October 8:
Pentecost 18 / Proper 22
Vestry Member of Day:
Marvin Dickey
Coffee Host:
Leigh Long, Stephanie Blevins
Altar Guild:
Team 3
8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Martha Leake
Usher - Max Bontrager
10:00 a.m., Holy Eu
Rite II
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Eric Nielsen,
Rita Hightower, Tammy Borders
Lay Readers
- Tammy Borders, Kathy
Armstrong, Molly Stevenson
Acolytes - JD Greneker, Molly Stevenson,
Paul Stevenson
Ushers - Richard Coleman, Bill Sineath
6:00 Vespers
First Lesson - Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm - 80:7-14
Second Lesson - Philippians 3:4b-14
Gospel - Matthew 21:33-46
Holy Eucharist
6:00 PM
Thursday Holy Eucharist
7:00 AM
Clergy and Staff of
Christ Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson
church office (229) 242-5115
Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
church office (229) 242-5115
bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616
Millie Johnson
Director of Children's Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115
Angela Duncan, Music Director
church office (229) 242-5115
Kathy Armstrong, Choirmaster
church office (229) 242-5115
Office hours: Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Thank you to those who have already submitted your pledge!
Pledge cards have been mailed out, and are also available in the tower, parish hall and office here at Christ Church. Your pledges play a vital role in the life and ministry of Christ Church. If you are pledging we would be most appreciative if you could turn in your pledge cards by November 1 for budget planning purposes-thanks so much!
Wednesday Night Dinner Series
October 11, 2017 beginning at 6:40 p.m.
We will continue the 5-week "Grace in Marriage" series on October 11th through October 18th.
Dinner will begin at 6:40 p.m.
Themes for "Grace in Marriage" Series:
October 11: "When the Road Gets Bumpy: Resolving Conflict"
October 18: "More Than Words: Expressions of Love"
Childcare will be provided with pizza and a dessert served in the Gabard Building each Wednesday night from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
St. Francis of Assisi Blessing of Animals
Sunday, October 8, 2017 beginning at 2:00 p.m.
St. Francis of Assisi Blessing of Animals will be held on October 8, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. on the front lawn.
Saturday, October 14, 2017 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Ladies Night Out will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at the home of Rena Nelson. Rena's address is: 103 East North Street, Valdosta.
Drinks will be provided, bring a snack to share. All ladies are welcome.
Friday, October 20, 2017 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
20's & 30's Group are invited for food, fun and fellow
ship at the Rectory on Friday, October 20th beginning at 6:00
p.m. The main course and drinks will be provided; each participant is asked to bring a side dish, salad or dessert.
The Gabard Building will be open and staffed for nursery and/or childcare. Dinner will be provided for them as well.
Sunday, October 29, 2017 after 10:00 worship
Fourth Annual Trunks or Treat will be held, Sunday, October 29th immediately following the 10:00 worship service.
Bring your favorite lawn chair, decorate the trunk of your car with a non-scary Halloween or fall theme and be prepared to pass out candy as our children parade around the parking lots showing off their costumes.
If you would like to help, please contact Millie Johnson. |
Wednesday, October 25, 2017 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
this year is Wednesday, October 25th, we will begin at 6:00 p.m. with dinner served around 7:00. On the menu: Usinger's bratwurst from Milwaukee, potato salad and tossed salad, sauerkraut and other pickled things, rye bread. Cost will be $10 per person. Please note that this is an adult gathering for those 21 and older (please have proof of age with you). No nursery will be provided. Since Jane needs to know how many bratwurst to order, please sign up before October 12th. There is a sign-up sheet in the parish hall, or you can call the church office to leave your name. If you'd like to contribute by bringing potato salad (German or "regular") or sauerkraut, there's a sign-up sheet for that as well in the parish hall. Danke schön!
EYC: Middle School students will help/volunteer on Wednesday nights during the teaching series with Nursery/Childcare. For the five weeks of the teaching series, Middle School students will meet on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8pm from October 1st through October 22nd.
EYC: High School students meet Sundays from 6:30-8pm.
College Ministry meets every Thursday at 7:30 pm for food and fellowship at the Rectory.
*Thank you to everyone who signed up to bring food to college ministry. At this time we are only in need of Appetizers and Desserts. If you are willing to help with either of these, there is a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall.
Tuesday Night Bible Study
October 10, 2017 beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The Tuesday Night Bible Study will meet on October 10, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, at the home of Ron and Tammy Borders, 1718 Williams Street. We are studying the Gospel of Luke. Everyone is welcome.
DR - Visit to El Pedregal 09/28-29 |
Leidy's House Looks Great
Julius Ariail, one of the members of our Dominican Republic mission team, was in that country this past week and spent a night at the Campamento in El Pedregal, our mission field. He met with Padre Ramón Canela, the priest currently assigned to the Campamento, and with his wife and their four children - three boys, 11 months, 7 and 11; and a girl, 13. There was an initial discussion about the projects that our 2018 mission team might undertake, and that discussion will continue in late October when both Julia and Julius will be in El Pedregal for a few days.
Julius also visited Leidy, Jesús, and their son, Emanuel, in the house our mission team built for them earlier this year. The house is in very good shape, and has had no leaks from rain in the recent hurricanes. The tile floor, which was completed after our team left in June, looks stunningly good. Leidy said that she had picked out a grade of tile that was thicker than the normal one used in houses, and as a result it should resist cracking from wear. At the time of his visit, the family had not yet purchased a stove, but one was bought and installed two days ago. To see photographs from Julius' visit and Leidy''s photographs of the kitchen area with the stove,
click on this album and go to the most recent images at the bottom.
Humane Society 5K/1K Fun Run/Walk
Saturday, October 14, 2017 beginning at 8:00 a.m.
New Online Photograph Albums
New photo albums for Stewardship Dinner, Year in Review, Men in Blue cook for Pinevale along with many older ones, are archived on the church website here. |
8 Geri Coleman, Emily Rutledge
12 Joan Dear, Steph Johnson,
Ginger Macheski
13 Edward Mistick
Baptismal Anniversaries this week
Wedding Anniversaries this week
9 Len & Melissa Carter, Jim & Pepi Nelson
Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Baptismal Anniversary, or Wedding Anniversary.
Thaddeus Agar, Kathy Armstrong, Tal Barnidge, Tom Call, Caty Carter, Robert Church, Danny Clark, Bev Cowart, David Crenshaw, Jerry DeMott,
Janet Dickman, Blake Ellis, Karen Gunter, Iris Hall, George Halls, Cheryl Hatcher, Tommy Hatcher, Gary Honeycutt, Buddy House,
Eric Jones,
Jerriann Levy, BJ Mistick, Bobbie Ann Mitchell, Grace Moser, Debbie Richardson, Reva Rollins, Henry and Sarah Parrish, Bradley Sandbach, David Sandbach, Sr., Jack Spencer, Kathie Stevenson, Katie Mae Warren, Mike Willis, Nancy Zaccari, Ron Zaccari