Working with Complementary Colors
In my last three BobBlasts (issues 80 through 82) I painted and completed a painting, using my own color wheel featuring my "goof-proof" color combinations (the dominant color was RED).
Now, I don't always use my own particular color wheel - at times I refer to the standard color wheel... and here it is!
I know you have a similar color wheel somewhere in your studio. Get it out and hang it on the studio wall - keep it visible all the time and refer to it while painting.
So - here is a reminder about how THIS color wheel can make your approach to your own painting simpler. It's not new information... only a reminder!
The standard color wheel has 12 colors. When you use a combination of specific colors, as shown on the color wheel, the painting will definitely have a pleasing effect. As an example - for years I avoided the complementary color combination of RED and GREEN. I just couldn't make it work for me! So in lieu of therapy, I healed my myself, using only red and green all day long. By the end of the day - I LOVE red and green paintings!
So here's my suggestion for working with complementary colors. Every time you are in your studio, take time to mess around with any combination of complementary colors, plus black and white - all day long.
That's it! You can master complementary colors with this exercise. Try it every day for a week.
Start Now!