One painting is called, well, a painting.
Two paintings together are referred to as a
Three paintings together are called a
four or more paintings together are called a...
A little history - 15th century paintings were usually a series of painted wooden panels depicting biblical stories, displayed high over the altar. They were visual illustrations of religious teaching because nobody could read, let alone find a book!
The most famous polyptych remaining today is the Ghent Altarpiece - an early 15th century Flemish altarpiece made up of multiple panels. It is magnificent. A more contemporary version would be David Hockney's panoramic of the Grand Canyon, using sixty canvases matched up together. It too, is magnificent to see in person.
So, my latest series are polyptychs and not a "new idea."
However, it is new for me!
My concept is to paint all the panels together - all at once. Building the story image as layers continue on top of layers of collage, gel medium and paint.
My series is about "Equality." I have chosen a loving couple of distinctly different regions of the world. I have worked on this conceptual series for almost four years in the studio and thought this is a good time to show you what's going on now.
My 2017 workshops now include this old/new technique. An obvious benefit is now you will be able to transport many small canvases and not one huge one.
Diptych... Triptych... What's Next???