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Yoga on Tuesdays in the Zabor Room

Next Sessions are on September 17

Gentle Yoga at 10AM

Gentle Chair Yoga at 12PM

Please arrive 15 minutes early

Gentle Yoga is a 60-75 minute class. Please bring your own mat. If you do not have a mat, one can be provided.

Gentle Chair Yoga is a 45 minute class. No equipment or previous Yoga experience needed!

Both classes are led by JoAnne Monahan, a certified Kripalu and Chair Yoga Instructor.

If you are new to coming to Yoga, please email JoAnne before coming for the first time for information at

Small Groups Begin Next Week!

Looking to connect more deeply with others at Gloria Dei? Small Groups are a great way to build new relationships, grow in your faith, and feel supported by a group of caring friends.

What is a Small Group? They are weekly meetings of 8-12 people for discussions and fun activities.

Groups will start the week of September 23 and end the week of November 11.

For this Small Group session we are chatting about the book Made to Belong: Five Practices for Cultivating Community in a Disconnected World by David Kim.

Click HERE to sign up for a group that works with your schedule!

Please purchase the book prior to the groups beginning next week. You may purchase one by clicking HERE.

There will be a few free copies available in the church office this week if you need one.

Make a Casserole and/or Plate Meals

for Caring for Friends

This month's recipe is for a Vegetarian Crockpot Chili. Please make the dish and bring it with you to church on Sunday, September 22. Please label your casserole and leave it in the refrigerator in the Christian Fellowship Hall kitchen, NOT the freezer!

Meal Assembly will take place on Monday, September 23 at 9:30AM in Christian Fellowship Hall. Come plate meal trays if you are able!

Click HERE for the recipe.

Questions? Email Ginny at

Sunday School Teachers Needed

Do you love working with children? We are looking for volunteers to teach Sunday School on a rotational basis. Please note there is an application and background check required for this role.

Click HERE to fill out the Volunteer Form and select Sunday School/Children and Families.

Sunday School will begin again during the 10am worship service on Sunday, September 22.

Thank you to Pastor Brendan and to our talented musicians, tech booth personnel, & ushers who brought you the Sunday, September 15 worship service.

Tech Team:

-Ken Barber

-Rick Graber

-Aiden S.

-James Sylvester


-Gary Burger, bass

-Daniella Ceraso, vocals

-Lisa Ceraso, vocals

-Angela DiPalantino, vocals

-Vincent Feliciano, drums

-Jonathan Frazee, vocals

-Chris Schmer, Praise Band Leader

A great time was had by all at the Fall Kickoff on Sunday, September 15

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Gloria Dei's staff and to the many volunteers that helped make this a wonderful day filled with yoga, backpack & teacher blessings, food, fellowship, and fun! We couldn't have done it without you!

In addition, the Caring for Friends team plated 51 meals with the left over food!


Lectionary Readings for Sunday, September 22, 2024

First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-31

Psalm 54

Second Reading: James 3:13 – 4:3, 7-8a

Gospel: Mark 9:30-37


Lead Pastor: Brendan Galvin,

Kids and Family: Dana Harrison,

Tweens & Youth: Dana Harrison

Praise Band Leader: Chris Schmer,

Office Staff: Susan Earp, Bookkeeper,; Jennifer Suit, Office Manager,

Property: David Stryker, Facilities Manager,; James Sylvester,

Church Council:

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM; Friday: 9:30AM-1:00PM



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