Finding More Ideas for Painting Titles.
These warm up "idea paintings" are a daily routine for me in the studio. I call these small 10x10 inch paper pieces my practice-painting-sketches.
In previous BobBlasts I've demonstrated my step-by-step process of painting. This BobBlast is HOW and WHY I title the painting first. Beginning any series, (note: SERIES) I journal every thing I can write from the top of my head (actually the right side of my brain) then I look for "visual words" that communicate my idea. Then, I begin a series of loose paint sketches, such as six gessoed watercolor sheets, 10x10 inches each. These are my warm up exercises before I paint on larger formats.
Also, before I even start the paintings, I title them. Here's the cool part... when I run out of titles, I turn to my other favorite studio book - Roget's International Thesaurus. Here's how I make it work for me: Let's say my next series is titled SoulMates. In the Thesaurus, go to the word "soulmate" in the dictionary section - this will lead you to a page of all types of related words and alternatives for the word soulmate.
I select my painting titles from this list of words - I give each warm up painting a title and that title guides me to a final vision. When the painting ends up matching the title... it is finished!
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