NASET's WeeK in Review

July 19, 2024 | Vol 20 Issue # 29

Hi NASET Week in,!

Welcome to NASET's WEEK in REVIEWHere, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication.

Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at

Have a great weekend!

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Top Stories of the Week

66% of Audiences Are ‘Unsatisfied’ With Disability and Mental Health Representation in Entertainment, Survey Finds

How A.I. Can Help with Dyslexia

Do I Need to Use Tech for That Lesson?

Neighborhood Opportunities Influence Infant Development and Cognition

Gut Microbes Could Help Diagnose Autism, Study Suggests

Scientists Reveal When Key ADHD Traits Develop in Kids

Discovery of Gene Linked to Neurodevelopmental Disorders Offers Hope for Future Treatments



NASET’s Autism Spectrum Disorder Series


Music Therapy as an Intervention on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


By Shante Humphrey


This issue of NASET’s Autism Spectrum Disorder series was written by Shante Humphrey. Music therapy is an alternative method used for children with autism spectrum disorder. This review was analyzed to establish the efficacy of music therapy on children with autism. Research shows that music therapy has positive effects and is a processing strength in the treatment of children with autism. (Music and autism research) Several studies have been conducted, which found that music can improve social interactions, communication skills, and also help bring about and increase confidence levels. It can also help control stress and anxiety, along with troubled behaviors. These are specific to children suffering from this disorder. Music is an outlet into the world of autism. It can be used to channel intense emotions, energy, and focus and connect to the world. (Levy, 2018) The main objective of this review is to reveal the effectiveness of music therapy on children with ASD. Articles were gathered and studies were conducted to determine which forms of music therapy were suited best for children with autism. Each child was assessed to determine their level of functioning while engaging in sound. After reviewing the literature and studies on this subject, it was discovered that music therapy is a competent and feasible method for children with autism.


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Trivia Question of the Week

Congratulations to

Autumn Matthews, Patsy Ray, Corinn Mildenberg, Titus Jeffrey, Cynthia Turcotte, Debbie Alford, Karen Frantz-Fry, Lauro Essquilona III, Ellen Kay, and Katrina Snider who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question:

According to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, there are a record number of students with disabilities in the nation’s schools. New data shows that there were 7.5 million children ages 3 to 21 served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) during the 2022-2023 school year. That’s a jump from 7.3 million the year prior and represents the highest number ever. Based on this information, students receiving special education account for what percentage of all students in schools (or put another way, what percentage of all students in schools in the United States receive special education services under IDEA)?

Answer: 15%

This week's trivia question: 

The number of students in special education has been steadily increasing since data collection first began, in 1976. In the last decade, the percentage of students in special education in schools has increased to almost 15 percent or about 7.5 million students. Of all the disability classifications provided under the nation’s special education federal law (IDEA), which disability classification has the highest prevalence rate? (about 32 percent of all students in special education, or about 2.3 million students have this disability classification on their IEP).

If you know the answer to this week's trivia questions, email it to us at by July 22, 2024. If you are correct, you will be acknowledged in next week's NASET's Week in Review

Early Childhood Problems Linked to Persistent School Absenteeism

How This State Is Creating an Inclusive Experience for Special Education Students

What Aspects of Teaching Should Remain Human?

What All High Schools Can Draw From Career and Technical Education Programs

Helping Kids with Anxiety Through Exposure Therapy

Teacher's Pet: How Dogs, Lizards and Hamsters are Helping Students Feel More at Ease

Giving an F for Recording Classes, Even for Students with Disabilities

Effective Transitions for Preschool Students

Latest Job Listings on NASET

* Special Education Teacher - The Structured Learning Center (SLC) is a specialized program where teachers focus on teaching functional academic skills to students in small classes with a high level of support. Each class typically has fewer than 20 students with a 4:1 student to adult ratio. The teaching follows approved curriculum, uses visual aids, structured routines, and modified lessons tailored to student needs. To learn more- Click here

* Associate Dean of Occupational & Life Skills - The Associate Dean provides instructional and administrative leadership for the Occupational & Life Skills program and directly supervises program faculty and staff. The Associate Dean role directs program operations, allocates resources, and is responsible for program results. To learn more- Click here

* Elementary School Special Education Teacher - Rocky Mountain Prep is a growing network of innovative public charter schools, serving students and families in the Greater Denver Area. Rocky Mountain Prep (RMP) opened its first school in 2012 with 130 students and has grown to twelve schools, working with over 5,000 scholars in PreK through 12th grade across two districts. To learn more- Click here

* Special Education Teacher, 6th-8th grade Intensive Support - To develop and implement individualized educational programs which address the needs of special education students at the grade level(s) they are assigned. The instruction will incorporate a collaborative and proactive approach to supporting students, especially those with unique needs, in behavior management, social skills, emotional awareness, cognitive problem solving, academic, prevocational and vocational, and transition skills. To learn more- Click here

Food for Thought

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Thomas A. Edison

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