An article,
Lessons Learned in School Security, written in 2018 by Chief Wagner of the Denville Police Department and I was recently published again in the National School Boards Association. We are continuously reviewing our school security as we work towards even more improvements in the future to keep our students safe.
Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview Folders
Spotlight on our Schools - Lakeview
Our Trunk and Treat was a huge success. The students had a wonderful time trick 'r treating in Lakeview School's parking lot on October 25th. A special thank you to the A.R Spinola PTA for sponsoring this wonderful event. All the cars looked "spook"-tacular! The students loved participating in our annual Halloween parade and their costumes were amazing. A great time was had by all! Thank you for coming and sharing in the festivities.
Thank you for joining us for parent conferences and the fall book fair. Conferences provided teachers time to communicate with you about your children's academic, social, and emotional successes. Don't limit your communication to conference time. The teachers, Mr. Scala and I are always here to listen to your concerns.
Lakeview hosted its 26th Annual Veteran's Day Ceremony on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 10:00 am. We welcomed over 100 Veterans and guests. Our ceremony began in our All-Purpose Room with a patriotic program of songs, readings and slides. This portion of the program is presented by the 4th and 5th grade ending with a traditional instrumental rendition of Taps at 11:00 am.
Immediately following the ceremony, our PTA provides our honored guests with a well-deserved luncheon, giving the Veteran's the opportunity to say hello to a familiar face and reminisce with their peers, colleagues and friends. Once finished, our guests are encouraged to visit various classrooms throughout the day to teach the students about what it is to be a Veteran.
Honoring Veteran's has been a focal point of Lakeview's pride for twenty- six years. Each year, the students, staff and community members all work together in the hopes of making sure the Veterans of our country see the thanks and appreciation that they deserve. We at Lakeview School are very proud to say we have the honor and privilege to pay homage and respect to Veterans and instill this passion in our students.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday. It is a time for togetherness and a reminder of the wonderful things in our lives. As always, our Lakeview family is working together to support families in need.
These opportunities help the students become aware of global citizenship and develop an understanding and empathy for others. On a daily basis we work toward developing not only our children's academic skills but the children's sense of character and social conscious. These lessons go a long way in helping our children become productive moral citizens.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Fall 2019 Occupational Therapy Newsletter
The Fall 2019 Occupational Therapy Newsletter is now available. The fall newsletter focuses on Executive Functioning skills, what these skills are and ways to improve them. Click on the picture to read the newsletter.
Denville Thanksgiving Food Drive
Those that wish to help needy families this season can drop off canned, non perishable items and frozen turkeys. Please click on the picture for information on food items and drop off locations throughout Denville.
Register Now for Spring 2020 Lacrosse
Registration is now open for the spring 2020 for Renegades Lacrosse. The Renegades Lacrosse program is for boys and girls in grades K - 8. Clcik on the logo for more information.
Drug Outreach Prevention Education
The Denville Police will present Drug Outreach Prevention Education (DOPE) on November 19th, 7 PM at the Municipal Complex. Click on the picture for more details.
Dine and Donate for Blue Knights Hockey
Dine at Thatcher McGhee's from November 18th - 21st and Thatcher's will donate 20% of sales to the Blue Knights. Click on the logo for information and coupon that must be presented.
Blood Drive at St. Francis Residency
The Sunrise Rotary Club of Denville, the Denville Rotary Club, and New Jersey Blood Services are having a BLOOD DRIVE at the Saint Francis Residential Community, 122 Diamond Spring Road, Denville on Wed., November 20, 2019 from 1 to 7 PM in the Club Room. All are welcome. Click the picture for details.
A Night of Conversation - From Prescription to Addiction
Learn how to openly discuss drug and alcohol abuse with your children, your parents and family. This is a free community program held at the Lakeland YMCA. The Hope One Mobile Van will be onsite. Click on the picture for details.
School Bus Drivers and Substitute
Drivers Needed. Free training and competitive salary. Click on the picture for details.
11-11-19 Denville NJ Board Of Education Board Meeting
The Denville Board of Education held its meeting on November 11, 2019. Click the image to the right to view the meeting.
Below are links for information on upcoming meetings.
For Meeting Schedule and Times Click Here For BOE Agendas and Minutes Click Here
Denville Library Events in November
The Denville Library offers events throughout the year for children, teens and adults, such as Read to a Dog, Scratch Programming and After School Art. Click on the logo for the November Newsletter.