Down the road, should any neighbors wish to learn advanced preparedness skills, OEM can also get our community slots for September's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic. This a FEMA-developed two-weekend course in hands-on personal emergency preparedness. It is taught by the Anne Arundel/Annapolis CERT at the County Fire Training Academy. For more information, please visit this link.
But we need to start small and there is probably no more pressing need than to prepare now for what we all know is coming, and that’s a frighteningly unprecedented hurricane season that OEM briefed some of us about last month. Learn more here.
So please let us know how many of you would be interested in OEM’s Storm zoom on July 16 so Jim can send out invitations.
Then we’d like to gauge interest in any of the other course offerings listed above. You can reply directly to me or, maybe more efficiently, you could just answer directly to Jim so he can decide if AOTB’s interest warrants special course offerings for us or whether smaller numbers of our neighbors could be folded into existing county-wide courses.
Finally, we’re all busy with something — work, family, home, whatever — but when disaster strikes, as it surely does, shoulda-woulda-coulda just won’t substitute for, planning, training, and a solid knowledge base.
Just to remind you that disaster can happen here, below are some photos of the damage Tropical Storm Isabel did to our community in 2003. Remember too, that within the past few years AOTB has been subject to severe storm flooding as well as at least three major fires resulting in personal injury and total property losses, proving that anything can happen anytime and that it just makes sense to be ready.
-- David Delia