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To perpetuate more than two centuries of shared ideals and friendship; to build lasting, practical working ties; and to advance solutions to problems of shared concern.
You do not need a Zoom account to join. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event. You can find the full list of descriptions and recordings of our webinars on our website.
Open to the public

Next Tuesday, we are honored to welcome Gale A. Brewer, the 27th Borough President of Manhattan, who will examine the biggest challenges Manhattan faces this year in the context of COVID-19.

Title: "What are the Biggest Challenges Facing Manhattan in 2020?".
Date: Tuesday, September 22 at 1:00 pm EST
Speaker: Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President 
Moderator: Simon Tafoya, Managing Director at PayIt (2018 Young Leader)
Private event

Title: Young Leaders Café 1: "Global Perspectives on the Coronavirus Response"
Date: Thursday, September 24 at 1:00 pm EST
Speakers: Alexander Slater (2016 Young Leader) & Olivier Kamanda (2017 Young Leader). Alexander and Olivier will compare the responses to the coronavirus pandemic from (respectively) India and Switzerland, and will ask you about your area's response.

If you are a Young Leader and would like to participate, please send an email to kdemallie@frenchamerican.org
Information & updates about the Foundation and its programs.

The Transatlantic Forum assembles professionals of all backgrounds on a virtual monthly basis to advance crucial dialogue between France and the United States.

The mission of the Transatlantic Forum is twofold:
  • to bring together a carefully selected group of well-networked professionals already established in their careers to engage in frank discussion on issues of common concern—politics, innovation, culture, and current events, among others
  • to build lasting friendships between its members.

If you are interested in learning more about this program, you can take a look at our Transatlantic Forum page or send an email to nbastin@frenchamerican.org

Our second virtual Transatlantic Forum of the fall (private event only for our Transatlantic Forum members) will be the following:
Title: Book talk: "Trampled By Unicorns"
Date: Wednesday, October 14 at 6:00 pm EST
Speaker: Maëlle Gavet, French businesswoman, author, and entrepreneur
Moderator: Virginie Raphael, Managing Director at Tusk Strategies/Tusk Ventures & Forum Member
Public schools reopening
"At last, New York City’s public schools should soon be back in session. Schools are set to reopen next Monday, Sept. 21, 10 days later than originally scheduled — and only after weeks of wrangling between City Hall, students, parents and teachers. (...)"

"What can we learn from regional enrichment centers, which hastily opened just before the peak of the coronavirus pandemic? (...)"

"COVID-19 is a catalyst for families who were already skeptical of the traditional school system—and are now thinking about leaving it for good. (...)"

"Central administrators haven’t done nearly enough to help principals and teachers find their own best ways to cope with the coronavirus. (...)"
The French-American Foundation is happy to promote the events of our partners on a regular basis.

The Consulate General of France in New York invites you to join Drs. Simon Wain-Hobson, virologist at the Institut Pasteur, and Marie-Paule Kieny, Research Director at Inserm, in a live Zoom conference to address the latest findings and knowledge on the virus and the challenges faced in developing a COVID-19 vaccine.

When: Wednesday, September 30 at 12:30 pm EST
Where: Online via visioconference
If you want to attend the conference, please click on this link. The number of participants is limited.
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked disaster on an international level claiming nearly 1,000,000 lives and infecting almost 30,000,000 people (source, NYT). The medical research community has been mobilized on a global scale since early 2020 to better understand the source and cause of this virus, its transmission patterns, and how best to develop safe, effective treatments and/or therapies. For more info, click here.

Inaugurated in October 2009, this series of conferences – the title of which refers to the Consulate General’s address situated at 934 on New York’s renowned Fifth Avenue – brings together, once a month, a French and an American figure with the objective of providing a double perspective on the major international issues. More info.