Why support the French-American Foundation this Giving Month?
Message from Emeline Foster

Dear All,

As Executive Director of the French-American Foundation for over two years now, I am inspired by the growing interest in our efforts to strengthen the relationship between France and the United States.

As tensions increase on an international scale, we cannot underestimate the value of candid, ongoing dialogue. The Foundation was created over 40 years ago with the understanding that the French-American relationship was key to a stable international working environment. The centuries-old partnership continues to play an active role to this day, from participation in international bodies like the G7 and UN Security Council to the working relationship between cities like New York and Paris. Bringing together leaders with different perspectives helps ensure that international actors are better equipped to work effectively with one another.

Today, our nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation organizes regular opportunities for leaders from different sectors to examine key issues of shared concern with their counterparts across the Atlantic. Each of our programs, whether longstanding initiatives like the Young Leaders program or new ones like the Transatlantic Forum, generates discussion around current events, public policy, and pragmatic solutions to complex international challenges.

This November, we’re counting on the generosity of our community to help advance this important work. As a donor, you become an active participant in these exchanges. Each dollar you give funds innovative platforms that strengthen ties between our two countries. I hope you considering donating today. Thank you for your support.


Emeline Foster
Executive Director
Already this fall, your contributions have helped us organize...
2019 Young Leaders Program
Week-long seminar in Chicago, Illinois bringing together leaders from France and the US to advance the transatlantic relationship
Three Policy Breakfasts
Round-table discussions with President François Hollande , former President of France; Ambassador Philippe Etienne , newly appointed Ambassador of France to the US; and Michael Wolff , best-selling author and journalist
Transatlantic Forums in NYC & Chicago
Monthly dinners examining American elections, trade wars, the climate crisis, and more
2019 Cyber Security Conference
Annual conference addressing emerging cyberspace challenges with experts from France and the US
Our work is made possible by donations from our growing community. Make a gift in support of the French-American Foundation today.
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