Wednesday Cider
November 3, 2021
Welcome to this edition of VCCA's community newsletter focused on keeping Fellows, staff, and supporters connected. It's a crisp fall day in Virginia, perfect for "Wednesday Cider."
Today, we write in remembrance of Cal de Coligny, a pillar of the VCCA community who has left us too soon. We hope you'll join us in reflecting on his many contributions to this organization and our community.
In happier news, we introduce you to a new staff member, share our gratitude for a successful Fall Volunteer Day, announce our latest composer playlist, pass along a healthy helping of good news from Fellows, and look ahead to another event in our virtual Fireplace Series.
The VCCA community was saddened to learn of the passing of Calvert de Coligny, Jr., a longtime and dear friend of VCCA, who died unexpectedly on October 26, 2021, at his home in Roanoke, Virginia.
Cal was a board member of both VCCA and VCCA Abroad for many years, serving as Treasurer of both boards at various times. We are ever-grateful for Cal’s stalwart support and abiding love for VCCA, its mission, and its people.
Pictured: Cal de Coligny, Auvillar, France, 2003. Cal was an early proponent of VCCA’s acquiring the Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France.
Robinette M. Tiller Named Director of Annual Giving
VCCA is honored to welcome Robinette M. Tiller as our newest staff member. Tiller has more than sixteen years of experience working in the field of higher education and non-profit fundraising, notably as Senior Coordinator of Annual Giving at VCU Massey Cancer Center. She will help lead VCCA’s development efforts from our satellite office in Richmond.
“Robinette is a true fundraising professional," says VCCA Executive Director Kevin O’Halloran. "I look forward to collaborating with her in our work to grow philanthropic support for VCCA.”
Thanks to Our Fall-unteers
We're thankful for the wonderful group of Fellows, board, staff, and friends of VCCA who gathered at Mt. San Angelo for our recent Fall Volunteer Day.
Thank you to Betsy Elmore, Bryan Holleman, and the Meriwether Godsey team for providing a delicious lunch and morning refreshments to our volunteers. And a special shout out to Fellows Idris Anderson, Sharon Harrigan, and Ivy Parsons, who took time out of their current residency to pitch in. We were happy to be joined by master gardener Sue Piepho, board member Jacquie Glanz, VCCA Fellow Reinetta Van and her husband Frank (who came all the way from Norfolk!), staff members Mayalin, Kevin, Sheila and Derrick, Derrick's cousin "Q," Craig Pleasants, and Resident Fellow Paige Critcher (who took these photos!).
Join Judy Bolton-Fasman and Alonzo Davis on November 18
This month, our virtual VCCA Fireplace Series event will focus on the Alonzo Davis Fellowship. Tune in at 7:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, November 18, for a reading by Judy Bolton-Fasman, a three-time VCCA Fellow who was most recently in residence in Summer 2021 as an Alonzo Davis Fellow, and a presentation of his work by Alonzo Davis himself!
Alonzo Davis' career as an artist spans four decades. He came to VCCA as a Fellow for the first time in 1995. As a VCCA Board member in 2007, he challenged VCCA to create a permanent, fully-funded, two-week residency for outstanding American writers, visual artists, and composers of African or Latin American descent: the Alonzo Davis Fellowship.
Relive an Evening of Poetry
Many thanks to Amanda Galvan Huynh, Patricia Spears Jones, and Margaret B. Ingraham — poets all — for sharing their time and words with us in last month's Fireplace Series event celebrating the Richard S. and Julia Louise Reynolds Poetry Fellowship.
Mid Atlantic Arts Creative Fellowships
Writers, visual artists, and composers living in Delaware, Maryland, New York, and West Virginia are eligible for fully-funded two-week or one-month VCCA residencies supported by the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation. These fellowships are available during our Fall 2022 scheduling period (September 1 to December 31, 2022) at Mt. San Angelo in Virginia.
To be considered for a Mid Atlantic Arts Creative Fellowship, complete the “Application for Mt. San Angelo Residencies” by January 15, 2022. All applicants from eligible mid-Atlantic states will be considered.
Give these five featured composers a listen this month:
- Daron Hagen | All Through
- Chin Ting Chan | fuse
- Nascuy Linares | Trance
- Kari Watson | Mx. Mechanica
- Gary Davison | Most Glorious Lord of Life
Music submissions are accepted from VCCA Fellows on a rolling basis.
Fellows, please share your news. This is a way to tell the VCCA community about your work. We're always especially interested in stories about work created in connection to your VCCA residency.
Virginia native Jocelyn Nicole Johnson's much-anticipated debut fiction collection My Monticello was published in October. The book's title novella is set to be adapted for a Netflix film.
Linda Stillman’s art work is on view virtually in “Landscape Deconstructed: Mimi Czajka Graminski & Linda Stillman” at The Hammond Museum and Japanese Stroll Garden in North Salem, NY. The show can be seen on their website until June 2022.
Diana Woodcock's fourth full-length poetry collection, Facing Aridity (a finalist for the 2020 Prism Prize for Climate Literature) was just released by Homebound Publications/Wayfarer Books.
"My latest piece on refugees was just published in Arrowsmith Journal: The Lonesome Struggle of LGBTQ Refugees. Also, my writings on refugees won the 2021 Pen American Jean Stein Grant for Literary Oral Histories. And my novel on the subject, The Good Deed, is to be published by Red Hen Press, a novel I worked on a lot at VCCA."
"My debut novel, The City of Good Death, was recently shortlisted for the Center for Fiction's 2021 First Novel Prize. I wrote significant portions of the book, and even finished the first draft, while at VCCA."
Brian O’Hare is the winner of the 2021 Veterans Writing Award. He won for his short story collection Something Hidden, which Syracuse University Press will publish in Fall 2022.
🧡 Stay safe, and be well.
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