Christ Church Valdosta  Weekly Bulletin
July 13, 2018
In This Issue:

Worship Services
July 15: 
      Pentecost 8 / Proper 10

Vestry Member of Day:
    Leigh Long

Coffee Host:
     Julie Daughtrey, Marcie Dennard

Altar Guild:
   Team 3

8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Lem & Lector - Rita Hightower
Usher - Ed Mistick

10:00 a.m., Holy Eu charist,  Rite II
Lay Eucharistic Ministers - Eric Nielsen,
   Rita Hightower, Tammy Borders
Lay Readers  - Nancy Lutsko, Tammy
   Borders, Kathy Armstrong
Acolytes - Joel Williams, Rich Johnson,
   Owen Coggins
Ushers - John Hiers, Will Hanson, Tom

6:00 p.m., Vespers

First Lesson - Amos 7:7-15
Psalm - 85:8-13
Second Lesson - Ephesians 1:3-14
Gospel - Mark 6:14-29

Wednesday  Holy Eucharist
   6:00 p.m.
Thursday Holy Eucharist
  7:00 a.m. 
Clergy and Staff of 
Christ Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Dave Johnson
church office (229) 242-5115
Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator
church office (229) 242-5115

Amy Creasy, Bookkeeper  
bookkeeper's office (229) 242-0616 

Millie Johnson
Director of Children's Ministry
church office (229) 242-5115

Angela Duncan, Music Director
church office (229) 242-5115

Kathy Armstrong, Choirmaster
church office (229) 242-5115

Office hours: Monday - Thursday
   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

   9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
HEP Party
Friday, July 20, 2018
HEP Party (Happy Episcopal People Party) - will be held on Friday, July 20th beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Jeani Synyard's home (746 Lake Laurie Drive, Valdosta) - drinks will be provided, please bring an hors d'oeuvre to share. Remember this is an adult only gathering. Childcare will be provided from 6-9 p.m. in the Gabard Building.
Cooking Shelter
Construction Begins Monday, July 16, 2018
We are pleased to announce that the construction of a Men-in-Blue cooking shelter will begin on Monday, July 16, 2018. The shelter will be used to protect the Men-in-Blue cooking team from weather elements.  The shelter will also benefit the church with additional outdoor shaded seating during functions held at the church (Annual kick-off, fish-fry's and fellowship events).  The construction timetable is approximately one month.
Lunch Bunch
Saturday, July 21, 2018 beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The Christ Church Valdosta Lunch Bunch feeds 120 or more hungry children every first and third Saturday of the month. Workers from the church as well as other members of the community who volunteer gather at 11 a.m. at Christ Church to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They pack them in plastic bags, then brown paper bags with logo stickers together with chips, fruit, juice and other healthy goodies purchased from the Second Harvest Food Bank. Volunteers are welcome.
Kick-off Party
August 19, 2018
Kick-off Party will be held on August 19, 2018 immediately following the 10:00 worship service. Everyone is welcome, this is a church wide event. The Men in Blue will be cooking. There will be there will be a water slide a bouncy house and kiddie pool for the little ones.  Fun for "Children of All Ages". 
DR Scholarships - 89!
"Thank You!" ¡Gracias!
Amazing! Fabulous! Awesome! Thank you Christ Church for your generosity in supporting the Dominican Mission Scholarship program. On Tuesday, we sent $31,150 for 89 scholarships to the school in El Pedregal, our mission field in the Dominican Republic. This is 19 more than the 70 we have donated for the past three years. There were 127 children enrolled in 2018. 

When we sent this good news to Padre Canela, the priest in charge of the church and school, he sent this message for you:
" We give glory to God for the generosity that you have offered to our school, and we ask the same God to continue to bless the life of each of you and your families and the congregation of Christ Church." 

When he heard about the number of scholarships, Bishop Moisés Quezada responded:  "We thank you for your great love for our diocese and for this donation to support the scholarships at this school.  Many blessing to you!"

Coming in next week's bulletin: links to a detailed report and a comprehensive photograph album about the 2018 mission trip. For more information on our mission program in the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic, click here.
The Haven
School Supplies
The Haven is in need of school supplies, such as pencils, pens, and markers; rulers; plain and lined paper; and other supplies. Please leave donations in the Haven box in the parish hall. For further information, contact Patricia Marks. Thank you!
Online Photograph Albums
Photo albums from Vacation Bible School, DR Dinner and Auction,  DR mural projects, and DR playground project, are online, as well as older albums archived on the church website here
Birthdays this week
July 14 - July 20
14 Jerry DeMott
15 John Hiers, David Holland
16 Sandra Fletcher
17 Michael Black, Linda Burch
18 Pepi Nelson
Baptismal Anniversaries this week
July 14 - July 20
20 Pam Pitts
Wedding Anniversaries this week
July 14 - July 20
None this week

Please contact the church office to update our records if we missed your Birthday, Baptismal Anniversary, or Wedding Anniversary. 
Remember in your prayers
Thaddeus Agar, Kathy Armstrong, Tal Barnidge, Max Bontrager, Myra Boyette, Caty Carter, Melissa Carter, Susan Chamberlain, Robert Church, Danny Clark, Frank Corker, Bev Cowart, David Crenshaw, Jerry DeMott, Janet Dickman, Blake Ellis, Jude Tillman, Karen Gunter, Iris Hall, George Halls, Cheryl Hatcher, Tommy Hatcher, Gary Honeycutt, Buddy House, Ralph Jackson, Eric Jones, Jerriann Levy, Brooks Lovelace, John McTier, Bobbie Ann Mitchell, Jim Nelson, Henry and Sarah Parrish, Debbie Richardson, Jane Rigby, Reva Rollins, Jack Spencer, Kathie Stevenson, Katie Mae Warren, Nancy Zaccari, Ron Zaccari

Kim Dudley, Parish Administrator

Christ Episcopal Church is part of the 
Diocese of Georgia.

email us at  office@christchurchvaldosta