Photo: Tukhipoda, Odisha, India, Mubeen Siddiqui/MCSP
Engaging the Private Sector in High Quality Neonatal and Child Health Care
Date: Thursday 20 May, 2021
Time: 11am - 12pm EDT [GMT-4]
Please join the Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Subgroup for a webinar on work recently conducted in Nepal and other contexts aiming to engage private health providers in scaling access to high quality neonatal and child health services. The webinar will highlight key lessons from the Nepal experience that can directly inform global efforts, such as the importance of appropriately segmenting the private sector for engagement, emphasizing quality interventions that include and go beyond training, and other key steps implementers and governments can take to practically engage private health care providers and facilities.
  • James White RN, MSc - SHOPS Plus Clinical Advisor
Moderated by:

  • Catherine Clarence - Abt Associates & PSE subgroup co-chair
Please register using the link below in order to access the meeting connection 
information and add the webinar to your personal calendar.
The Child Health Task Force is managed by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. through the USAID Advancing Nutrition project and funded by USAID and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.