is linked here, and copies are also available from the ushers or the media booth staff.
Dear Christ Church Family,
Attached you will find the June totals, 2nd quarter report and the giving report. You will notice that pledge fulfillment is down, which is definitely affecting our YTD Income vs. Expenses. I encourage you to continue to fulfill your pledges as you are able, even during the summer months when vacation often means church attendance is down. Thank you for all your support of Christ Church and its wonderful ministries! As always, please contact Amy or me if you have any questions.
Stefani Carroll
Building and Grounds
The Christ Church Building and Ground campus is very large and there are a number of things that can go wrong at one time. If there is something that you see that needs to be fixed or repaired, please contact the church office for the items to be added to a repairs needed list. Please call the church office at 229-242-5115 or email at Thanking you in advance for any assistance you can give.
Cursillo: a short course in Christianity.
Cursillo has assisted generations of Christians to faithfully follow Jesus in their daily lives. It begins on a Thursday evening at Honey Creek, Georgia Episcopal Conference Center, Waverly Georgia and ends on Sunday afternoon. Cursillo is lay movement assisted by Priests as spiritual advisors. It is an opportunity for you to renew and improve your relationship with God and experience God’s love in a tangible way.
The next Cursillo is September 7th-10th, 2023. If you are interested in attending, please contact Sandy Sandbach at 229-630-5385 or Elise Sandbach at 229-630-4738 or attend an informative meeting on August 6th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
at Christ Episcopal Church Parish Hall.
Serving this week - July 30, 2023
Eucharistic Ministers: Tammy Borders, Molly Stevenson, Jeani Synyard
Lectors: Molly Stevenson, Katherine Mayer, Jane Kinney
Acolytes: Nancy Lutsko, Phyllis Holland, Molly Stevenson
Altar Guild: Team 5 – Nancy Lutsko, Judy DeMott, Happy & Peter Ingeman, Frances Guice
Ushers: Bobby Yarbrough, Blake Yarbrough, Glen Flowers
Greeter: Julia Ariail
Coffee Hour: Phyllis Hiers, Patricia Tyson, Julia Ariail, Jeri-Lyn Flowers
Media Crew: Tom Carroll, Larry Wisenbaker
Serving next week - August 6, 2023
Eucharistic Ministers: Stefani Carroll, Martin Holland, Sheri Gravett
Lectors: Bonnie Hanson, Martin Holland, Stefani Carroll
Acolytes: J.D. Greneker, Molly Stevenson, Erica Thieme
Altar Guild: Sandra Fletcher, Rita Hightower, Sallie Honeycutt, Amber Tanner, Robin Coleman
Ushers: Alex Alvarez, Eric Nielsen, Delrick Bradley
Greeter: Dottie Pitts
Coffee Hour: Amber Tanner, Pepi Nelson, Elizabeth Wisenbaker, John McRae
Media Crew: Julius Ariail, Ken Rumstay
For many more serving opportunities see a Vestry Member.
Renewal of Ministry
Come Celebrate with us! Bishop Logue will be at Christ Church on August 19, 2023 beginning at 4:00pm for A Renewal of Ministry and Welcoming of our New Rector. Childcare will be available in the Gabard building. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Please invite your friends and neighbors to this celebration.
At 9 AM on Saturday, August 12, there will be a renewal of ministry practice to work on our “liturgical movements” during the worship. It should last less than an hour. It is for Lectors, Acolytes, and Eucharistic Ministers.
The reception to follow the Renewal of Ministry is in the planning stages. If you are available to assist, please contact Pat Denmark.
Community Outreach – Sunday, July 30th is the last day for school supplies collection, that afternoon at 2 PM all Christ Church teachers will have the first opportunity to select supplies they could/can use. After that they will be taken to our neighborhood school Sallas Mahone as we did last year. Thanks to all that have contributed. Notebook paper, packs of pencils, rubber erasers, crayons, blunt nose scissors. Questions call John McRae 229-220-5619, school supplies coordinator.
Happy Episcopal People at Noon
Happy Episcopal People, aka HEP Nooners will meet on Friday, Aug 18th at the home of John & Marcia McRae. Please bring sandwiches or salads to share, drinks and desserts provided.
John and Marića McRae
2701 Green Meadow Dr. Valdosta
All are welcome to attend. Bring a friend.
Open Position at Christ Church
Christ Church needs a Director of Christian Education. Please find the job description here. We will accept resumes and applications until Friday August 4th. Please call (229-242-5115) or email ( the office for the application to be sent to you. We pray that God sends us the right individual to be a visionary, communicator, recruiter and a leader in the Christian Education Ministry of our parish.
Diocesan Convention
The 2023 convention of the Diocese of Georgia will be held November 9-11, 2023 in Augusta, GA. Christ Church will select three delegates and three alternates to represent Christ Church at convention. Candidates must be age 18 or older and pledging members of Christ Church. If you are interested in representing Christ Church at the Diocesan Convention please contact Kim Dudley at the church office. The Vestry will be selection representatives at the September Vestry meeting. Please let the office know of your interest by September 12, 2023.
Foyer groups are now forming for the fall.
Anyone interested in meeting once a month or so with others from Christ Church, for a meal, are welcome. There will be a sign-up sheet in the parish house or you can call or email Jeani Synyard at: or 229-834-6004. Foyer groups should start sometime in September.
2023 Pictorial Directory
The 2023 Pictorial Directory is now available. We are making the directory available electronically via a PDF that can be downloaded and printed at home if you so choose. Please email Kim Dudley to receive a electronic version of the directory. If you would like the church office to print you a hard copy and send one to you, please email Kim at the church office.
Please let us know if there is something that needs to be updated. We will be making another directory available in December.
PMO & Preschool registration for the 2023-2024 school year. Preschool is open Monday - Friday from 9 - 12, and our PMO is open Tuesday & Thursday from 9 - 12. If you would like more information, please contact Elise Sandbach.
Sunday Evening Vespers - a group of Christ Church members meet on Zoom (2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays) at 6:00 p.m. to read the Compline Service, pages 127-135 in the Book of Common Prayer and for friendly conversation afterwards. The first and third Sundays of the month we will meet in-person, but will make an audio recording available after Vespers for those unable to attend in-person. To join the group and receive the link to the weekly gathering, contact Phyllis Hiers or call 229-563-2464.
Ways to donate
We are utilizing VANCO Payment Solutions to safely and securely make your offering.
Christ Church now uses a free mobile app that makes it simple for you to make an online gift.
Download the free “Vanco Mobile” app and search for Christ Episcopal Church and then Valdosta, GA.
We now also have a mobile text to give number simply text your gift amount to 844-928-4938 and then follow the instructions on your phone to complete your donation.
Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church.
July 30 - August 5, 2023
30 Debi Saeger
4 Don Thieme
July 30 - August 5, 2023
5 Steve & Sallie Honeycutt
Contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday or Anniversary
A Prayer for Ukraine
God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace for wisdom, discernment, and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby
Church of England, Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrel
Remember in Your Prayers
Anne, Kathy Armstrong, Caty Carter, Robert Church, the Cortese family, Virginia Cowart, Allan Dear, Janet Dickman, Terry Fontham, Melanie Ford, the Greneker family, Allison Halvorson, Louise Harding, Cheryl Hatcher, Buddy House, Peter Ingeman, Michane James, Doug Mayer, Terry McDonald, the Miller family, the Mistick family, Brett Nelson, Jim Nelson, Laura Paine, Della Richards, Debbie Richardson, Richard Rigby, Blair Schneider, Mike Tanner, Burt Tillman, Joe Tillman, Jude Tillman, Willa Valencia, Elizabeth Varner, Michelle Weidman
The family of Sam Greneker
The family of Monty Miller
Beginning the 1st Sunday in August we are keeping those in need of prayer on the list for 1 month. We ask you to renew the need for continued prayer by calling the office. - Fr. Hal
Clergy and Staff of
Christ Episcopal Church
Church Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9-3
Father Hal Weidman, Rector
church office (229) 242-5115
Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
church office (229) 242-5115
Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper
bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616
Sue Ellen Rumstay, Organist
church office (229) 242-5115
Issa Young, Choir Director
church office (229) 242-5115
Charles Whiting, Director of College Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115
Keri Wilkin, Director of Children's Ministry
mobile (229)-412-5630
Position Available
Director of Christian Education
Elise Sandbach, Director of Preschool
mobile (229) 460-4738
Christ Church uses Vanco Payment Solutions for online giving. Download the Vanco Mobile app, text to give 844-928-4938, or scan the QR code below. Thank you for your support.
email us at
229.242.5115 or bookkeeper at 229-242-0616
Christ Episcopal Church is part of the
Diocese of Georgia.