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Fall Kickoff

Sunday, September 15

Join the festivities at Gloria Dei's Fall Kickoff! There will be one 10am service followed immediately by food & fun!

During worship there will be the Blessing of the Backpacks along with a Blessing for all Teachers & Students. Children bring their backpacks to church for a special blessing and will receive a small gift. There will also be a craft activity for children.

After worship, share a meal together and enjoy some fun activities including a bounce house & an ice cream truck!

Please click HERE to reserve your lunch. Early registration ensures you will receive a ticket for the ice cream truck!

Small Groups Beginning This Fall!

Looking to connect more deeply with others at Gloria Dei? Small Groups are a great way to build new relationships, grow in your faith, and feel supported by a group of caring friends.

What is a Small Group? They are weekly meetings of 8-10 people for discussions and fun activities.

Groups will start the week of September 23 and end the week of November 11.

For this Small Group session we are chatting about the book Made to Belong: Five Practices for Cultivating Community in a Disconnected World by David Kim.

Click HERE to sign up for a group that works with your schedule! 

Sunday School Teachers Needed

Do you love working with children? We are looking for volunteers to teach Sunday School on a rotational basis. Please note there is an application and background check required for this role.

Click HERE to fill out the Volunteer Form and select Sunday School/Children and Families.

Sunday School will begin again during the 10am worship service on Sunday, September 22.


Sacred Grounds Coffee Shop

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers for the set up/clean up of Sacred Grounds one Sunday per month starting in September.

Click HERE to fill out the Volunteer Form and select Snack Host for Sacred Grounds.

Please consider volunteering, it is a great way to meet your fellow congregants!

After service coffee will resume Sunday, September 22.

The Caring for Friends Team is Updating its Volunteer List

The Caring for Friends team is updating its list of people who might be interested in joining us from time to time for the groups listed.

There are two different groups:

  • Make a Casserole and/or Meet at Church to Plate Meals - This group is a team of people willing to make a casserole at home, and/or meet with the team on a Monday morning once a month at church to put the meals together. This more active group will definitely continue.

  • Meet at Caring for Friends NE Philly Location to Prepare & Plate Meals - This group meets at the Caring for Friends (CFF) kitchens in northeast Philadelphia one Tuesday evening each month to help staff there prepare and plate meals. If we do not have a group of people who are likely to respond to some of these monthly requests to go to the CFF kitchen, we will need to alert CFF that we are no longer able to help with this volunteer opportunity.

Specific dates will be announced, and no one is committed until they commit to a specific date. Some people participate in both!

Please contact Ginny Duffy at with your name, email, and phone number if you are willing to participate, and specify which of these activities interest you.  

Thank you to Pastor Brendan and to our talented musicians & tech booth personnel who brought you the Sunday, September 1 worship service.

Tech Team:

  • Rick Graber
  • Michael McNulty-Bobholz
  • Aiden S.
  • James Sylvester


  • Dave Barber, drums
  • Angela DiPalantino, guitar & vocals
  • Julie Menken, bass & vocals
  • Chris Schmer, Praise Band Leader


Lectionary Readings for Sunday, September 8, 2024

First Reading: Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23

Psalm 146

Second Reading: James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17

Gospel: Mark 7:24-37


Lead Pastor: Brendan Galvin,

Kids and Family: Dana Harrison,

Tweens & Youth: Dana Harrison

Praise Band Leader: Chris Schmer,

Office Staff: Susan Earp, Bookkeeper,; Jennifer Suit, Office Manager,

Property: David Stryker, Facilities Manager,; James Sylvester,

Church Council:

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM; Friday: 9:30AM-1:00PM



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