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50/50 Tickets On Sale!

There is now only 2 weeks left to purchase your ticket for the 50/50 Raffle on Sunday, May 5. LET'S SELL OUT! Three prizes will be awarded - 25%, 15%, and 10% of the amount collected. Our Goal this year is to sell 500 tickets at $100.00 each. Tickets are on sale before and after all Masses in the Gathering Space or The McGivney Center (office) during the week.

50% of ticket sales is for Debt Reduction of the Church. The remaining 50% is divided to the winners as follows: 25% to the first place winner, 15% to the second place winner, and 10% to the third place winner. Please help us reach our goal this year! The drawing will take place at the festival on Sunday, May 5th. There are only 357 tickets left, so get yours today!

Come and enjoy the Festival here on the grounds. There will be wonderful food, music, dancing, and a whole lot of FUN!!

St. Patrick Eucharistic Adoration Chapel

located in the McGivney Center

Walk-ins welcome!

Monday through Thursday 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Friday 9:30 am to 11:30 am

Choir Mass

Sanctuary Choir

April 28 - 11:00 am Mass

Spiritual Growth Opportunities

Lectio Divina

Every Tuesday and Wednesday a group of parishioners gather to pray using a form called Divine Reading or, in Latin, Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina sessions are held Tuesdays after 9:00 am Mass and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.

Searchers of Scripture

We are an ongoing weekly Scripture study group. We meet in the McGivney Room of the Church Hall each Thursday after mass to discuss the Sunday readings for the upcoming week. Participation does not require any previous knowledge of Scripture. Just bring a Bible, or a copy of Give Us This Day or the Magnificat, and enjoy this community. Participation is encouraged but not required. For further information, please contact Fran Salone-Pelletier, hope5@atmc.net.

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary meets in the Parish Library every Monday after the 9:00 am Mass. For more information, contact Kelly Holthaus at 443-630-9910, or Anita Vevasis at 910-579-3544, or simply come to a meeting. Walk-ins welcome!

This Week's Mass Intentions

Next Week's Readings

5th Sunday of Easter

April 28, 2024

Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31

1 John 3:18-24

John 15:1-8

Stay Connected!

Sign up for our Monday Email Blast by emailing Lisa at secretary@stbns.org


by using myParish App on your phone:

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St. Brendan Website
View Weekly Bulletin

St. Brendan the Navigator | 910.754.8544 | 5101 Ocean Highway Shallotte, NC 28470 |

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