Volume XIV Issue 222 | Tuesday, June 7th, 2022
The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett
This isn’t usually a movie review column, but I’m here to tell you that Top Gun: Maverick is the sequel we didn’t know we needed.

I had no expectations walking into the theatre last Friday. I was sixteen when the last movie came out.

Right in the middle of my Tom Cruise crush phase. (It started with Risky Business, grew strong with Top Gun, Cocktail, Rain Man, even Days of Thunder, then slowly faded between Eyes Wide Shut and Tom’s jumping on Oprah’s couch.)

I actually had a list of future baby names based on the characters he played. (Jake and Lan – you can thank me now that you’re not Maverick and Cole.)
But I digress… sequels are tough. They rarely live up to the first film. For every Godfather II, there is an Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. I didn’t know what was ahead and I was worried.

The movie hit all the right places. From the nostalgic nods and memories to the soundtrack that honored the past with updates for the present. (I still think Lady Gaga should have remade “Take My Breath Away” instead of “Hold My Hand.”)

One of my favorite scenes is when Maverick visits a bar and reconnects with an old flame.

As he leaves, he looks though the window and sees the new bunch of pilots gathered around the piano while one performs “Great Balls of Fire.”

Just as I started to remember the same scene with Goose and Meg Ryan, Maverick does too and it is so perfect.

That happens more than once in this film. The line between viewer and protagonist is blurred and it works somehow. Maverick’s memories are ours, as are his conflict, reflection, and resolution. It is one of the most satisfying movies I’ve ever seen.

Just go see it! And while you’re there, wish a Happy 25th Anniversary of the Uptown Cinemas to Mike and Carolyn Smith. I had graduated from college, waiting to do my student teaching when Carolyn called and asked me to help open the new theatre. Get there early and check out the hand-painted sconces.

On a related note, Landon told me that the theme of Summer 2022 is 80’s. It’s on Tik Tok so it’s official. Between the nostalgia of Top Gun and the retro vibes of Stranger Things, it only makes sense. In order for the post millennials to get it right, I’m offering these suggestions from the summer of 1986:

  • Besides Top Gun, watch Stand By Me, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Pretty in Pink
  • Listen to “If you Leave”, “Rumors”, “Manic Monday”, the new Madonna album, and the Top Gun soundtrack
  • DO NOT lay out in the sun with Wesson oil in hopes of getting a tan
  • Countdown to the Fair doesn’t start until August (if you know, you know)
  • Don’t go anywhere without your Ray Bans, cropped tank tops, Swatch, wildly printed shorts, white flats, and big earrings
  • Gallatin Beach is the place to be, there might even be some local boys recreating the iconic volleyball scene
  • Cheerleading camp is a close second, especially when you and your bestie get a Superior trophy
  • Get your gas at Flying J so you can purchase a blue raspberry Slush Puppy at the same time
  • Baseball games at Memorial Park are often where everyone ends up
  • You’re not allowed at the Rocks
  • When your friend Andrea comes to town, check the oil in the vintage Mustang before you beg your mom to take it for a cruise
  • Above all remember who your best friends are (Becky, Nikki, Rachelle) and that (most) boys are stupid and not worth your time

That’s all I can divulge for now. See you next week!
Remember when news was ‘newsy’? When you read about weddings, family events and engagement announcements in the newspaper? If you have something that might be newsworthy, please submit it to shelleybennett24@gmail.com and I’ll do my best to include it here in “The Good Stuff.”
LMUD Islanding with HLP for
Maintenance but No Outages Are Expected
Due to PG&E planned maintenance on the Caribou transmission line, Lassen Municipal Utility District will be receiving power from Honey Lake Power until approximately 3:00p.m., on Friday.

There will be another islanding event beginning June 15th at approximately 7:00a.m., through July 1st at approximately 6:00p.m.
“LMUD does not anticipate any issues from these events, however, as with any islanding event, we want our customers to be informed and prepared,” explains LMUD Public Relations Manager Theresa Phillips.

LMUD will post updates to their Facebook page and to their website, www.lmud.org.

“If an outage should occur, we will be using our text alert system to inform customers. To enroll in the text alert system, please text the letters, LMUD to 877-754-7697.”
Lassen Agriculture Department
Holding Pesticide Disposal Event
Do you have any pesticides that you no longer need, or want? The Lassen County Ag Department is currently working with neighboring northern counties to put together a few pesticide disposal events, giving residents an opportunity to get rid of any unwanted pesticides.

“However,” explains Agricultural Biologist Kelsey Marks, “we need an idea of what pesticides are to be disposed of and how much pesticide each person plans to get rid of.”

Please click here to download the survey and contact the Lassen County Ag Department office at 1.530.251.8110 or LCAGR@co.lassen.ca.us before June 13th for more information.
NWS Weather Bulletin: Triple Digits This Weekend? NOAA Says Maybe
Summer’s first multi-day period of heat is projected Thursday through Saturday and forecasters at the Reno Office of the National Weather Service are warning area residents to expect highs well into the 90s here in the Honey Lake Valley and Western Nevada, and into the 80s for Sierra communities, with potential for some records on Friday.

There is a 20-25% chance of cities such as Reno and Fallon hitting one hundred degrees on Friday.
Heat health impacts are possible, especially for vulnerable populations and those outdoors for extended periods. Now is a suitable time to ensure that cooling systems are in good working order.

Winds are expected to increase for the upcoming weekend. While not a major wind event, widespread gusts of 30 to 40mph are possible each afternoon Saturday and Sunday.

This would cause rough water on lakes, tricky travel for high profile vehicles, and increased turbulence for aviation. With dry air expected, these winds could also cause increased concern for rapid fire spread in vegetation that dries out due to the upcoming heat.

The hot temperatures will also result in minor rises on creeks and streams in the Sierra from snowmelt. Slightly higher flows of cold water could impact recreation and camping near streams, however levels will be well short of any flood stages.
Mt. Lassen’s new crater in August 1914 after a summer of eruptions. ~National Park Service Photo~
Mt. Lassen is True Volcano in Eruption
Eye-Witness of Titanic Action Sends Account to the Gazette
Four Susanville Men Visit the New Crater
One Party is Lowered Over the Brink but Cannot Tell Depth
June 7, 1914

A party consisting of J. L. Brambilla, Justin Feher, Alexander Sifford, George Olson and Harry Kaul, has just returned to Susanville from Drake’s Springs, seven miles southeast of Mt. Lassen, from which point they went direct to the active crater of Mt. Lassen, leaving here Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.

After going through the violent thunder and lightning storms they arrived at Chester at 8:30 p.m. at 8:05 of the morning of June 1, the second eruption took place. This they witnessed and photographed from Chester.

They left immediately for Drake’s Springs arriving at one o’clock that afternoon. They visited Devil’s Kitchen and Boiling Lake, fining the usual activity there. Boiling Lake is only one of its kind known, it being a lake of boiling water. Devil’s Kitchen is a mass of geysers, boiling mud and springs.

The morning of June 2, they left Drake’s Springs at five o’clock and started for Mt. Lassen, 10,640 feet high and seven miles northwest, arriving there at 10 o’clock. This trip was over snow that sometimes attained a depth of 15 feet and was made on horseback and on foot until the foot of the summit was reached, at which point the horses were abandoned.

The party spent three hours and a half taking photographs and noting conditions in general.

The crater is about 325 feet in length and 75 feet in width. Its depth unknown.

J. L Brambilla was held over the edge of the crater by other members of the party while observations were made and photographs taken, this being very difficult owing to the gases, steam and dust at the crater’s edge.

The edge is cracked for some distance outward. Volcanic mud, ashes and boulders, which range in size from those weighing a few ounces to tons, cover an area of over 1,000 acres, this area extending more to the northeast.

The ascent consumed some two hours, while the descent was made in 35 minutes, members of the party sliding down the snow from the summit to the point where the horses were tied.

The return journey was then commenced, arriving at Drake’s Springs at 4:30 in the afternoon and leaving there this morning at five o’clock for Susanville. The party has valuable photographs as they are the first ones actually to visit the crater since the eruption.
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