NASET's WeeK in Review

May 24, 2024 | Vol 20 Issue # 21

Hi NASET Week in,!

Welcome to NASET's WEEK in REVIEWHere, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication.

Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at

Have a great weekend!

Top Stories of the Week

How Schools Can Use AI to Lighten the Load for Special Education Teachers

For Adults, Autism Diagnosis Can Unlock a New Life


Beyond the Visible: Recognizing and Accommodating Invisible Disabilities


State Violated Civil Rights of Children with Behavioral Disabilities, Feds Find


Key Brain Region Implicated in Autism Sensory Issues


Learning to Rewire the ADHD Brain to Improve Cognitive Skills


‘A Unique Challenge’: What English Learners with Disabilities Need


Retention is the Missing Ingredient in Special Education Staffing



NASET’s Classroom Management Series

PANDAS and PANS: What Is It, and How Can Educators Help?


By Kathryn Welby, Ed.D

Merrimack College

This issue of NASET’s Classroom Management series was written by Kathryn Welby, Ed.D. from Merrimack College. Educators are talking about a mysterious neuroinflammatory disorder impacting children’s academic and social success when sudden cognitive and behavioral shifts in children are perplexing, impacting students' academic and social journey in ways we are just beginning to understand. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) and the broader category of Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) present unique and challenging conditions often misunderstood in educational settings. These disorders are starting to get some attention as more and more students experience sudden and severe behavioral and cognitive changes triggered by infections. PANS and PANDAS impact a child's academic and social life, prompting interventions and school support. Educators can be essential in identifying and supporting students within school environments. This article focuses on defining PANDAS and PANS and how educators can help.

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Trivia Question of the Week

Congratulations to

Corinn Mildenberg, Tracey Christilles, Karen Frantz-Fry, Katrina Snider, Patrick Gilbert, Cindi Maurice, Lauro Esquilona III, Joann P. Judge, Kim Johnson, JaneTilleman, Ellen Kay, Beth Foley, and Tonya Byrd who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question:

Recent research published in Scientific Reports has shed light on how decision-making deficits, particularly impulsivity and the inability to delay gratification, play a crucial role in the social challenges faced by children and adolescents with this disorder. The study reveals that these decision-making challenges are consistent over time and significantly predict social difficulties. The study indicates that children and adolescents with this disorder may appear impulsive in social interactions with others when they are bored and what is happening in the social interaction or in the situation in general is not interesting enough to capture their attention. This could mean that these children with this disorder know how to behave in social interactions with others but struggle with the effort in certain situations to use those skills. What is the disorder?


This week's trivia question: 

 “The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist”.

Who is the famous educator that made this statement?

If you know the answer to this week's trivia questions, email it to us at by May 27, 2024. If you are correct, you will be acknowledged in next week's NASET's Week in Review

Why Writing By Hand Beats Typing for Thinking and Learning


ARFID vs. Picky Eating: What's the Difference?

ADHD, Asthma, and Economic Hardship: New Research Suggests a Causal Pathway


For Conn. Parents, Special Education Meetings with Schools Are ‘A Battlefield’


California Invests $500M in Therapy Apps for Youth


Teacher Well-Being Depends on Workload, School Climate and Feeling Supported


Supreme Court Asked To Consider Whether Parents Can Record IEP Meetings

Latest Job Listings on NASET

* Elementary School Special Education Teacher - Grounded in our culture of rigor and love, our schools consistently outperform local districts academically, while also ensuring our scholars are developing in our PEAK values of perseverance, excellence, adventure, and kindness. To learn more- Click here

* Special Education Teacher - The Stepping Stones Group, a nationally recognized leader in educational services, is looking for dedicated Special Education Teachers to join our team in Philadelphia, PA! With a commitment to fostering educational excellence and social growth, we provide unparalleled support to schools and students across the state. To learn more- Click here

* Intervention Specialist/Special Education Teacher - The Stepping Stones Group, a nationally recognized leader in educational services, is looking for dedicated Intervention Specialists to join our team in Dayton, OH! With a commitment to fostering educational excellence and social growth, we provide unparalleled support to schools and students across the state. To learn more- Click here

* Special Education Teacher - The Stepping Stones Group, a nationally recognized leader in educational services, is looking for dedicated Special Education Teachers to join our team in San Jose, CA! With a commitment to fostering educational excellence and social growth, we provide unparalleled support to schools and students across the state. To learn more- Click here

* Assistant Director Integrated Services (Special Education) - Provide direct support to special education and general education teachers and paraprofessionals to maximize special education students’ potential. Provide knowledge, guidance and support to building level administrators in the area of professional development, programming, and service delivery to increase student achievement. To learn more- Click here

* Exceptional Student Education (Special Needs) Teachers - Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS) is recruiting talented, compassionate teachers dedicated to helping every student in the district succeed. Successful applicants will share a commitment to excellence in the classroom and a belief that great teaching is the key to unlocking student success. To learn more- Click here

* Special Education Teachers - The Newark Board of Education is where passion meets progress. We want you to discover a rewarding career with us. If the opportunity to make learning limitless excites you then, join our community of educators. To learn more- Click here

Food for Thought

When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel

Eloise Ristad

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