How to Set Up your Studio and Supplies
Things I do Before I Paint.
Preparation is a big deal for me. Before I start a painting, I assemble everything I am going to need. First of all, I make a decision - Paper or canvas. Then, I get out only the tubes of color and the few brushes that I need for that painting, and
I put everything else away. I keep a water bucket, spray bottle for isopropyl alcohol and paper towels close by - within arm's reach. The only other thing I keep on my painting table is my sketchbook with my written goals and ideas for this painting.
So I don't have to look for anything while painting, I put everything on the right side (I'm right-handed). If you are left handed, your tools go on the left side. It's a simple set-up idea, I know - and it works for me.
Some may call this procrastinating... I call this time PERCOLATING!
Come Paint with Bob!!!!
I have some great workshops coming up in 2016! My Workshop Schedule is set for 2016 - click
here to see all the workshop locations.
If you want to come and paint in my Magic Studio - we have Studio Mentor Workshops AND 5-day Studio Instructional Workshops scheduled in 2016.
here for a description of my Studio Mentor Workshop.
here for a description of the 5-day Studio Instructional Workshop.
Two amazing trips coming up next year - in our own hemisphere!
January 23-30, 2016
Casa de Los Artistas, Boca de Tomatlan, 10 miles South of Puerto Vallarta
Take advantage of a generous discount by registering before 10/31/15.
February 23-March 3, 2016
Paint with Bob in Costa Rica!
Sponsored by Dillman's Art Workshop Retreat
HERE for more info.
Go to my website
for more stuff that I do!