How to Paint Larger Than You.

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Here's a question... if your studio is too small a space to handle a super large painting and painting outside may not be an option, what can you do? This may seem obvious but try doing sections, one at a time, in the studio. Then fit all the canvases together to exhibit one large image. 

In this video, I've added a second canvas alongside the original (BB#95 demo) - making a larger painting. Now it's a diptych painting. Three panels would make it a triptych. More than three panels is called a polyptych. Famously, David Hockney did a panoramic painting of the Grand Canyon. It took 60 canvas, when matched up (like a puzzle) became a HUGE image that took up an entire wall. See it here.

In this BobBlast I also demonstrate using color pastels on a dried acrylic painting. Not the whole painting, per se - Lately I am doing more drawing back into the dried acrylic painting with charcoal and now, color pastel. This is not a new idea, but it's new for me and I'm happy to share this "combined media" technique.

If you recall, in the previous BobBlast #95, I used black charcoal and sealed each layer with SpectraFix pump spray. This fixative does not alter the pastel colors. It's actually casein, which is milk without whey.

Enjoy the freedom to paint larger than you are! Besides, it's good mental and physical exercise!

Go Large!

Watch the video! I demo drawing with pastel and give you a close-up of my materials.

Thank you for your interest, questions, comments and support!

The above studio lessons, materials and much, much more are featured in my Studio Workshops in Arroyo Grande, CA! 

I have one more Five Day Instructional Studio Workshops scheduled for 2016:

August 24-28 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Daily workshop hours are 9am-4pm (1 hour lunch break)
To secure your spot for a Studio Workshop, email!

And - there is 1 spot open in my May 11-15 Studio Workshop!

Also - Check out these 2 workshops coming up:
Sedona Arts Center, Sedona  Arizona
May 23-27, 2016
Artist Retreat: Contemporary Abstract Figure Painting & Collage
(888) 954-4442 or (928) 282-3809

Cloudcroft Art Workshops, Cloudcroft  New Mexico 
July 18-22, 2016
Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting or

Hope you have enjoyed these short, weekly blasts! Sign up on my website and keep watching. There are lots of them! 

Click  HERE  
to view BobBlast Issue 96
"How to Paint Larger Than You." video.

How to Paint Larger Than You
Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge
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