July 3, 2018
"Raising The Bar Of Excellence In Your General Contracting Services"

As we approach Independence Day, I start to reflect on what independence truly means. To me, it is freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom to dream, and most importantly, freedom to execute a vision. 
Being in the construction field for nearly 20 years, it seems like yesterday when I first learned to sweep in circles, starting on the outside and working my way to the middle, so that the job sites were left clean and SAFE daily. The journey to becoming a construction leader started early on, when I was a mere 13 years old. From those early stages, I was taught to do the right thing on each project, no matter what the size, even if it meant taking the road less traveled. Throughout my years in construction, I have worked my way from laborer, carpenter and foreman until becoming a project manager. After graduating college, I tested the waters in other industries for a short period of time, until realizing my true passion was in construction. It was then I decided to realize my dreams and embark on my own journey to becoming a construction leader and, thus, Regal Restoration was born. 
Regal Restoration's core values - Safety, Efficiency, Communication, Education - speak for themselves. Safety is Regal’s top priority, as without a safe working environment we cannot protect our largest assets, which are our employees, clients and counterparts. Efficiencies are a must, as without efficiencies, we would not be equipped to properly operate our business and would be unable to maintain high level customer satisfaction. Communication is more important than ever, and given the technology era, it is much easier to provide accurate and immediate communication to the appropriate parties throughout each project. Education creates value - whether we are educating our team members - or our clients, full transparency is essential in setting expectations so that each client feel included in the entire life cycle of a project. A client or team member should never feel left in the dark.
Those who know me, know that authenticity and excellence are qualities I respect and strive for daily. It is not necessarily what  you are doing, it is  how  you are doing it, and how you approach a situation that matters most. This Independence Day I am going to consistently practice what I have always believed in, which is to do what’s right and praise the free country we live in. Thank you to all our loyal and trusted clients, we at Regal are forever grateful for your ongoing partnerships!

Regal Restoration | 732.526.4445 (Office) | 732.526.4447 (Fax)

Toll Free: 877.ONLY.REGAL

info@RegalRestorationUSA.com | RegalRestorationUSA.com