Gala Advent of 1924
Many Festivities, Honks of Horns and Toots of Whistles Welcome New Year
January 1, 1924
Miss 1924 was given a joyous and boisterous welcome in Susanville this year. The toots of whistles, the honking of horns and the sound of pistol shots heralded the demise of 1923 and the birth of 1924.
Many celebrations were held throughout Susanville and vicinity in honor of the occasion.
There were card parties, house warmings, and numerous other private affairs. The several public functions held were notable for the large attendance and the fun had.
Elks Ball Brilliant Affair. The annual Elks ball which was held at the Story Club on New Years Eve was a merry festival of fun and frolic. It was the largest and most successful affair of its kind ever held here.
The same snappy and piquant seasoning which characterizes the social dishes served by this organization was much in evidence last Monday evening and Tuesday morning. It was around 4:31a.m., when the revelers made tracks for home.
Purple and White Decorations. The Story Club was tastefully decorated in the colors of the Elk, purple and white, and on the stage standing out in bold relief was the Elks motto: “Faults of Our Brothers We Write Upon the Sands: Their Values Upon the Tablets of Love and Memory.”