This Is The Best Year EVER!

80 Kids Are Registered for

Flat Apple Fitness 2022!

Healthy Lombard is totally blown away by the number of kids who are participants this year! Wow! You guys are awesome!

Mindfulness Mondays:

Create a “Me Tree”-

A Self-Reflection Activity

Action For Healthy Kids shared that self-awareness is defined as “the ability to understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior across contexts… including capacities to recognize one’s strengths and limitations with a well-grounded sense of confidence and purpose” (CASEL, 2019). 

Confidence is a key component of self-awareness and is a skill that requires lifelong exploration. Confidence can be defined as the way in which we view ourselves and our ability to achieve our goals. There are many internal and external factors that contribute to our confidence. As we get older, we develop a deeper sense of self as we push through challenges, celebrate successes, and everything in between.

External factors such as support of family and friends, education, and community relations affect our confidence and sense of self.

To read the entire post and see the Steps to create the tree click here.

Wellness Wednesdays:

Looking for an easy and fun excise? Try some of these:

(Healthy) Foodie Friday:

Illinois Schools Will Begin Offering Plant-Based Lunches

Under a new law, children in Illinois will have access to plant-based school lunches for the first time. House Bill 4089, recently signed by Governor JB Pritzer, mandates all Illinois school districts to provide plant-based meals that meet federal nutrition guidelines. Scheduled to take effect on August 23, 2023, the law is expected to set a precedent for other school districts across the US.

Helping students thrive

Sponsored by State Representative Cyril Nichols of Chicago and State Senator Dave Koehler, HB 4089 requires schools to offer plant-based meals on request, and accommodate other religious dietary restrictions, such as kosher and halal. According to its sponsors, the legislation aims to ensure students have access to healthy and affordable meals.

“Well-rounded, nutritious parts of all kinds are vital to students’ ability to learn and succeed,” said Nichols, House sponsor of the legislation. “Offering more healthy lunch options in our schools helps our students thrive.”

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