ELC eNews

The Weekly Newsletter of

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Venice, Florida

Week of

April 14-21, 2024

"To Know Christ and Boldly Make Him Known"

This week at Emmanuel...

  • Sunday, April 14:

8:30am: Traditional Worship

9:30am: Weekend Forum, Rm 101

10:15am: Children's Sunday School, Rm 103

10:15am: FaithBridge Family Worship

  • Monday, April 15:

9:00am: Dorcas Quilting, Rowe Hall

10:00am: Centering Prayer, Zoom

1:00pm: Mark Bible Study, Rm 101

1:00pm: Soul Sisters, Office Center

  • Tuesday, April 16:

7:30am: Men's Breakfast, Abby's on Miami

10:00am: WELCA Spring Gathering, FH

10:00am: Torah Tuesday w/ Pastor Batchelor, VOTI

12:30pm: Mahjong, Rm 106

  • Wednesday, April 17:

1:30pm: Outreach Committee, Office Center

2:30pm: Joyful Noise

5:00pm: Youth Group

  • Thursday, April 18:

10:00am: Thursdays Together, Zoom

10:30am: Jan's Exercise Class, Pinebrook Club House

  • Saturday, April 20:

4:00pm: Weekend Forum, Rm 101

5:00pm: Traditional Worship

More information about several of these events follows.

We livestream the Sunday Services on Facebook.

Why Sign-In? It helps us keep our records up-to-date.

CLICK HERE to let us know you are Attending Worship this weekend.
Current Events
Visit our website

Worship Folders QR Codes for this weekend!!!

5pm & 8:30am Traditional

Worship Folder

10:15am FaithBridge Family

Worship Folder



Will resume next weekend

April 20-21

in Rowe Hall Rm. 101

Next Week's Topic:

2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

Watch the Forum Previews by

clicking here to subscribe to our

YouTube Channel (it's free!)

Lectionary Readings

April 14

Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 3:12-19

Psalm 4

1 John 3:1-7

Luke 24:36b-48

April 21

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:5-12

Psalm 23

1 John 3:16-24

John 10:11-18


Click below to watch the Lectionary Bible Study

to help you prepare for worship

Click this text to watch the Lectionary Bible Study

Happenings and updates...read to the end to

be "in the know"

Please enter through the doors closest to the kitchen!

Note: Hand sanitizer will ONLY be available on the stands as you enter the FH or feel free to bring your own!!

The Restoration Progress....


During the restoration of our sanctuary, the prayer shawls will be on a counter in Fellowship Hall. Patterns are also available for you knitters out there!

Our quilters are in need clean, used sheets. Please put them in the round bin located at the back of Fellowship Hall.

Barb's Medical Minute

Fact: Women feel pain more intensely than men. And yet, which sex is it that whines and complains more???? Hmmm. Women have more nerve receptors throughout the body than men and have an increased tendency towards inflammation. We are more likely to experience high-impact chronic pain so severe it interferes with the ability to work or enjoy life. Our central nervous system processes pain in different ways than men’s. And again, being women, sometimes our symptoms tend to be minimized or ignored.

What do you need to do? For both sexes, empower yourself with information regarding your condition. Make notes of medications and treatments being used, a list of questions you have, and find your voice to advocate for yourself with your health-care provider to ensure that you get what you need by not complaining but being strategic in your communication. “I am woman, hear me roar!”

Please keep the following people in your prayers:

  • Curtis Savenko
  • LaDonna Whetzel

Family & Friends of Pat Ross, who passed away Tuesday.

Blessings to Mary and Glenn Borreson as they relocate to Wisconsin and to Shirley and Davis Darrington as they move to Colorado.

Welcome to Emmanuel's Church Family Scott and Joyce Bagne. They are seasonal members and will be returning to Minnesota in early May. Scott likes to play pickleball and takes their dog to the beach. Joyce loves to cook, bake and is "extremely organized". They have 3 daughters and 9 grandchildren.

This week you received an email from UCD, United Church Directories, giving you your 10-character Unique Identifier, or password. It has not changed!! This was a reminder to download and us our mobile directory for the most current information on our members. Please take some time to explore this app and notice there are several versions of the Bible, the current issue of the eNews, and a quick link to our website.

We hope everyone is using this convenient tool. If you have problems downloading the app or navigating through it, stop in the office and we will help you.

Sign-ups for 2024

2024 Altar Flower Sign-up

April - June
July - September
October - December

Submit your payment of $35 with dedication to the church ASAP.

2024 Eternal Candle Sign-up

April - June
July - September
October - December

Submit your payment of $15 and dedication to the church ASAP.

If you are unable to sign-up online, Click Here for the form to print and return with payment.

Outreach and Stewardship Emphasis for - April

THANK YOU! We have raised over $735 so far -

keep that change coming!

Click the graphic above for more information about the

Youth Gathering!

Ongoing events...

Food Pantry Donations

Place items on the cart in the back of the FH

Whether you are leaving for the summer and cleaning out your pantry or buying the BOGOs at Publix, help stock the pantry for the summer months. As always, check the expiration dates of all donated items.

Saturdays after Worship


Sundays 9:15am-10:15am

Outside the Fellowship Hall

Come enjoy a cup and mingle!!

Hosts are still needed. Sign-up in Fellowship Hall.

Garden Angels


1st & 3rd Monday of each month

Work on Outside Projects

Dorcas Circle - Quilts - Every Monday @ 9am in Room 105/106. Pennie Anderson, Leader.

Soul Sisters - Local Projects - First &Third Monday @ 1pm in the Office Center, Pat Crary, Leader.

Deborah Circle - Baby Kits - Second Tuesday @ 3pm in Room 101, Kathie Winemiller, Leader.

All women are invited to join a circle for fellowship and devotions.

Centering Prayer

Every Monday Morning

10-11am via Zoom only

Click here to join in prayer

Come and join us!

Torah Tuesdays

10:00am every Tuesday

Venetian Room, Matthew Hall

at Village on the Isle

Click the picture to view the videos.

Mahjong on Tuesdays

Every Tuesday, 1-3pm

Room 106

All skill levels Welcomed!!

Widow's Lunch

First Tuesday of Every Month

@12noon at Bob Evans

Contact Jackie Sapp for Info!

Men's Breakfast

Third Tuesday Every Month

at Abby's on Miami


Thursdays Together

10am via Zoom

Click the picture to join in the conversation

Jan's Exercise Class

10:30am every Thursday

Pinebrook South Club House

1348 Featherbed Ln, Venice

You may view these 2 publications and other information about the ELCA and WELCA online be clicking on the names.

Living Lutheran Magazine -- We are a church that values and encourages diverse voices and lively dialogue in our faith and life. Living Lutheran is an opportunity for church members to express individual perspectives. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the current issue.

Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.

Looking ahead...

May 1: Nominating Committee

May 6: Garden Angels

Soul Sisters

May 7: Finance Committee

Widow's Luncheon

Property Committee

May 10: Youth Spaghetti Dinner

May 13: Fellowship Committee

May 14: Christian Education Committee

Deborah Circle

May 15: Outreach Committee

May 19: Luke Little Church

May 20: Soul Sisters

May 21: Men's Breakfast

May 23: Mid Gulf Conference @VOTI

More details for each event will be in future eNews Editions.

Contact us at...

Pastor William A. Kittinger, Jr: wkittinger@emmanuel-elca.org

Pastor Dave Hess, Visitation Pastor: linda.hess@gmail.com

Kris Bowker, Worship & Music Director: kbowker@emmanuel-elca.org

Aiden Capps, A/V Coordinator: avcoordinator@emmanuel-elca.org

Linda Critchfield, Bookkeeper/Finance Secretary: bookkeeper@emmanuel-elca.org

Peter Doherty, Property: pdoherty@emmanuel-elca.org

Debi Hammett, Office Coordinator: dhammett@emmanuel-elca.org

Chuck Koons, Treasurer: treasurer@emmanuel-elca.org

Becky Rothgery, Office Coordinator: info@emmanuel-elca.org

Barb Spenks, Parish Nurse: bspenks@emmanuel-elca.org

Nick Sperry, Youth Director: nsperry@emmanuel-elca.org

Counseling Services are available through:

Samaritan Counseling Services

of the Gulf Coast

Phone: 941.926.2959


Emmanuel Lutheran Church

790 Tamiami Trail S

Venice, FL 34285




Office Hours:

M-Th 8:30am-2:00pm

Closed Friday and Holidays

We are members of

Venice MainStreet!