Wednesday Herald
August 21, 2024
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Carline Procedures
Morning Drop-Off
- All parents dropping off students in the morning should use the car line system unless there is a special circumstance that necessitates walking the student to the school entrance. If there is a special circumstance, please escort your child all the way to the entrance to the school.
- Students should not be dropped off until 7:30 am. Doors will not be open until this time.
- When dropping off through the car line, please stay in your car and have your child independently exit the vehicle. Staff members are there to assist!
- After dropping off, all parents must exit the school parking lot back onto Brachman Ave., through the exit near the Business Office. Parents are not allowed to re-enter the car line to use the exit close to the football field. This is designated for buses only.
- Preschool parents must exit back onto Beechmont Avenue and are not allowed to drive up the hill to exit by the football field.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Afternoon dismissal is very congested. It is imperative to make sure your child is accompanied at all times. All parents must park their cars and meet their child at the school entrance. Students are not allowed to walk through the parking lot unattended. A diagram is attached for your reference.
- It is very important for parents to arrive at school by 2:40 pm at the latest.
- Preferred parking is on the left side of the parking lot, close to the Gathering Space. The right side is used for buses. If all spaces to the left are taken, you may park along the fence line of the right side or in the first row of available spaces. Please do not park in any other space as buses have a very difficult time maneuvering around cars parked on their side of the parking lot.
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Meet the Teacher Night (KDG-8)
Meet the Teacher Night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th at 6 p.m. for families of students in grades KDG-8. This event is for parents only. Parents will report directly to their child’s homeroom class for presentations to begin promptly at 6 p.m. We will conduct three 20-minute sessions so that parents with multiple children can visit all classrooms. An announcement over the loudspeaker will be made to indicate when parents should switch classes.
Here is the format & schedule for the event:
Kindergarten-Third Grade: Individual Classroom Teacher Presentations in Homerooms
Fourth Grade-Sixth Grade: Grade Level Presentations in Homerooms
Junior High: Combined Junior High Presentation in Undercroft; teachers will return to classrooms for individual visits following the presentation. If you have multiple children, please attend this session first, as teachers will move back to their individual classrooms after the presentation.
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HSPT Prep Classes
The High School Placement Test is scheduled for Saturday, November 23rd. Emily Gaul (7th Grade E/LA Teacher) and Colleen Selzer (7 & 8 Grade Math Teacher) will offer preparatory classes for the assessment after school on the following dates. Please reserve these dates on your calendars now; additional details will be shared at a later date.
- Thursday, October 17th
- Thursday, October 24th
- Thursday, November 7th
- Thursday, November 14th
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Cell Phone and Smart Watch Policy
Cell phones and smart watches must be turned off and placed in the student’s locker, backpack, or tablet case during school hours: 7:30 am - 3pm. Parents needing to contact their child should call the school office at 513-624-3141 and a message will be given to the child. If a student is found in violation of this policy, the phone will be confiscated, and the student will have the following consequences:
- 1st Offense- Cell phone/smart watch must be turned into the school office upon arrival at school every day for 30 calendar days.
- 2nd Offense- Cell phone/smart watch must be turned into the school office upon arrival at school every day for 90 calendar days.
- 3rd Offense- Cell phone/smart watch may not be brought to school for the remainder of the year.
*Accommodations will be made for students needing to use their cell phones for medical purposes. Please contact the school principal if you believe your child requires this accommodation.
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Handbook Acknowledgement
All parents must fill out a Handbook Acknowledgement Form which can be found on the school website. Please click here to complete this task.
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Attendance Line
All families must call the school office at 513-624-3141 for any attendance-related changes. This includes if a student is going to be absent or tardy, a change is needed for how a student will get home, or if a student needs to go home early. Calling will confirm that the school receives the message. Parents can call the school office at the number above at any time. Do not email changes to attendance/pick-up; always call the school office.
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EdChoice Applications
We are currently working on hundreds of EdChoice applications for current GA families for the 2024-2025 school year. Each application can be unique and require different steps. Please be patient as we process these applications, especially during this busy time of school restarting. Continue to send emails to Cindy Sizemore with any EdChoice questions and a response will be delivered as quickly as we are able.
8th Grade Fall Mum Sale
Order your fall mums today! 9-inch potted mums cost $10 each. Order online here.
Orders are due Monday, September 9th.
Mums can be picked up Friday, September 20th from 3- 6:30 p.m. in the GA Pavilion. Delivery can be arranged for a donation.
Contact Aubrey Badell at or 513-550-2660 with questions.
Lunch Service
Kaldi's Catering Services provides GA students with lunch offerings each day. Parents need to set up and pre-order lunches through the EZ Schools Apps platform. Limited lunch items are available for students who have active accounts with available funds on the day of service. Please create an account if you don't already have one.
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Cafeteria Volunteers Needed
We are always in need of helpful hands to keep an eye on our students in grades K-8 during lunch. Please consider sharing a small part of your day to assist. All volunteers must be SafeParish trained. If you are interested, please sign up!
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Uniform Guidelines
We understand that a few families are experiencing difficulties receiving the new school uniform due to shipment/processing delays. Please do not worry if you are in this situation. Your child may wear clothing as similar as possible to the school uniform until it arrives.
For all other students, the complete GA uniform must be worn on the first day of school. Visit the GA website and review the 2024-2025 Uniform Policy for more information.
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Extended Care
Guardian Angels School offers an Extended Day Program from 2:45-6 p.m. for students at our school. If interested, please click here for more information, registration form, and pricing for the K-8 program. All forms have been updated for the 2024-2025 school year.
For preschool Extended Day Program information, click here.
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Boosters and PTA Dues
Guardian Angels has three major parent-led organizations that provide services to our students: PTA, Athletic Boosters, and Music Boosters. This $75 fee covers all three programs (PTA facilitates the collection).
The PTA is a critical link between the teachers and the parents. The money that the PTA receives from its portion of the dues, along with fundraising throughout the year, allows the PTA to put on events like the Penny Fair, manage the used uniform exchange, provide teacher appreciation events, and invest in capital improvements at the school. Last year, the PTA was able to fund renovations to the reading garden, play area upgrades, recess equipment for all grades, and are currently in the process of a library remodel, including a new room for Angels on Air. In addition, the portion of the fees that the PTA receives is used to provide financial resources to the teachers for their classroom needs.
The classroom party fee is $15 a child. This money is used by PTA classroom coordinators to plan and put on parties for each homeroom. Grades preschool - 4th grade will have themed parties for Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. Grades 5th - 8th grade will enjoy pizza parties for Halloween, Christmas, and the end of the year. Click here to pay dues and party fees.
The PTA facilitates the collection of monetary gifts for the teachers at Christmas and the end of the year. This is not mandatory but provides an opportunity for parents and families to celebrate teachers and staff with a monetary gift. Please use this link if you would like to contribute to teacher and staff gifts.
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Save the Date for the 2024 Halo Hustle! | |
RSVP for Kindercocktails
WHO: Kindergarten and 1st Grade Parents
WHAT: Adults only evening filled with socializing and fun!
WHEN: Friday, September 13th
WHERE: Guardian Angels School Field House/Pavilion
RSVP by Monday, September 2nd! To RSVP, click here.
Questions? - reach out to Erin Dunigan ( and Holly Solzsmon (
Thank you to our hosts: The Anacker, Betts, Cotter, Dunigan, Fitzpatrick, Hermes, Ionna, Kamen, Keller, Putnam, Smith, Solzsmon, Stoehr & Walsh families
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Co-Ed Preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten Soccer
Come join us for soccer this fall! Friday night soccer is a great way to get your young one started with learning a team sport! It is a casual atmosphere and a nice opportunity to meet/socialize with other Preschool/PreK/Kindergarten families! Kids will practice for approximately 30 minutes and then play a game for the second 30 minutes.
Our soccer season will run 6 weeks from Friday, September 13th - Friday, October 18th from 6-7 pm at the GA Football Field.
Cost is $35 for the season. CLICK HERE to register. Registration will be open until August 30th.
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Red & White Passes
Red & White Passes are now available for purchase on the Athletic Boosters website. A Red & White Pass provides admission to all GA home sporting events for the 2024-2025 school year. Cost is $75 for a family pass and $40 for a grandparent pass. Please click here to purchase your pass.
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New Boosters Sponsor
We are excited to spotlight a new Boosters sponsor: Kuhl's Hot Sportspot
Located just a couple blocks from GA campus, Kuhl's offers both school uniform clothing and athletic spirit wear. We are actively working on new spirit wear designs that we hope will be available very soon! Stop in the store or check out their website.
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Feast of the Guardian Angels Parish Picnic
Join the parish as we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels with a community potluck lunch following the 10 am Mass on Sunday, September 29th from 11 am to 2 pm. Please RSVP here by September 23rd.
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High School Youth Group
When: Sundays from 6:30-8:30 pm. Upcoming dates at 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, and 9/22
Where: IHM Youth Room (7826 Beechmont Ave.)
What: A chance for students in grades 9-12 to come together with their friends, play some games, and grow in faith.
Children's Choir Registration
After much feedback and prayerful consideration, we have decided to move forward with two levels of choir: 4-5 Grade and 6-8 Grade. These age groups will sing together at Masses and events but rehearse separately.
- 4th-5th Grade: Mondays from 4:30-6 pm, beginning September 9th in the GA Music Room
- 6th-8th Grade: Tuesdays from 4:30-6 pm, beginning September 10th in the GA Music Room
Both choirs will rehearse from 4:30-5:30 pm. From 5:30-6:00 pm, the choristers will make their way to the church for some time of prayer and liturgical catechesis. Children will learn the components of various prayer services each week and build them into a fully sung prayer service. These will include, but are not limited to, Stations of the Cross, Adoration, and Evening Prayer. Parents are highly encouraged to come and learn these prayers and about the liturgy as well.
Regular attendance and dedication are a must to get the most out of this ministry, as each week's lesson will build upon the next. New members are welcome to join in the fall or in the spring. Below is a schedule of events for the 2024-2025 choir season. Please complete the registration form and email Matt Spencer, Associate Director of Worship ( with any questions.
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Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is back at Guardian Angels Parish 10 a.m. Mass on the third Sunday of every month. This ministry relies on the support of volunteers to serve our parish. Two adults and 4 teenage volunteers are needed each month. To sign up, click here.
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Greeters and Gift Bearers Needed
Greeters and gift bearers are needed for all 3 weekend Masses. Please consider helping out in these important ministries! This helps the ushers prepare for Mass and not have to scramble to find gift bearers at the last minute. To sign up, click here.
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Young Men's Faith and Fellowship | |
Young Women's Faith and Fellowship
When: 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month from 8-9 pm. Upcoming date is 8/28
Where: Guardian Angels Church in Room B in the undercroft
Age: 20s - 40s
Join together with other women to expand your Catholic faith and build meaningful relationships as we dive into various faith studies from the Blessed is She, Rooted devotional. No prior knowledge or materials needed; come as you are! Contact the group at for more information.
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Fathers Team
Each Friday, Fathers Team will be meeting for Fathers Team "Lite” which consists of review and discussion of the upcoming Sunday's scripture readings. All GA fathers are invited to join in person in the Undercroft (Conference Room B), or by Zoom, this Friday at 6:05 a.m. Contact us at for the zoom information, or to get on the GA Fathers Team email distribution.
St. Gregory the Great Bible Study for Women
We are thrilled to announce that our parish family will offer Discovering our Dignity, a Bible study which will show you how the power of God worked in the lives of women in the Old and New Testaments. Some of the women were as flawed and broken as we can be, and their stories provide us with modern day advice. We hope you can join us, even if you are not a Bible scholar! The Bible study will begin on September 6, at 9:30 am in the St. Matthew room in the IHM Welcome Center. For more information about this study, or to register, contact Sheri May at or Christy Hiltz at
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School Masses
You can find a full schedule of school Masses on the calendar in Rediker. We will be livestreaming all of the All-School Masses through GA’s YouTube channel.
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Cookie Ministry
Guardian Angels School Cookie Ministry teams up with the Parish Peanut Butter group to feed families in need. The Peanut Butter group makes 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. GA students donate cookies. St. Francis Seraph Church in Over-the-Rhine gives the food to families in need.
Students are asked to bring in two dozen cookies, brownies, or rice krispie bars on their classroom's designated day. Treats need to be bagged, with two treats per bag. Donations of juice boxes and prepackaged snacks are also needed. All 7th grade classes are responsible for the next donation on Monday, August 26th. A complete schedule for the school year is attached.
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Attendance Line
If your child will be absent or late to school, please call the main school office by 8:00 a.m. each morning. All parents needing to report their child absent or late to school should call using the main school phone number (513) 624-3141.
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Box Tops For Education
The Guardian Angels PTA collects Box Tops and uses the funds earned to purchase indoor recess games and outdoor recess equipment. Box Tops is now on a digital platform. To participate, you’ll need to download the Box Tops App and scan your grocery receipt within 14 days of purchase. You’ll find more information here.
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Kroger Community Rewards
Have you signed up for Kroger Community Rewards and designated GA as your beneficiary? The more families who register, the more money our school receives through the program. Kroger Community Rewards offers a great way for you to support our school's technology fund and you don't have to spend a penny. You can search for GA or use our NPO number, 80200. The amount Guardian Angels receives depends on the points our supporters rack up while grocery shopping.
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Bulletin Advertising Available
Our bulletin publisher is looking for new advertisers and sponsors. Thanks to our sponsors, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to our parish. Please consider purchasing an ad. Your ad and participation make the bulletin successful, and you attract customers! If interested, please email Sherry Montel or call/text her at 614-301-7444.
Advertisements and sponsorships can be purchased for a business, family, charity, in Honor or in Memory of a Loved One, or to support the church or a community service organization, such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We appreciate your support.
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Community News
McNicholas High School
Explore McNicholas High School this fall and learn more about how you can Find Your Brilliance as a Rocket! Click here to view our admissions calendar, list of events, and steps to apply. To register for a shadow day, Information Night, Open House, HSPT, and more, click here. We can’t wait to meet you!
SHADOW DAYS – Explore McNicholas High School’s campus, meet our faculty and students, and experience our signature, close-knit community firsthand.
APPLY – Applications are open from September 1st through November 15th.
HSPT REGISTRATION – Now through November 20th. Test is on November 23rd. Register for the HSPT or Prep Course today.
INFORMATION NIGHTS – September 25th and October 10th. SAIL Program information night is October 10th prior to the general session.
OPEN HOUSE – October 20th 1-4 pm & October 21st 5-7 pm.
FUTURE ROCKET SPORTS NIGHTS – Girls Volleyball September 19th at 6:30 pm & Football October 11th at 7pm.
PARENT COFFEE – October 7th, November 7th, and December 9th
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Stay connected to GA through the following social media platforms: | |
If you have news to share with our community, please send it in through the link above labeled Send In News For The Herald. Information is due on Friday; the week before you would like the news to be included in our newsletter. | |
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