The Every Girl Can Learning Institute, Inc

Invites you to
Discover Pediatrics
In The New Era of Healthcare
A Virtual Tour and Presentation
for Middle School Girls
(5th graders welcome)
Sat. Feb. 20, 2021

9:00 am to 11:00 am - FREE

Register Here
Limited Enrollment -
Please Reserve Your Spot Today
About the Program
Please join us for the second in a series of
Saturday, STEM Discovery enrichment programs for middle school girls.

Discover Pediatrics will feature a virtual tour of Ettienne's Premier Pediatric Care (EPPC), located in Bowie, MD and, a presentation by Dr. Suzette Ettienne, Chief Operating Officer and Medical Director. at EPPC.

Girls will Discover:
1-What are the educational and professional requirements required to become a pediatrician
2-Review medical equipment and tools used to examine and evaluate patients
3-Take a virtual tour of Dr. Ettienne's office
4-Discover some new medical innovations in pediatrics
5- Discover which courses to study and career choices in pediatrics
6- Ask questions

Prizes will be awarded for participation so please be prepared to ask questions and share information. A list of questions appears in the Eventbrite announcement.

There will be, two, 45-minute sessions with a 15-minute break in between, then ten minutes at the end for questions. A zoom link will be sent on FRIDAY evening.
Save the Date - Education Enrichment Programs - 2021
Sat - May 22, 13th Annual Every Girl Can Conference for Middles School Girls & Women. FREE for girls.
Theme- Girls Soaring in STEM - From COVID to Coding & Cybersecurity to Self-Care. STEM workshops for girls and a panel discussion for women/parents/educators. Theme: Nurturing Girls to Pursue & Succeed in STEM Through COVID & Beyond.

Sat. June 19 - Girl in Space - NASA Aerospace Engineer, Artist & Author - Dr. Sabrina Thompson. FREE

July 5 to 9 - Savvy STEM Girl Summer Camp - Half-day camp. Interactive sessions on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics. - Cost - $100.00 if virtual. If full-day, in-person camp- $250.00/per girl. Scholarships pending. TO BE FINALIZED. Please check website and Facebook page.

More education enrichment programs TBA