Christ Episcopal Church Weekly Bulletin
December 23 & December 30, 2022
From the Interim

Father Perkins writes a "Looking Out My Window"

Stewardship Update
We have received 96 pledges as of Thursday, December 22nd for a total of $441,420
3 new pledges totaling $10,800
6 have previously given but not pledged totaling $17,300.
38 pledges stayed the same totaling $167,110
39 increased their pledge totaling $224,030 with an increase of $29,350
10 decreased their pledge totaling $22,180 with a decrease of $17,960 (making our overall pledge increase total $11,390)

We encourage you to give prayerful thought to your commitments for next year and to render your pledge as soon as possible. That gives the finance committee support and insight as they anticipate our 2023 budget.
You can render your pledge by putting your card in the box in the narthex, mailing it to the office, or emailing Amy (
HEP (Happy Episcopal People)  Party  
Friday, December 23, 2023 beginning at 6:00 p.m.

H.E.P. Party: Adult Friends and Family Welcome
Friday, December 23, 2022 at 6:00 PM at
David and Elise Sandbach's - 2607 Pebblewood Dr .
Please mark your calendar and plan to come and enjoy an evening of Christmas Cheer .  

Drinks will be provided, please bring an hors d'oeuvre to share.

Remember this is an adult only gathering.
Live-stream Services
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Live-Streaming this week of the 11 p.m. Christmas Eve service on December 24, 2022 will begin at 10:25 p.m. with the pre-service music selections. If for any reason we experience Technical difficulties with the Live-streaming, a recording of the service will be uploaded and a link sent to the congregation at a later time.

If you missed it, here is a video of the December 18, 2022 - Holy Eucharist Service.

A Link to YouTube video that will begin Saturday, December 24th at 10:25 p.m. is available here.

We will not be livestreaming on Christmas Day (December 25th), or New Year's Day (January 1st). Thank you for your understanding as we give our Media Team a much deserved break for the holidays.
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Live-stream booth construction complete.
As a part of the upgrade of our audio and video equipment, construction is complete on the booth where our Media Crew will be located. They had there first Sunday in the booth on December 18th. They are still working with the new equipment and the audio connection, but are making great progress. Thank you for your patience. Here is a link to progression pictures.
Sounds of the Season 2022

Sue Ellen Rumstay held her annual "Sounds of the Season" on Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Rachel Rumstay played the harp.

In case you missed it, our Media Crew was able to record the event. There are options for watching below, as well as an audio recording if you prefer to listen.

Happy Episcopal People Luncheon

HEP Luncheon was held on Friday, December 16th at the home of John and Marcia McRae.
Here are some pictures from the event. Thank you John for hosting and sending the pictures.
James D. "Jimmy" Carroll, Jr.

The funeral for Jimmy Carroll was held on Wednesday, December 21st. If you were unable to attend the funeral, the family requested the service be recorded so the media team made a video of the service.

Annual Parish Meeting - January 8, 2023

On January 8, 2023 we will have only one service, a shortened 10 am worship service with the annual meeting at its conclusion.

At the annual meeting we will have Vestry Elections and you will find out about all the good works that Christ Church has been doing.

The Men in Blue, the Vestry, Parish Life Committee and the Hospitality Committee will be providing a hamburger/hot dog luncheon.

Please call or email the church office if you plan to attend. There is no cost for the luncheon, nor do you have to bring anything. We need an RSVP, to help with food planning to make sure we have enough to feed everyone who will attend.

Please mark your calendar and plan to join us.

Annual Reports have been submitted: Please note these items where submitted with the date of the annual meeting in mind, so references to tomorrow, or next week, are referring to January 8th, or later.

Vestry Elections

Vestry Elections will take place on January 8, 2023 during the annual parish meeting to be held immediately following the 10:00 service.
Please plan to attend this meeting as we will be electing our 2025 Vestry class.

We have nine candidates for Vestry who have submitted photos and a brief bio. Those can be found posted in the parish hall, or at this link 2025 Vestry Bios.

Friday, December 30, 6:30 pm at the home of Paul & Molly Stevenson - 6933 Old Valdosta Rd. N., Hahira, GA 31632

Join us as for food and fellowship. Bring your favorite appetizer. Drinks will be provided.

Bring a friend!
Birdwatching trip to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

Join us for Birdwatching trip to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge and boat trip at Wakulla Springs, January 1st. Meet at Christ Church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. 

Bring food to share at lunch. Come for all or part of the day. 

See John or Phyllis Hiers for more information.
Garden Guild will take a break for Christmas and begin again the 2nd week of January. We will focus on the rectory grounds then. Many thanks to all of the hardworking people who help to clean up our church campus. More hardworking people are welcome to join us. Bring your gloves and tools.
Children’s Church & Nursery

Children's Church will take a break for the Holidays and will return to Children’s Church on January 8th.

Nursery will not be open Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or New Year's Day. Nursery will return on January 8th.
Stitchers of Love
The Stitchers of Love are now meeting twice a month on the first and third Sundays in the Parish Hall from 4:00 to 6 p.m. (Time change this Sunday only). All are welcome. We will teach anyone who is interested in learning to knit or crochet. The next meeting is January 15th.
Tuesday Night Bible Study

The Tuesday night Bible study led by Willa Valencia will take a brief break for the holidays. Please plan to join us again in January.
Please mark your calendars - We will not have Vespers on December 25th or January 1st.
Sunday Evening Vespers - a group of Christ Church members meet on Zoom (2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays) at 6:00 p.m. to read the Compline Service, pages 127-135 in the Book of Common Prayer and for friendly conversation afterwards. The first and third Sundays of the month we will meet in-person, but will make an audio recording available after Vespers for those unable to attend in-person. To join the group and receive the link to the weekly gathering, contact Phyllis Hiers or call 229-563-2464.

Ever wondered what Vespers was all about? Here is an Audio Recording from December 18, 2022 available here.
End of Year Giving

Donations for the 2022 tax year can be dropped off at the church office before December 22nd, or in the offering plate on December 24th or December 25th at the 10:00 a.m. worship service. The Church Office will be closed from December 26th - January 2nd. Donations may be dropped in the drop-box on the College Street office door after 12/22, or mailed to the church office. Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church.
Use Our ways to donate
We are utilizing VANCO Payment Solutions to safely and securely make your offering.

Christ Church now uses a free mobile app that makes it simple for you to make an online gift.
Download the free “Vanco Mobile” app and search for Christ Episcopal Church and then Valdosta, GA.

Or you can donate on our Vanco Online site, or by scanning the QR code above or our website donate page located here.

We now also have a mobile text to give number simply text your gift amount to 844-928-4938 and then follow the instructions on your phone to complete your donation.

Thank you for your continued support of Christ Church.
December 24 - January 6 2023

24 Olivia O’Connor
26 Melanie Ford
28 Mary Gray
30 Irene Dodd
31 Susan Chamberlain
2 Ken Ricket, David Sandbach, Jr.
3 John McRae
4 Brighton Prine
5 Jacquelyn Dickey, Tepp Wilkin
December 24 - January 6, 2023
24 Gene & Sandra Seago
28 Katie & Hudson Tanner
30 Julius & Julia Ariail
6 Trent & Anna Coggins

Contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday or Anniversary
Remember in Your Prayers

Kathy Armstrong, Max Bontrager, Caty Carter, Robert Church, Anna Gardner, Allan Dear, Janet Dickman, Asher Geddings, Sam Greneker, Karen Gunter, Iris Hall, Allison Halvorson, Cheryl Hatcher, Tommy Hatcher, Buddy House, Amy Hudson, Peter Ingeman, Michane James, Doug Mayer, Laurie McCall and the McCall Family, Terry McDonald, Monty Miller, Keri Mock, Laura Paine, Della Richards, Debbie Richardson, Jane Rigby, Richard Rigby, Leigh Roberts, Benita Sandbach, Blair Schneider, Nancy Patterson Stone, Burt Tillman, Jude Tillman, Jim Tranthem, Jerry Tyson, Willa Valencia, Katie Mae Warren, Nancy & Ron Zaccari

The family of Jimmy Carroll
Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church

Church Office Hours:
Closed from December 26 - January 2, 2023
Father David Perkins, Interim Priest
church office (229) 242-5115
mobile (434) 956-9054

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
church office (229) 242-5115
Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper
bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 

Sue Ellen Rumstay, Director of Music
church office (229) 242-5115

Issa Young, Choir Master
church office (229) 242-5115

Charles Whiting, Director of College Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115
Chris Rutland and Joel Williams
Co-Directors of Youth Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115

Keri Wilkin, Director of Children Ministry
mobile (229) 412-5630

Elise Sandbach, Director of Preschool
mobile (229) 460-4738

Christ Church uses Vanco Payment Solutions for online giving. Download the Vanco Mobile app, text to give 844-928-4938, or scan the QR code below. Thank you for your support.
email us at
229.242.5115 or bookkeeper at 229-242-0616
Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.