Finding More Ideas for Painting Titles.

These warm up "idea paintings" are a daily routine for me in the studio. I call these small 10x10 inch paper pieces my practice-painting-sketches.

In previous BobBlasts I've demonstrated my step-by-step process of painting. This BobBlast is HOW and WHY I title the painting first. Beginning any series, (note: SERIES) I journal every thing I can write from the top of my head (actually the right side of my brain) then I look for "visual words" that communicate my idea. Then, I begin a series of loose paint sketches, such as six gessoed watercolor sheets, 10x10 inches each. These are my warm up exercises before I paint on larger formats.

Also, before I even start the paintings, I title them. Here's the cool part... when I run out of titles, I turn to my other favorite studio book - Roget's International Thesaurus. Here's how I make it work for me:  Let's say my next series is titled SoulMates. In the Thesaurus, go to the word "soulmate"  in the dictionary section - this will lead you to a page of all types of related words and alternatives for the word soulmate. 

I select my painting titles from this list of words - I give each warm up painting a title and that title guides me to a final vision. When the painting ends up matching the title... it is finished!

Walk Away...

Remember - Watch the video demo!   The above studio lessons, materials and much, much more are featured in my Workshops, Trade Shows & Expos all over the country! 

Check out these 3 Trade Shows coming up:

Vermont Art Event, July 25-29, 2016
click HERE for the brochure.

Artisan Santa Fe Expo, September 29-October 2, 2016
Click HERE for Bob's Classes

Art of the Carolinas, November 10-13, 2016
Click HERE for AOC Website

Hope you have enjoyed these short, weekly blasts! Sign up on my website and keep watching. There are lots of them! 

Click  HERE  
to view BobBlast Issue 106
"Finding More Ideas for Painting Titles." video.

Finding More Ideas for Painting Titles
Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge
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