Our team compassionately and respectfully addresses the legal needs of vulnerable populations to provide timely access to justice – empowering our community with education and knowledge.

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Quarterly Updates

Q3 | 2023

A Note From Jen Lee, Executive Director

A bright future ahead...

Legal Services of North Dakota is in a season of growth. Executive Director Jen Lee took steps to update the website (lsnd.org), the phone and application process, and so much more!

Join us in celebrating these changes as Legal Services of North Dakota continues to grow and serve more communities!

Victims of Crime Section

North Dakota took a significant stride in safeguarding survivors of stalking by introducing a much-needed update to its Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) statute. This change...

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New Members of the Team

Melissa Lyke

I started my legal journey at the University of Denver, Colorado Women's College, in Colorado, earning a degree in Law and Society. After undergrad, I pursued a master's degree in social work and worked in child welfare for the City and County of Denver for 3 years. We said goodbye to Colorado and moved near Grand Forks where I pursued my passion and got my law degree at UND School of Law. I have been married for almost 11 years (Christmas Day) to my great husband, Justin and we have one son. In addition, we have three chihuahuas, a very independent cat, koi fish, turtles, chickens, and the newest addition, an albino axolotl.

Bekka Nitschke

I am very new to the team! I’m super excited to be given this opportunity to work here and grow in my position! My position with LSND is Client Support Specialist. I have always loved getting to work with people and helping in any way possible, so this position is a perfect fit. I grew up moving around to various parts of North Dakota. I am thankful for all of those moves because they grew my love for this state and allowed me to know it well. I love reading, music, movies, and trying out new recipes.

Meet more of our Staff
Employee Highlight

LSND Employee Highlight

Meet April Mogard, Intake Specialist at our Minot Law Office. April has been with Legal Services of North Dakota for a few years and loves all of the changes that are taking place! Watch the complete interview for more information on how April has made an impact on the LSND community!

Take the poll and tune into the next newsletter for the answer! Which statement is not true?
You must reside in North Dakota to receive assistance.
All civil matters can be addressed through legal aide.
Regardless of your residence, LSND can help if the legal matter is in North Dakota.

Elder Abuse: Combating Injustice

Elder abuse is the intentional mistreatment or harming of an older person. An older person is defined by the Social Security Act as someone over age 60. This abuse takes many forms – including physical, emotional, and sexual harm, neglect, and financial exploitation. More than 1 in 10 older adults experience some form of abuse each year. That number is likely much higher because elder abuse is often underreported– especially in underserved communities. 

Abuse victims typically show...

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