Midpoint Evaluation
Tracking Progress and Enhancing Learning
At semester's midpoint is an essential opportunity for your students to examine their progress in a course and for you to do a check-in on teaching your course.
Midterm Grades
As an instructor, you can help students become aware of their standing through the midterm grade submission. Midterm grades are due Friday, March 8, by 2:15 p.m.
Plus/Delta: A Course Check-In
The Plus/Delta tool, also known as the Midterm Assessment Technique, helps students reflect on their responsibility to your course, what they should continue doing to learn (PLUS), and what they need to change for the course to improve for them (DELTA) (Helminski & Koberna, 1995). It also gives feedback on what changes could help within the course by asking these four open-ended questions:
- What is helping me to learn in this class?
- What changes are needed in this course to improve learning?
- What am I doing to improve my learning in the course?
- What do I need to do to improve my learning in this course?
Students complete the plus delta using paper or online (Canvas Classic quizzes, TopHat, Qualtrics, etc.) during the fourth through the eighth week of the semester. Then, you summarize the results and share themes back with the class.
This feedback process sends a powerful message to students that they have responsibility for their learning. It also demonstrates that you, as the instructor, are willing to receive feedback and specify what modifications will (or will not) be implemented. To get started, review CELT's Use formative course feedback guide.